Alpha Inmate
: Chapter 18

She can smell him as soon as they step inside the building.

He’s irresistible.

She could cry at how welcoming it is to know she’s near him.

She screams internally.

He’s killed people, Ellie.

He’s not a good man.

She’s lost in her panic as Doctor Porter shows her the hospital wing, leading her to her room.

“It’s not the most comfortable,” the doctor says. “But there are extra blankets in the drawers, and it locks from the inside. Only Gerard has a key.”

Blankets. Build a nest.

“Thank you,” she whispers, clutching her duffel bag to her chest.

“Is there anything you need? I’ll camp in my office tonight, so I won’t be far.”

She swallows and hesitates. “If you have any fever reducer, that would be great. And any extra…suppressants.”

It shouldn’t be a bad word, but it is. To her, it’s embarrassing, and another reason why she shouldn’t work with Doctor Porter.

It’s a reminder that she’s the reason her family is gone.

But Doctor Porter is unphased at her request. “I’m sure we have some somewhere,” he says. “I would run to the drugstore for you if this damned storm wasn’t so reckless.”

True to his word, he returns in under a minute, handing Ellie a handful of pills and a water bottle. “Will this work?”

She takes two generic brand suppressants immediately, swallowing them down as the doctor watches.

“Yes,” she says, giving him her best fake smile. “Thank you.”

“I’m going to retire for the night,” he says, smiling back. “Gerard’s here, I’m here, and then we only have the one Alpha and Beta inmate. You’re completely safe.”

No, I’m not, she thinks. He knows I’m here. He’ll find me.

But she tells the doctor goodnight, and he leaves her alone in the room with the dull hum of the generators to keep her company.

She sets up as many blankets as she can to make the bed more comfortable. There’s a small bathroom in the corner, and she brushes her teeth and tries to ready herself for bed.

The door is locked. She made sure of it.

Her skin is still overheated despite the chill in the room. The slick has stopped for the moment, but she’s horrified it will leak again and Erik will smell it.

She needs to sleep.

Wrapping herself in as many blankets as she can, she settles into the bed, using the remote to adjust it to her comfort. She keeps the overhead light on, not ready to surrender to the darkness.

She finally checks her phone after putting it off for so long.

There’s one missed call from Lita, and one new text from Erik.

Are you alright?

It’s stupid, really, how her heart swells at the message.

Alpha cares for us!

But the joy is short-lived as she reminds herself of who he is.

No matter how badly she may want him, he’s off limits.

None of this is fair.

He’s the first person who won’t judge her for the hatred of herself and for the person who was driving the truck.

He wouldn’t judge her for her sick need for revenge, or the daydreams of torturing the man to death.

The one person who could truly understand her is sentenced to life in an institution.

So, she allows herself the tears, gently crying herself to sleep, hoping that the suppressants will do their job and postpone her Heat over for a few more days.

* * *

It’s freezing.

Even under the blankets, the chilly air stings her lungs, and she curls into a ball, shivering.

She groans, opening her eyes, but sees nothing but darkness.

The light isn’t on, and the hum of the generators has stopped.

It’s too cold.

“Oh no,” she breathes, sitting up in bed, feeling around for anything with a power source.

But the air physically hurts, and she wraps herself back in the blankets, unable to leave the bed.

The power’s out.

The wind howls, and she presses her body deeper into the mattress.

Cold. I’m so cold.

Her teeth chatter and her breath comes out in quick puffs, goosebumps rising on every inch of her body.

How ironic, she thinks, that I’ll die freezing to death, while my family burned to death.

The lock to her door rattles, and she prays it’s the wind playing tricks on her.

It has to be the wind. He can’t get in here.

The door creaks open, and she keeps as still as possible.

If I hide under the blankets, the monster won’t get me.

The scent of pepper and citrus caresses her as her heart races.

He’s only a breath away, and then his weight is covering her.

She kicks out and tries to scream, but his massive hand covers her mouth.

“Shh, shh, baby, it’s me,” he whispers in her ear. She shakes as he curls around her, a heavy weight in the dark.

“You’re so cold,” he murmurs, and she whimpers. “You’re too cold. That’s not good, sweetheart.”

He removes his hand from her mouth and pulls her close to him, wrapping his arms around her. It’s the most comfort she’s felt in ages.

She forgot what it’s like to be held.

“Go-go-away,” she breathes, her voice barely a whisper. “You sh-shouldn’t b-be here.”

“You’re freezing,” he hushes her, his hand smoothing away the hair from her neck. He places a gentle kiss there, his lips soft and warm, and she fights back a moan. “It’s too cold out here. It’s dangerous, sweetheart. You never know what monsters roam in the shadows.”

“N-no,” she hisses, even as she instinctively snuggles up against him, her back soaking up the warmth from his chest. “I don’t want you.”

