Chapter 864

Alondra's announcement of taking Jenna as her goddaughter was accompanied by a lavish banquet, which made Ashlyn feel like she was going to vomit. Her fair face turned stormy, and her eyes shot out cold glares. Mrs. Ritter's expression was equally dark and bruised-looking.

The mother-daughter duo looked like a pair of clowns, especially when Alondra's mocking gaze occasionally fell on them. It felt like being clawed at the heart by countless cats.

Adriel maintained a smile on his face while explaining his decision to choose Jenna as his goddaughter solely based on her personality and connection with him, disregarding family background or education level. This statement landed as yet another painful blow to the Ritter family.

Ashlyn was furious - what made Jenna more suitable than her? Adriel's words were infuriatingly unfair.

Mrs. Ritter clenched her fork so tightly that it almost broke under the pressure of her white-knuckled grip. Alondra smiled wickedly and suggested that if they really wanted to find a godfather for Ashlyn, they could try approaching the Bennett family instead since Salvatore didn't have any daughters either.

But even if Salvatore did agree to take Ashlyn as his goddaughter, it wouldn't change their current reputation in society - ever since Ashlyn failed to win first place at the Graley Piano Competition and rumors began circulating about her personal life scandals, people had started avoiding them altogether.

The financial troubles haunting the Ritter Group further exacerbated the situation. To make matters worse, Abdullah had recently sparked a conflict with the Mcguire family over a matter, leading to the loss of Abdullah's job and his child with his mistress.

It seemed like every day brought new humiliations for the Ritter family - even during recent meetings with other families, they were constantly being pressured into submission until their faces hit rock bottom, while others stomped all over them mercilessly.

Although Abdullah was just a distant relative, he was still part of the Mcguire family. The Ritter family's shameless behavior had angered everyone in the Mcguire family. Alondra felt sick to her stomach every time she saw Mrs. Ritter now.

It wasn't just Alondra, Katie felt the same way too. She sat on Alondra's other side and used to be toxic friends with Ashlyn for a while. But now, they were more like enemies.

That mistress had no shame, but she was carrying the blood of the Mcguire family nonetheless. Not only did she get beaten up by the Ritter family, but Abdullah also lost his job.

Katie worked in showbiz and having an uncle like this could come in handy sometimes. Now that her uncle stepped down from his position... well, didn't that mean she lost another backer?

She glared at Ashlyn who happened to be looking at her at that moment when a waiter brought over a plate of mango coconut cake - it looked deliciously sweet and appetizing.

Using fork from their tableware set, Katie picked up a piece and offered it to Ashlyn with a smile on her face. "Miss Ritter, try this out! It tastes pretty good."

Ashlyn's expression immediately darkened/ "Miss Mcguire! What are you trying to do? You know I'm allergic to mangoes!"

Katie exaggeratedly shrugged. "Really? I don't remember anything about that! After all we're not close enough yet for me to know your secrets." Ashlyn watched as Katie acted so nonchalantly about it all; it only made her angrier inside - how dare this woman purposely try and upset me! What an insidious person!

Sylvia and Mrs. Wright were sitting together at another table when they happened upon seeing Katie and Ashlyn bickering across theirs. They couldn't help but sneer inwardly; these so-called socialites were nothing more than two chickens pecking each other apart here.

Sylvia's lips twitched involuntarily as she thought about how many people the Ritter family had offended lately - they can hardly blame others for stepping on them while they're down! Franklin noticed Sylvia staring off into space again. "What are you looking at?"

"Just something interesting," Sylvia replied before glancing back towards Mrs. Ritter once again.

Franklin followed suit with his gaze until he saw what was happening between those two women; he scoffed under his breath. "A group of losers."

He then turned away from them completely before noticing how close Sylvia was sitting next him - close enough where he could see every detail of her unblemished skin...

"Don't mind them," Franklin said softly as if reading Sylvia's thoughts aloud. "Let's eat."

As he spoke, he picked up a dish and served Sylvia some food. She looked up at him with watery eyes and said, "I've been investigating the Hipps Family these past few days. The person who framed them might be hiding in the red-light district."

