Alpha Inmate
: Chapter 29

He loves her.

And whether she’s ready to admit it, she needs him.

Her scent changed the moment he entered the basement. The sourness of her fear evaporated into sweet joy.

It was lust mixed with care, tenderness blended with need.

He knows she holds resentment, and he doesn’t blame her.

After all, they met under “questionable” circumstances.

But the suppressants that pump through his veins are strong enough to keep himself under control as she desperately latches to him, pulling him on top of her in the bed.

He keeps his inner Alpha under control, careful to stay in tune with what she needs. And right now, she needs him to touch her.

He’ll never tire of kissing her. It’s the most natural thing in the world. His lips meld with hers, and she sighs against his mouth.

“Omega,” he murmurs, between kisses.

“Please,” she begs. “Make it stop hurting, Erik.”

He doesn’t need to be told twice. He yanks down her soiled sweats, exposing her overheated body to the cool air. He reaches a hand between her legs and wraps the other one around her throat as he plays with her.

She arches into his touch and he squeezes tighter, just to remind her who she belongs to.

Like he suspected, she loves it. She soaks his fingers within seconds, and he works her to an orgasm shortly after. She comes quietly, his hand still wrapped around her throat, her voice escaping in choked gasps as she rides his hand.

When he finally lets her go, she gasps for air, but a wicked grin spreads across her face.

That’s my girl.

“More,” she demands, spreading her legs obscenely wide, exposing herself to him. “Inside me. Please.

As her Heat truly begins, her scent changes. It’s fucking irresistible, and he’s shucking off his clothes before he can think. His cock finds the entrance to her cunt, and he pushes in, unable to hold back anymore. They both groan in unison as he buries himself in her as deeply as he can, desperate to feel as close to her as possible.

He doesn’t hold back. He thrusts into her, fucking her ruthlessly on the bed, claiming her cunt over and over.

“You. Are. Mine.” He snarls with every slam of his hips, and she can only nod her head in agreement.

“Yours,” she whispers, wrapping her legs around his ass, taking him deeper.

His hand reaches back to her throat, and she gushes her slick down his cock. “You ever try to leave me,” he hisses. “I’ll hunt you down. You’ll never run from me again. Do you understand me, Omega?”

He squeezes too tight until her beautiful face turns pink, but she agrees. His mouth places punishing kisses on her throat, sucking bruises into every inch of her delicate skin.

Bite her, his Alpha snarls. Take her.

And it’s so, so tempting to do it. He wants to sink his teeth into her like a fucking animal and break the delicate skin of her gland, tying her soul to his forever.

One snap of his jaw and he could force every inch of her heart and mind to meld with his.

But whatever part of his heart is left knows that it’s inherently wrong.

He needs her permission, and that will make it even more delicious when she finally realizes what he’s known since the first day he met her.

They’re soulmates.

He’s sure to leave bruises with how tight he’s choking her, but she begins to spasm on his cock, milking him, and he comes with a roar. She follows suit, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she falls over the edge, her body vibrating from the intensity of her release.

It’s fucking heaven.

His balls tighten as his cock swells, and this time, it’s different.

He’s locked inside her so deeply, he’s not sure they’ll ever separate.

They pass out together, spooning just like the night in the hospital bed.

* * *

His Omega is freezing.

He’s slipped out of her sometime in the night, and he can hear her teeth chattering as he wraps her in more blankets. His own body is burning up, the symptom of a violent Rut, and he slips out of bed to prepare what she needs before they both lose control again.

She’s delirious when he comes back, her eyes glazed over as she regards him with confusion.

“Alpha?” she asks quietly, her voice soft and sweet.

And he wishes, more than anything, that she would share that same tenderness with him once she returns to her senses.

It most likely won’t be for a while, if ever, after what he’s done.

“Drink,” he says, holding a water bottle to her lips. She obeys without complaint, downing half the container at once.

“Thank you, Alpha,” she whispers. Her eyes are tender and full of longing, emotion shining through. “I need you, Erik. Touch me.”

He cups her face in his hands and kisses her deeply.

“There’s nothing I want to do more. You understand I’ll always take care of you, baby?” He whispers against her lips. “Always.”

Her fingers run through his hair, tugging at the scalp, and he groans.

“Love me, Alpha,” she murmurs.

“Always,” he growls. “I’ll never stop.”

She won’t remember his confession afterward, but for now, her pupils widen, and she gazes at him with wonder.

He expected the second round to be rough and violent, but he’s gentle with her, pushing her back down so they’re on their sides. His cock barely fits inside her, but the residual slick and cum lubricates him perfectly.

He thrusts once, then twice, into her as she gasps, backing her ass up against him.

“You’re so tight like this,” he whispers in her ear. “So fucking small. You’re such a good girl, taking it.”

His hands find her nipples and gently tug, and she falls over the edge, slick staining the bed. She grips his cock, rocking back and forth on his knot, gasping his name. He continues his assault, finding her clit and rubbing in slow circles as she spasms on his knot.

He pumps her full of cum until she stops moving, her body giving out.

She falls asleep before he does, and he whispers promises into her ear. He tells her secrets he knows she won’t remember.

He loves her.

He’s sorry it had to be like this.

He wants to be better for her.

She’s everything he wishes he could be.

And as he drifts asleep, he notices her scent changing back to its normal sweetness.

Her Heat is ending almost as soon as it began.

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