Chapter 858

As the sound of orderly footsteps approached, a tall and muscular man appeared before everyone's eyes, wearing a black mask on his face.

Everyone in attendance immediately stood up in unison, standing straight and staring at the masked man as he stepped onto the center stage.

The mask was intricately carved with totems, giving it a mysterious yet noble appearance. He stood there towering over everyone else like he was the king of this place.

"Next up we have our district chief giving a speech!" The host's voice rang out followed by enthusiastic applause.

The masked man took the microphone with his cold voice carrying an inexplicable hoarseness. "The annual anniversary celebration is here again. I hope everyone can enjoy themselves. Now I announce that the celebration has officially begun!"

Applause erupted once again as excitement filled every person's face.

With that sound began the biggest event of this anniversary celebration - their long-awaited auction.

Every year during this anniversary celebration, there would be a grand auction held at the main venue where many rare treasures would appear for bidding.

Money was no object for these people; if they wanted something badly enough, they would do whatever it takes to get it.

At the entrance to where they were holding auctions could be seen crowds of people.

Although she knew that red-light district's auctions were always packed with people but she didn't expect so many.

"As expected from red-light district's annual event. So many people." Jasper followed behind Franklin and Sylvia unable to help but exclaim.

Here fighting at any moment without warning was nothing out of ordinary things happening around here.

There were already some who started fighting fiercely because someone cut ahead in line right now!

As Franklin scanned the area, occasional screams could be heard echoing from different directions. His gaze finally settled on another pathway adjacent to the auction hall doors, which presented a stark contrast in scenery compared to what they had witnessed earlier. This pathway was wide and adorned with a luxurious red carpet, while an imposing sight awaited them. Dozens upon dozens of men dressed entirely in black stood in a line, emanating a chilling aura that discouraged anyone from attempting to pass through. The atmosphere surrounding this particular path was engulfed in an eerie silence, as the onlookers hesitated to challenge the foreboding presence of the men in black attire.

After Franklin's gaze swept past, he happened to see a group of men walking on the red carpet. His gaze finally fell on the tall man in the center wearing a black mask, black short hair, and exuding an icy coldness that lowered the temperature in the air.

"The owner of the red-light district?" Franklin raised his eyebrows with a heavy expression.

Sylvia stood beside him and also noticed the masked man on the red carpet.

"I wonder what kind of face is under that mask," she said.

"What? Do you want to see?" Franklin glanced at her with jealousy in his eyes. He didn't like her looking at other men.

Sylvia's rosy lips curled slightly. "What are you talking about? Don't you see where we are now?"

Franklin tilted his head slightly, and a hint of pleasure flashed through his eyes. Although Sylvia scolded him just now, he felt inexplicably sweet inside. It felt good.

The man quickly suppressed his pleasure and put on an emotionless expression again.

He took Sylvia's hand and entered the auction house. However, Guo Yongyong had a feeling that she was being watched by some dark vampire bat because of that cold and sinister look from before by Mask Man.

She took a deep breath as several groups of people rushed in, shortly after the masked man entered the auction house. Without exception, all of them belonged to the powerful forces of the red-light district. This was a rare visit for Jasper, and his curiosity was piqued. He felt like he was opening up new horizons, expanding his knowledge. Walking alongside Sylvia and Franklin, they proceeded down the dimly lit aisle until they reached its end.

Turning around, a spacious and brightly illuminated auction venue unfolded before their eyes. Jasper couldn't help but gasp at the sight. This auction venue was even grander than Urgford's, owned by Weston. The densely packed seats and the dazzling crystal chandeliers overhead made one's head spin.

"Excuse me, sir or Karina. What is your seat number?" A maid dressed in service attire hurriedly approached them, respectfully inquiring. The woman did not answer verbally but instead handed over her invitation letter directly. As the service staff examined the letter, surprise flickered in their eyes, and their attitude became more respectful. Bending down slightly, the staff member spoke, "This is a VIP invitation letter. Please follow me."

With that, the maid led the way, and Sylvia, Franklin, and Jasper followed closely behind. After walking through the vast venue for about five minutes, the server finally stopped near the auction stage and smiled softly at Sylvia, pointing to a seat. "Please have a seat, all three of you."