Franklin paused with his fork in hand. "The red-light district is a tricky place to navigate." If their suspect was hiding there, it meant they were under the protection of the district.

Their conversation was hushed as they sat in a noisy banquet hall. Brayden was busy pouring drinks for guests while Jenna reluctantly followed suit. As today's leading lady, she had to maintain basic etiquette Adriel seemed to be enjoying himself as he drank more than his fair share of alcohol, leaving behind faint traces of age on his face. None of them noticed when a tall server walked over with a plate of sweet and sour carp.

The server's eyes were cold as he placed the dish on their table before turning around to leave. But just as he turned away, Franklin called out to him, "Excuse me."

The server stiffened slightly before turning back around. He had an attractive face but it was clear that parts of it had undergone plastic surgery.

"Could you bring us some juice?" Franklin asked curtly.

"Of course," replied the server before walking away again.

Sylvia watched him go and whispered softly, "Doesn't he look familiar?"

"I thought so too," Franklin replied cautiously before scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger or suspicion.

Although this man's build and back resembled someone else they knew all too well - Clark who had recently escaped from prison - there were no similarities between their faces or voices whatsoever. In one corner of the banquet hall stood the male server staring intently at Franklin and Sylvia's table; specifically at that plate of sweet and sour carp which nobody seemed interested in eating anymore despite its initial appeal moments ago...

He squinted his eyes, then reached into an icebox nearby whereupon retrieving a large bottle filled with fruit juice made his way over towards them once again...

"Why aren't you eating yet?" He approached and opened the juice, placing it on the table. "Please enjoy." His voice was hoarse and low, as if his vocal cords had been sawed.

Sylvia thanked him and was about to drink the juice when Franklin stopped her. "You can't drink this juice."

He then turned to Carolyn, who was about to pick up her fork. "Miss Howlett, this sweet and sour carp doesn't seem very fresh. Let's get another dish."

Franklin was highly alert; he felt a familiar sensation earlier that wasn't just a coincidence.

Carolyn hesitated but didn't say anything. The fish and juice remained untouched.

The male server nearby seethed with anger at their cowardice for not eating the food.

Wait... did they suspect him?

The server's mind raced as he took advantage of the crowded banquet hall to slip outside immediately after leaving his uniform behind in a hurry before running towards the parking lot. A few men in black rushed towards where he left but were too late as a black car sped away.

After finishing dinner, Sylvia took the bottle of juice with her as she left.

She met Mrs. Ritter and Ashlyn at the door; Mrs. Ritter still looked unhappy. "Oh, Miss Andrews, you're taking something with you even after finishing your meal?"

Her tone mocked Sylvia for being naive enough to care about a bottle of drink.

Sylvia raised an eyebrow at her, "Mrs. Ritter, don't talk like I'm only taking one bottle of drink home when I could take all Balfax Mansion's drinks if I wanted."

How shameless! She couldn't believe how brazenly she acted by trying to take things away while leaving!

Mrs. Ritter felt pain in her chest from anger before coldly walking towards her car; this party made everything hurt inside - especially Alondra's insults and Adriel's humiliation!

Sylvia got into Franklin's car with him beside her holding onto that same bottle of water, "We need to test this water later on," Franklin said," And what about that fish? Jasper, did you manage to get some?" Jasper sat, in front seat, driving, "Yes we did, but unfortunately our people weren't able to catch him since he is too cunning."

"It's okay, I remember his face," Sylvia's voice was cold as she spoke from inside the car. As she said this, she took out a pen and paper from the storage compartment of the car and quickly sketched a portrait with a few strokes.

The sketch was so lifelike.

She handed the paper to Jasper. "Have our guys investigate based on this appearance. He may have gotten away once, but he won't be able to next time."

"The doctor who was killed for no reason at the plastic surgery hospital..." Franklin narrowed his eyes into slits. "That man we just saw clearly had plastic surgery..." Sylvia lifted her cold gaze to meet his. "Are you saying..."

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