Chapter 816

This is basically saying that Ashlyn is not Wynter at all. They will contact the real Wynter to prove it. Eden was furious.

"Our Wynter could never be trash like Ashlyn!"

"What the hell!"

"She dares to impersonate Wynter!"

"How could my idol be such a lowly woman?"

The agent looked at him, spinning with anger, and quickly reassured him, "Forget it, the company has tweeted and is contacting Wynter. Don't worry, your idol definitely isn't that woman Ashlyn."

"I'm so angry!" Eden was smoking with rage. "My idol doesn't care about fame or fortune and sees them as nothing but dirt. Ashlyn can't even hold a candle to my idol."

"Yes, she's not worthy," the agent echoed him on the surface but thought in his heart: what if she really is? Won't you be slapped in the face then?

He handed Eden utensils, "Eden, hurry up! This dish has gone cold."

"I don't have an appetite!" Eden threw away his utensils and grabbed a bottle of water from the table. He unscrewed its lid and gulped down several mouthfuls as if only this could extinguish some of his anger. After all, Eden was a top idol; after he tweeted out his support for Sylvia, Twitter almost crashed.

The servers kept adding more capacity non-stop.

Not only that but shortly after he sent out his tweet, Simeon also posted one: "I don't know who Wynter is but I must support Sylvia! Sylvia's invincible!"

Two top idols both supported Sylvia...

This was simply unprecedented!

Brock also tweeted first congratulating Sylvia on winning Graley Piano Competition before supporting her again by saying no matter who Wynter really was, he would still support Sylvia!

Twitter almost collapsed because of these celebrity tweets!

Poppy posted one supporting her sister-in-law: "My sister-in-law is my favorite person in my life! I will always stand by my sister-in-law no matter what!"

Honey saw this too, so she posted one too: "Miss Andrews guided me like a beacon of light; without her maybe I'd still just be Honey who only knows how to ride on other people's popularity instead of striving forward... I love her!"

The tech guys at Twitter worked through the night, adding servers and programming nonstop. They were exhausted to the point of collapse.

Fans of Sylvia and Wynter fought each other as numerous A-list celebrities came out in support of them. Although Wynter had more fans than Sylvia, his fans' fighting power was far inferior to that of Simeon and Eden's fans. Twitter was in chaos, with Poppy and Honey's fans joining in on the action along with Franklin and Sylvia's CP fans, as well as some bystanders who were just there for the show.

All parties converged together on Twitter, causing a scene that was nothing short of epic. Wynter's fans believed that Ashlyn was actually Wynter himself while some rational supporters thought they needed to investigate further. When Wynter collaborated with Maskelyne Group to make Eden famous, Maskelyne Group must have known who he really was so some rational supporters waited for him to reveal himself. However, those who believed Ashlyn was actually Wynter went crazy fighting against other factions' supporters while others joined in just for fun by leaving comments under Ashlyn's tweets such as "Are you really Wynter? If you are, then show us proof!" or "Why don't you speak up?" or "Maskelyne Group is already exposed, so why aren't you coming out?" The public opinion gradually started shifting against her even among those who previously thought she might be Wynter.

If she really is Wynter, then why isn't she speaking up? Why let these rumors spread like wildfire causing everyone to speculate wildly? Everyone urged Ashlyn to speak but she remained silent

She looked at Mrs. Ritter anxiously asking what should they do now since even Maskelyne group said they wanted contact with Wynter?

Mrs. Ritter took a deep breath before replying, "Stay calm first because we can use this opportunity since he has always been low-key and doesn't like being seen publicly."

"If he wants fame, then he would have come out long ago instead of waiting until now."

Ashlyn felt uneasy despite Mrs. Ritter's words making sense.

"I have a feeling that something bad is about to happen," Ashlyn said, looking at the trending topic that had just popped up. Her face grew paler as she continued, "Granduncle just gave Sylvia the ancient instrument directly."

"That old man!" Mrs. Ritter had previously appeared indifferent, but now it seemed as if several needles were piercing her heart.

She had wanted that instrument for a long time, but Ramiro refused to give it to her. And now he'd given it to Sylvia - her enemy!

