Chapter 844

Upon hearing her voice, everyone in the hospital room couldn't help but feel their hearts tighten. Since Mrs. Wright fell ill, Cody couldn't eat, sleep or work properly.

"What's wrong Sylvia?" he asked impatiently.

Sylvia squinted her eyes slightly and furrowed her brows. "We used detoxifying drugs yesterday and she has been receiving intravenous therapy since then. Her condition was already improving but this morning all indicators showed that it had become even more severe again. It's like all of yesterday's treatment was wasted."

How could the symptoms worsen after the medication was administered? And this Abrus precatorius poison wasn't a deadly toxin that would cause relapse after taking medicine; it would not make the patient's condition worse either.

"There must be a reason for this," Franklin said suspiciously.

The attending physician wiped off his sweat nervously from his forehead; he knew that he couldn't escape responsibility for worsening Mrs. Wright's condition.

He quickly took out the prescription. "Dr. Sylvia, take a look at these medications I prescribed to Mrs. Wright along with all of the fluids we gave her - they were all detoxifying agents and diuretics... so how could her condition have worsened?"

It really wasn't his fault! He did everything right!

Sylvia examined both yesterday's medication given to Mrs. Wright as well as what was currently being given to her now through IVs. "There's nothing wrong with the medication... so what is causing this?" She too found it strange because there were no Abrus precatoriuss or sources of toxins in hospitals so why did things get worse?

Mrs. Wright lay on the bed suffering from this poison which made her face lose its luster within just a few days; she looked several years older than before.

Her mind kept flashing countless images - past and present - until she could hardly distinguish between dreams and reality anymore. She dreamed of herself when young in one moment only to wake up feeling old beyond measure in another moment.

"Monica, why are you always so strong-willed? You're a genius at everything, and Tiana and I are just dumb in comparison," two girls stood by her side. One of them was a beautiful girl with long flowing hair and two sharp little teeth when she smiled. "Ugh! I don't want to be stronger than anyone else. How will I protect you guys if that's the case?"

"Just you? With your skinny body, forget it," Tiana couldn't help but tease the long-haired girl. "You need to know martial arts or something." The long-haired girl sighed, "My biggest regret is not learning martial arts; otherwise, I would have been like a female warrior - so cool!"

"As girls working in society or studying at school, we always feel like boys get more attention than us. But not me! I want to show the world that whatever boys can do, we can do too!" The girl tilted her head slightly as she looked up at the bright sun.

Her voice rang out crisply.

Mrs. Wright stared blankly at the young woman as tears streamed down her face under the piercing sunlight of that day...

Suddenly there was a shift in scenery.

A pregnant woman stood before them with weary eyes; life had already worn her down into an ordinary housewife.

"I don't know who my child's father is; marrying Otto is my only option."

"You guys should just pretend like you never had me as your friend!"

"Monica, don't give up on yourself! Aren't you supposed to be a genius? A master painter?" Mrs. Wright hugged the disheartened woman who had lost all ambition for life before asking. "What happened to your grand aspirations from before? Are you going to spend your days being someone's wife and mother now? Don't ruin yourself over this man!"

"I hate him! It's all his fault for ruining my life." The woman gently caressed her six-month belly while saying. "The baby is innocent; I can't kill it because of his mistake... So... this is what has become of me." "Why did Evans family treat you so cruelly by kicking you out?" Mrs. Wright cried along with her while offering some emergency money. "Here, Monica, take this."

Suddenly there was another violent shift in scenery – an oppressive black funeral hall appeared before them.

Mrs. Wright held onto Monica's memorial tablet while crying out loud. "Monica!" Tiana hugged another one beside hers - "Child..."

"How could both mother and daughter die such tragic deaths?"

"Ah--" Mrs. Wright let out a piercing scream.

In her unconscious state, she seemed to be experiencing excruciating pain.

Sylvia and the doctor discussing her condition, along with everyone else in the room, were startled by her sudden outburst.

Cody quickly rushed over and embraced Mrs. Wright. "Honey, honey, don't be afraid. Did you have a nightmare?"

