Chapter 6 Confession

The room fell silent.

Raynard observed Gwyneth’s nervous fidgeting, remaining silent as if weighing her words.

Gwyneth met Raynard’s intense gaze timidly, and just one glance had her palms sweating profusely.

The mounting pressure made her feel as if she were losing her mind, and she silently prayed that Janine wouldn’t send her any more text messages.

As she was on the brink of breaking under the pressure, Raynard finally spoke, “Tell me, what’s your side job?”

Gwyneth replied, “I work as a bas-relief painter.”

“Bas-relief painter? What’s that?”

It was apparent that Raynard wasn’t familiar with the professional term.

Gwyneth explained, “I paint relief paintings on walls.”

Her explanation seemed unrelated to her job in the company.

She glanced warily at Raynard, wondering if she had successfully diverted his attention.

Raynard fixed her with a cold stare and took a puff of his cigarette. “Is your salary insufficient?”

“No, it’s more of a hobby.”

She genuinely enjoyed it, and the additional income was a nice bonus.

Feeling the chilling aura emanating from Raynard, Gwyneth lowered her head and sniffled.

In a voice as soft as a kitten’s, she added, “If you don’t like it, I can quit my part-time job.”

When she first joined the company, HR had explicitly stated that employees were not allowed to have part-time jobs.

Perhaps they were concerned that other firms would poach their staff.

Gwyneth had expected Raynard to deduct her wages, but to her surprise, he simply said, “You can go now.”


She looked at him, bewildered and unsure of what had just transpired.

Raynard returned his attention to his laptop, seemingly dismissing her.

Gwyneth was scared to stay in the room for another second and fled. She patted her chest once she was safely in the elevator.

She was terrified.

If Raynard asked anything about that night earlier, she wouldn’t be able to lie anymore.

Her nerves were still on edge when she met up with Janine.

Janine hailed a taxi while walking and complained, “I thought you said 30 minutes. Why didn’t you respond to my texts?”

As soon as Janine mentioned the texts, Gwyneth felt like her head was about to explode.

Seeing Gwyneth’s silence and pale face, Janine pinched her cheek forcefully. “What’s wrong? Are you feeling sick?”

“No, I’m fine.”

Why did everyone keep asking if she was ill just because she had a pale face?

She wasn’t sick; she was terrified.

Noticing Gwyneth’s silence and pallor, Janine grew concerned. “You don’t look well at all.”

Gwyneth replied, “I’m scared.”

“Scared?” Janine stared at her in disbelief.

Gwyneth hadn’t returned to the office to edit a contract, as she had claimed earlier. So why would she be scared?

Janine was quick to connect the dots, and her expression turned grave. “Is it because of Mr. Fletcher?”

Gwyneth’s eyes welled up with tears.

Seeing Gwyneth on the verge of crying, Janine’s anxiety escalated. “Did he find out the truth?”

Gwyneth shook her head. “No, but he saw your texts.”

Janine fell silent.

She quickly recalled the content of her messages. In her attempts to urge Gwyneth, she had also hinted at the one-night stand.

They walked in silence for a while, the only sound being the wind blowing.

Janine’s complexion turned as pale as Gwyneth’s. “Did Mr. Fletcher uncover anything?”

Gwyneth froze.

Her eyes became even redder as she sobbed, “I don’t think so, but he’s searching for that woman again.”

Janine’s heart tightened.

Gwyneth looked at her with tear-filled eyes. “Just call me if you need to talk to me while I’m at work.”

No more texts. Janine’s messages could be misinterpreted even if she didn’t intend it.

Gwyneth couldn’t bear another incident like today.

Janine nodded. “Don’t worry. I won’t send you any more texts.”

She wouldn’t dare to.

But had Raynard discovered their secret or not?

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