"He can't even distinguish between family and strangers; doesn't he know who's close and who's distant from him?" Ashlyn pushed away from her chair in frustration. "My granduncle is going too far!" She was becoming increasingly anxious and restless; even her own granduncle was biased towards Sylvia.

She kicked her feet restlessly and pinched her palms in an attempt to calm herself down, but nothing worked. Her beautiful face lacked any color; after venting out all of her emotions, she sat dumbfounded on the couch.

Mrs. Ritter also felt extremely embarrassed for some reason; why did everyone in the world seem to be helping Sylvia? She felt an intense sense of irritation and hatred brewing within herself. Frustrated with Ramiro not answering any of their calls despite calling three times already, Mrs. Ritter finally decided to call Mr. Guzman again - only realizing then that it was already three o'clock in the morning.

Just then, however, she received a call on her phone.

"Mr. Guzman?" She cried out desperately like someone drowning while holding onto a lifeline.

"Mrs. Ritter," Mr. Guzman's voice came through on the other end apologetically before continuing with his message: "I'm sorry we can no longer stay in contact anymore... and I cannot take your daughter as my apprentice either."

Mrs. Ritter suddenly felt like she'd fallen from heaven into hell upon hearing this news, stunned for a moment before asking incredulously, "What are you talking about?"

"I've never met women like you two who are so obsessed with fame and vanity," Mr. Guzman replied emotionlessly over the phone before pausing briefly and adding, "Please don't tell anyone we know each other."

Mrs. Ritter couldn't help but clutch her clothes tightly, feeling extremely uneasy. She immediately asked, "Why? Mr. Guzman, Ashlyn is Wynter!"

"You're still boasting? Still pretending? Just now, Maskelyne Group released evidence that Ashlyn is not Wynter at all. Sylvia is Wynter!"

"What?" Mrs. Ritter screamed and almost threw her phone away in disbelief. Her voice was broken as she asked, "How could that be possible? How could that bitch be Wynter? What did she do to deserve it?" Mr. Guzman didn't bother with her anymore and started humiliating her directly by saying, "She deserves it because of her talent and ability; because she isn't as vain as you guys."

Without waiting for Mrs. Ritter's response, he hung up the phone.

As Ashlyn listened to Mrs. Ritter's sharp cries of despair on the other end of the line, her heart skipped a beat.

"Mom! What happened? Mom? Is Sylvia..."

"No! It can't be!" Mrs. Ritter muttered to herself with a pale face full of confusion and fear, "It can't be true! Mr. Guzman said Sylvia was Wynter... how could it be possible?" "Really?" Ashlyn almost lost balance as she felt an intense heartbeat pounding in her chest while waves of shock swept over her mind. "Sylvia turned out to be Wynter?"

"Mr. Guzman wouldn't talk nonsense without any proof," said Mrs. Ritter quickly as she checked Twitter.

At this point, she was already panicking with fear.

Then... she saw many real manuscripts posted on Maskelyne Group's official Twitter account - Soul's manuscript written by Sylvia herself along with many other songs written by Wynter - all signed by 'SY'. The handwriting on every page belonged only to Sylvia.

Wynter never allowed transfers; instead, she required cash payment for royalties sent directly to Royal Galaxy, and always mailed handwritten copies after finishing each song back to the company. That explained why no one had ever seen or met her before. She even signed some manuscripts discreetly under 'SY', which would have been easily overlooked if not carefully examined.

There were also recordings from Sylvia: "Many people don't understand why I only support Eden alone. Because when I ran away from home after being beaten, I got food from Logan and Eden's grandfather." "There are also many people who don't understand why I invested in Brock, because... after my mother died, he took care of me. He used to study under my mother. Many things happen for a reason. You will reap what you sow. Thank you all fans. I appreciate your support".

Wynter's fans were about to explode on the spot. They never expected... it was Sylvia. Before, they had been so harsh in their criticism, and now they felt so ashamed.

They felt so uncomfortable and pained that they had actually insulted their idol. It was a complete breakdown! Who exactly is Wynter? The truth has finally surfaced and exposed itself to everyone. Ashlyn instantly became a pariah, with everyone criticizing her harshly.

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