All Her Secrets by Chestnut
All Her Secrets Chapter 562 by Chestnut

Chapter 562 Surprise Everyone

Branden knew Catherine’s class schedule even better than Catherine herself. He knew she only had one morning class at Styre University that day, so he rushed over to see her once he finished his work.

Standing aside, Amelia initially couldn’t understand why such a handsome guy would approach them. It turned out he was seeking after Super Catherine.

‘He even called Super Catherine Kathy, such an intimate nickname,’ said Amelia inwardly.

She was staring at them without blinking, trying to figure out something.

The gaze by Catherine’s side was so passionate. Catherine wasn’t blind, so of course, she could sense it.

She slightly turned her body, looked up at Branden, and then turned her gaze to the side at Amelia. She calmly introduced, “My boyfriend, Branden Duncan!”

Branden knew that Amelia was Catherine’s roommate, so he politely nodded at her.


Amelia’s face turned red instantly when she was greeted by such a handsome guy.

‘Turns out this handsome guy is Catherine’s boyfriend,’ she thought.

Just a moment ago, she thought to herself that Catherine couldn’t appreciate the handsome guy for not being excited when seeing Hero. Now, she realized how wrong she was.

‘Who says she couldn’t appreciate handsome guys? She simply doesn’t care about Hero’s looks, that’s all.

‘If I had a handsome boyfriend like Branden Duncan, I wouldn’t even bother looking at other men,’ Amelia thought.

Enough daydreaming, Amelia decided to back off smartly.

“I gotta go rest upstairs. You guys keep chatting!”

Branden glanced at the back of Amelia as she ran off and chuckled softly, saying, “Your roommate is quite interesting!”

Catherine nodded in agreement. “Her personality is pretty good, very cheerful!”

Branden thought that Catherine just needed someone with a lively personality by her side.

Catherine was such a cold person.

Genius was meant to be lonely. She had long surpassed the heights that others could never reach in their entire lives.

This also destined her to an extraordinary life. So when Catherine chose to go to college, Branden did not oppose her decision and also felt that Catherine should experience the typical journey that most people take at her age.

“Feeling hungry?” His gentle voice surrounded Catherine’s ears.

Catherine shook her head and said, ” Nah, I’m not hungry. On our way back just now with Amelia, we stumbled upon a club recruitment event, and she convinced me to sign up for the esports club. Took us a bit of time.”

This could be considered an active response to the question posed by Branden earlier.

Branden gently took her hand and placed it beside him. “You could join the esports club since you play games often,” he said.

“Since you’re not hungry, how about taking a rest first and going out to eat later?”

The last half sentence was a question. Catherine heard it, but she didn’t really have any thoughts about going out to eat.

“Forget it. How about you cook?”

Branden was totally okay with cooking himself. Since Catherine wanted to eat his cooking, he would get in the kitchen.


Around 7 o’clock in the evening, Catherine was bored and playing games on her phone when Amelia suddenly ran over excitedly.

“Super Catherine, when are we going to hit the road?”

Catherine slightly raised her gaze, looking at Amelia with a puzzled expression in her eyes.

“Super Catherine, you didn’t forget about tonight’s esports club orientation meeting, did you? The senior told us we must not miss it!” exclaimed Amelia as she raised her voice.

The esports club only managed to recruit two female freshmen as new members.

The senior was so afraid that the new members would run away. After adding Amelia’s WhatsApp, she kept reminding and urging them to come tonight and not be late.

Actually, Catherine totally forgot it.

Of course, even the registration form was filled out by Amelia for her. She didn’t care about this at all. She didn’t even hear clearly what the senior student instructed them to do.

But it was not too late now. They could still go there in time.

“Are we going now?”

Seeing Catherine didn’t back out, Amelia let out a sigh of relief. She was actually worried that Catherine would say no and quit the esports club.

If that were the case, she wouldn’t be able to explain it to the senior at all.

“Come on. Let’s leave now!” replied Catherine.

Catherine turned off the game, took her hat, and pressed it onto her head, covering up a large part of her delicate eyebrows and eyes.

It was a bit of a distance from the dorm to the esports club, and by the time the two arrived, it was already past eight.

As soon as she walked in, Amelia immediately apologized.

“Sorry, guys. We’re late!”

The sudden and sweet female voice instantly caught the attention of all the guys inside.

It had been a long time since the members of the esports club saw any female members. Now, not only had girls finally shown up, but there were two of them.

The girl without a hat looked so cute and soft.

As for the one wearing the hat, although her face was not visible, her figure and demeanor were truly exceptional.

Upon their arrival, the senior student who had recruited them felt relieved and greeted them warmly.

Looking at the two with a big smile, she said, “It’s okay. Our esports club is not that uptight. As long as you can make it, come on in, two lovely freshmen!”

After she pulled the two in, the welcoming ceremony of the esports club kicked off.

Speaking of the welcome ceremony, it was essentially an opportunity for everyone to introduce themselves and share their gaming rankings, facilitating making friends through showcasing their strengths.

Everyone had finished introducing themselves, leaving only Catherine. Seeing that Catherine did not react, Amelia couldn’t help but bump into her.

Catherine finally realized what was going on and slowly stood up. Her voice was devoid of warmth. ” Catherine Swann, playing The Storm, platinum level.

It was a simple self-introduction, similar to the style shown by Catherine, austere and cold.

After finishing speaking, Catherine was about to sit down.

The rest of the people curiously sized up to Catherine, and nobody was surprised by her gaming expertise.

Girls are generally not as good as guys when it comes to playing games. Being in the platinum level is pretty normal for girls.

In The Storm, platinum level is the second to last rank, which is not really considered a great achievement.

‘But Catherine has such a cold personality,’ they thought.

The senior student awkwardly looked at Catherine, unsure why she always became cautious when facing Catherine.

Subconsciously, she was convinced by Catherine’s powerful aura.

“Catherine, now you’re also part of our esports club. You always wear that cap, and we can’t see your face clearly. How about taking off the cap and showing us your face?

“In the future, we’ll all be part of the same club. Just in case you have something going on, we can cover for you!”

It was just a habit for Catherine to wear a hat. She didn’t mean to target anyone in particular.

So, after the senior student made this request, Catherine nodded and took off the hat resting on her head. The moment the hat was taken off, her beautiful, delicate face instantly appeared before everyone’s eyes.

When everyone saw Catherine’s appearance, they couldn’t help but stare with wide eyes. Some even forgot to breathe.

‘Wow, what a beautiful face and such a pretty girl,’ said they inwardly.

At that moment, they finally understood why Catherine chose to wear a hat.

‘Going out with such a gorgeous face, she must have encountered a lot of. trouble.

‘After all, who could resist such a face?’ they thought.

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