He hums. “I think you’re a little liar, Omega.”

She doesn’t know how he fits in the tiny bed, but she’s thankful all the same. With her ass to him, she can feel his massive cock pushing against her. His scent caresses her, sending waves of pleasure throughout her body.

It’s wrong, for so many reasons.

“H-how did you get in?” she whispers, and his mouth finds her again, this time at the juncture of her shoulder and neck. His tongue finds her gland, flicking it gently back and forth, and she arches her back against him.

“I have my ways,” he murmurs, his voice low and silky. “You should know by now I can do anything.”

They’re still separated by blankets, but his body warmth is enough to take away the chill, and she allows him to continue his assault on her neck, his lips and tongue working gently on her skin. Slick drips out of her, soaking through her panties as her pussy clenches.

He’s going to make her come just from his gentle touches.

“Just feel,” he whispers. “Don’t think.”

And she doesn’t. In complete darkness, she can’t see anything, but she can feel. Her hand reaches out behind her to touch his hair, the locks thick and soft. He groans as she pulls it and she moans at the sounds he makes.

The storm rages outside, the wind howling, drowning out her gasps and soft cries. His body engulfs her, his hand dipping lower, ghosting over her nipples. He plays with one gently, rubbing over the blankets, until he pinches hard.

“Fuck,” she moans, and he hisses in response.

“You know what I wanted to do, the first time I saw you?” he whispers, and she shakes her head as he continues his fondling. “I wanted to fucking devour you. Make you forget everything except the way my hands, mouth, and cock feel on you.”

“Oh…” She grinds her ass hard against his cock, their bodies still separated by the blankets wrapped around her. Her back arches and she’s almost over the edge, just from him touching her.

“I wanted to pump you full of my cum until you couldn’t move. Make you my good little slut.”

That does it. She lets out a hoarse scream, grinding shamelessly against him as she soaks herself with slick, her body convulsing.

“Oh, fuck,” he groans. “Keep coming, baby. Good girl, soaking yourself for me.”

He sucks on her gland, hard, and a second wave hits her. He knows exactly how to touch her, and he plays her body perfectly, making her beg for more.

Then, he maneuvers her, turning her around, so she’s facing him. In the dark, she can’t see his face, but she reaches out, running her hand over rough stubble. She finds his lips, then leans in and kisses him, desperate for more contact.

It takes him by surprise. She leans her body against him, tugging at his hair as she presses her lips against him, and he freezes in shock. But he quickly regains his composure and plunges his tongue into her mouth, growling.

He tastes of spice and mint, and she can’t help but moan as he devours her.

“Touch me,” she begs, pulling away from his mouth to gasp for air. “Please.”

His clever hands find their way to the blankets, pulling them down as she kicks them off, leaving her in only her tank top and sweats. The air is still painfully cold, but his body heat acts as the perfect furnace, with his mouth placing searing kisses down her flesh.

She wastes no time in pulling her tank top off, exposing her breasts to him.

“Fuck,” he hisses, his hand traveling down her chest. “I wish I could see you right now.”

His fingers find her nipple as the other hand gently cups the back of her head, keeping her in place as he teases her with his fingers.

“How…how do you know how to touch me like this?” she gasps, arching her back. “I’ve never…I haven’t…”

It’s never been like this. With anyone.

“Because we’re mates,” he whispers, his mouth traveling to her collarbone. “Because you’re mine.

Warning bells ring in the back of her mind, but she doesn’t have time to argue as his wet mouth sucks on her nipple painfully hard, teasing the peak with his tongue. He switches his attention to the other one, and she grips his hair and pulls as he tongues her body ruthlessly.

Her sweats are the next to come off, but he makes no move to help her as she undresses, instead keeping his attention on her chest.

He’s letting her be in control. She’s giving, and he’s taking.

“Erik,” she gasps, and he growls into her chest. “Please. More.”

Suddenly, he removes his mouth from her chest, and she cries out as the cold air hits her. His weight leaves the bed, and she wants to scream in frustration. She’s terrified he’s leaving, abandoning her to her loneliness and arousal, but large hands pull her ankles, positioning her so her ass is flat against the bed, her legs spread obscenely.

Lighting flashes.

It lights up the room for a moment, and she sees the Alpha standing over the bed, his enormous frame towering over her. His face is dark, his expression one of desperation and hunger.

Her fear spikes, and she knows he can smell it.

“You only want me to fuck you in the dark, baby?” He asks, as her vision fades. “You want your monster only when you don’t have to look at him?”

She bites her lip and whimpers.

She hears rustling, then his breath ghosts across her cunt. “Lucky for you,” he murmurs. “I don’t mind.”

Then his mouth is on her, and she can’t contain her screams.

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