Sylvia raised an eyebrow and sat down on one of the spacious and exquisite chairs. Not only that, there was also a small coffee table in front of their seats with snacks, fruits, drinks like milk tea or red wine. The chair was made from materials similar to that of a sofa which made it very comfortable to sit on compared to regular hard chairs behind them.

The first two rows were all equipped with these small coffee tables along with matching seats. All guests seated here were VIPs who were either big shots from around the world or those from red-light district. They had never seen Sylvia's group before so when they saw them sitting in VIP area, they couldn't help but cast curious glances towards them.

Sylvia paid no attention to them but quietly waited for the auction to begin.

A young man with dark purple lips turned his gaze back towards his companion - an elderly man also sporting dark purple lips - "Master, what's wrong?" "Nothing really," Casey Gentry said while slightly furrowing his brows. "I just find those three people strange... I've never seen them before."

"We've been in red-light district for years now as Blood Medical Sect, so we can't be compared to ordinary ants," Carmelo Gentry said coldly while exuding an air of disdain in his words. "Those three are nothing more than ants; Master, you don't need to pay any attention."

"This time we came for Healing Herb," Casey pursed his dark purple lips together tightly. "Otherwise even if it was anniversary celebration I wouldn't want to come here... we must not let it fall into someone else's hands."

Carmelo sneered. "Master can rest assured that I have prepared everything around this auction house; even if Healing Herb falls into someone else's hands, he will definitely not be able to leave red-light district alive."

Casey curled up one corner of his mouth into a sinister smile: "That's good."

Healing Herb is extremely important for their entire Blood Medical Sect because all disciples practice martial arts called Blood Medical Palm. However, practicing this martial art too long will cause poisoning which gradually invades their body over time, as they progress further in cultivation level.

The Blood Medical Sect was a powerful force, with all of its disciples skilled in healing and saving lives. However, their fees were extremely high, but their medical skills were excellent, especially in detoxification and some difficult diseases.

They were like a medical dynasty in the red-light district.

However, even such a medical dynasty could not cure the weakness of their own family's martial arts practice. Therefore, everyone in their family had a distinctive feature - dark purple lips.

The appearance of Healing Herb would undoubtedly bring new life to their family. After all, if they did not find a way to counteract the toxicity of their family's martial arts soon enough, the entire clan would face extinction.

Casey was an heir to the clan and had extremely high medical skills. Therefore, his poisoning was also very deep. No one in the Gentry family wanted to see such a medical genius perish.

This time Healing Herb would appear at this auction house and they must seize it at any cost.

No matter what price they have to pay.

Healing Herb is rarely seen on earth so not many people know about it. Blood Medical Sect can be said to be determined to get it at all costs.

Just then came the crisp sound of silver bells ringing out loud and clear.

After hearing this sound, the entire noisy venue suddenly became silent.

Sylvia looked up towards the stage only to see an old man with white hair smiling down at everyone.

"It's finally starting." Franklin whispered as he looked around at almost packed auction hall before leaning close towards Sylvia's ear.

Sylvia felt his warm breath spraying over her earlobe, making her feel ticklish inside as she couldn't help but reach up and touch her earlobe, saying, "Don't tease me."

Franklin chuckled softly before sitting back down again.

Countless eyes turned towards the old man; if looks could kill then this old man might have been pierced through countless times by now.

"Hello, everyone! I'm sure you've been waiting impatiently," said the old man wearing black suit with smile on his face as he spoke; being an experienced auctioneer he knew exactly what these people were thinking about - definitely not him but those treasures that are going up for sale tonight!

"I am today's auctioneer Finnegan Marshall; now I announce that our auction has officially begun." As soon as his voice fell two hostesses walked over, placing something on stage before retreating back into shadows once more.

Finnegan gently lifted the red velvet cloth covering it, revealing a carefully crafted dagger that was adorned with a ruby. The blade sparkled in the light.

"This knife is made of durable iron and capable of cutting through steel like butter. It has nearly a century of history and will start at $100, 000," Finnegan explained as he casually waved the dagger around. Sylvia showed no interest in the weapon, but Jasper was eager to bid on it. Franklin glanced at him and asked, "Do you like it?"

Jasper's eyes flickered as he replied, "I think it would be perfect for a girl."

Sylvia raised an eyebrow and teased him, "Oh? When did you get a girlfriend?"

The usually carefree man blushed deeply and looked uncomfortable as he stammered out his response. "I don't have a girlfriend; I just thought Evie might like it."

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