He and Poppy had mocked Sylvia a lot but she never talked back. She even faced them with a smile. But now, she had changed.

"Mrs. Maskelyne?" Paul, who had been ignored opened his mouth with a gloomy face.

He was robust. And although he wasn't very ugly, he just didn't look like a good person.

“I'm not Mrs. Maskelyne. You called me, right? Sylvia looked at Paul expressionlessly.

"I called James" sister-in-law. So, you're his sister-in-law, but not Mrs. Maskelyne?" Paul felt that the woman was making a fool of him.

There came a crisp sound.

Sylvia whipped at Paul's feet.

Paul instinctively stepped back.

Sylvia was swift.

The arrogance on Paul's face faded. He stared at Sylvia with a gloomy face.

James was also frightened. He thought Sylvia was a weak woman that anyone could bully.

"You disturbed my sleep and now you must bear the consequences.” Sylvia raised her eyes, and cold light emitted from the end of her eyelashes.

Her eyes were intimidating, yet at the same time, alluring.

Paul was stunned.

He was usually a big shot in Larro; his father was connected with the Mafia. Even their bodyguards and subordinates were majestic.

When he went out, the scene was always grand. Everybody was respectful to him.

Apart from a few big shots in Larro, everyone was afraid of him.

But even those big shots had no guts to whip him.

Who was this woman?

She didn't take the Kennedy family seriously at all.

Paul was 6 feet tall and was very strong. He got up and stared at Sylvia.

Sylvia was young. Even in home clothes without makeup, she was impressively beautiful.

But she had a short temper.

"Brother, you must teach James a lesson! My mouth hurts so much." An arrogant voice sounded from the stairs. A teenager of James’ age walked down while pressing the corners of his red and swollen lips. However, as soon as he got downstairs, he was dumbfounded.

What was going on?

“You're the one who started it, right?" Sylvia glanced at Romeo who had just come downstairs.

Her face was expressionless, but she was raising the whip in her hand. The whip landed on Romeo's calf, and he screamed in pain. He fell to his knees. "Who is that crazy woman? How dare you hit me!"

"If you didn't fight with James, I wouldn't have been woken up!" Sylvia said.

James was also stunned. Even if he was tied up, he still struggled to retreat!

However, Sylvia wouldn't give him a chance to escape. The whip landed on James’ back.

James gritted his teeth in pain. "I must tell my brother to divorce you!" Paul watched his brother and James cry out in pain.

James was tied, but Romeo knew martial arts. Otherwise, James would not have been caught.

However, even Romeo could not dodge the woman's attack.

He kept screaming, "Brother, brother, save me!"

Paul went to Sylvia in a very oppressive manner, reaching out to snatch her whip.

Sylvia sneered and dodged.

Paul was shocked.

He used half of his strength just now when he wanted to grab the whip. Normally, twenty percent of his strength would be hard to take for a woman.

But Sylvia managed to evade.

Paul was shocked and he made a move again.

Sylvia slapped him.

Paul, six feet tall, was severely hit and knocked onto the coffee table. The marble table shattered.

Sylvia gently blew the dust that didn't exist on the palm of her hand, as if beating Paul had dirtied her hand. "Guys, think twice when you want to disturb me from sleeping next time. This is a small lesson.”

After speaking, she turned and left.

At the door of the living room, she glanced lazily at James, who was lying on the ground in a state of confusion. "Are you not leaving?" James was stunned. He swallowed his saliva, and quickly got up from the ground with difficulty, then followed Sylvia like a little zombie.

She hit him... Even Franklin never hit him, but she did.

But after hitting him, she took him away.

James didn't understand.

His mind was in chaos.

He didn't know that Sylvia knew how to use a whip, and she could even defeat Paul!

He was like watching TV just now.

He didn't even realize what was going on.

Romeo was too painful to pay attention to what was around him. Now he got up from the ground and went to help Paul up. The bodyguards rushed over when they heard the movement in the living room. "Master Paul, Master Paul!"

"What happened?"

"Brother, how are you?" Romeo really didn't expect his big brother, who was like a god in his heart, to be knocked on the coffee table by a woman.

His head was still dizzy. And he instantly felt that he had a reason to lose in the fight because even Paul failed to beat that woman.

“I'm fine.” Paul woke up from the shock. He grew up in a gang and was trained to be a good fighter, but now he was defeated by a woman. Who was that woman?

James named her sister-in-law in his phone, but she said she was not Mrs. Maskelyne and not James’ sister-in-law.


Paul's waist was numb with pain.

But now, the most important thing was to find out the identity of that woman.

"Brother, are we just letting them go like this?" Romeo stared at the door of the living room, a little depressed, and he could vaguely hear James’ clamor from the courtyard, "Hey, untie me!"

"Master James, you were so brave when fighting with people, but you can't even untie yourself?" The woman's cold voice sounded.

Then, he heard James jump forward.

Imagining that scene, Romeo suddenly felt better.

“Let them go." Paul instructed the bodyguards, "Don't stop them." What else could he do? To defeat the woman with the advantage of the number of people after he was defeated by her?

Not only others but also he would look down on himself that way.

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