Mrs. Wright weakly curled up in his arms with closed eyes as if still trapped in a nightmare.

Sylvia glanced at her and immediately said sternly, "We need to start dialysis right away; we can't delay any longer."

She scanned the room again; it seemed necessary to investigate this ward thoroughly.

Just then Jenna and Vita walked in together.

Jenna wore a white coat with matching boots while carrying a thermos filled with food. A white fur collar adorned her coat that complemented her fair complexion well.

Vita held some fruits while wearing a pink down jacket paired with black dress underneath - all purchased for her by Mrs. Wright since arriving at Urgford.

"How is Mrs. Wright doing?" Jenna walked over to Brayden's side and placed the thermos down before asking softly.

Watching Cody tightly embrace Mrs. Wright broke Jenna's heart into pieces.

"The situation is not optimistic," Brayden held onto Jenna's hand sorrowfully as if seeking comfort from the young girl.

"Why would it worsen?" Jenna frowned feeling puzzled since they used only top-quality medicine...

Vita watched their intimate gestures feeling like an outsider who didn't belong here; everyone seemed to exclude her presence entirely.

A strange anger surged within but she kept calm instead of lashing out gently speaking up, "Miss Shepherd woke up early today specifically making chicken soup for Mrs. Wright. Let me serve some."

As she spoke, she walked towards the table, opening up the thermos, taking one bowlful of soup and intending on bringing it closer towards Mrs. Wright. But suddenly she lost balance, and the soup spilled onto the floor instead!

"Sizzle--" At that moment, the soup on the ground made a strange sound, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

"This soup is poisoned!" Sylvia said coldly.

Everyone stared in shock at the small amount of spilled soup on the ground.

Vita also jumped in fright and dropped her bowl of soup. It crashed to the ground with a loud noise. The sound of sizzling continued as it corroded into the earth.

She slowly raised her head, her face pale with fear and panic. "I don't know... I don't know what happened. This soup was made by Miss Shepherd early this morning."

"I didn't touch this soup." Her expression suddenly changed, and her eyes became sharp and piercing. "Miss Shepherd, why do you want to harm Mrs. Wright?" Jenna couldn't help but defend herself saying, "It wasn't me."

"Mr. and Mrs. Wright have been so good to you; how could you be so bad? You actually wanted to harm Mrs. Wright? They already accepted you as their daughter-in-law; what else do you want? What evil intentions are hidden in your heart?" Vita questioned Jenna without giving any chance for defense.

Jenna's pretty face turned pale all at once; she was never good at verbal arguments, especially when Vita took advantage of her like this.

Her mind went blank for an instant; she wanted to defend herself but couldn't find any words. She could only respond dryly, "It wasn't me, really."

Vita laughed fiercely yet triumphantly with a hint of victory, "Miss Shepherd, if it's not you, then who is it? The evidence is conclusive now! How can it not be you since this was your pot?"

"If we follow your logic, then isn't it possible that since you served this pot too, that means there's suspicion on yourself?" Sylvia looked displeased while staring at Vita's aggressive mannerisms.

Brayden blurted out unconsciously, "Jenna can never hurt my mom! My mom treats her like family! How could she possibly hurt her?"

Cody looked at this chaotic situation, shaking his head, "Jenna has always been kind-hearted during all these years staying with us here. How could she possibly harm anyone? On the other hand, Miss Vita, why are you so eager for Jenna to confess?"

Vita felt startled inside - did she show too much eagerness just now?

She quickly put on a gentle smile again. "Uncle, I'm just worried about Mrs. Wright. That's why I'm anxious."

As she spoke, she looked at Jenna. "But Miss Shepherd doesn't seem to care at all about Mrs. Wright's illness. It's heartbreaking for me."

Brayden couldn't help but laugh at Vita's words. Was this woman crazy?

"My mom is sick and Jenna wanted to stay here with her, but where were you? You always find fault with Jenna, saying that she can't do this or that. I've been holding in my anger for so long that it hurts my stomach. Today, I'm just going to say it. why are you always trying to exclude my wife?"

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