Chapter 19 Trifles in Marriage

There was another reason. Gwyneth knew Karlyn’s mother-in-law well.

If Gwyneth didn’t buy any gifts, she would make things difficult for Karlyn.

They would arrive at the shopping mall soon. Gwyneth insisted, “I won’t overdo it. Tell me. Or it will be a waste if the clothes don’t fit her.”


“Now!” Gwyneth was firm.

Karlyn had no choice but to tell her about her kid’s size.

The call was over.

Janine glanced at her. “Your sister is in this city. But you meet once a month.”

Gwyneth said, “She’s married. I don’t want to bother her.”

From Karlyn, Gwyneth realized the realities of marriage.

It involved more than a woman and a man!

That was why she declined subconsciously when Darron asked her to marry Raynard.

Although Raynard was bad-tempered, she only needed to work for him alone.

But once she met people from different classes, she might not deal with them properly.

Janine felt sorry for her. “Bother? She is your sister!”

Gwyneth’s father died when she was young. And her mother left them.

Only her grandmother and sister loved them. But her grandmother passed away. And her sister had an unhappy marriage.

Gwyneth said, “Since she is my sister, I don’t want to make things harder.”

Her older sister loved her. She always gave Gwyneth snacks. She even let Gwyneth have the only new socks every winter.

When Gwyneth visited Karlyn, Karlyn would cook a big meal for her. If she visited Karlyn a lot, Karlyn’s mother-in-law would complain.

They reached the mall.

Janine wanted to go with her but was refused because Janine would always pay the bills.

She had been taken care of by Janine for a long time. Sometimes, she wanted to do it herself.

However, Janine gave her a card. “OK. Then use this card!”

“No need, I have money!”

“You have money? I don’t know that!” Janine mocked.

Gwyneth said, “Last time, I did the bas-relief project that covered an area of a dozen square meters and earned 5,000 dollars!”

“Good. Then I’ll find more big projects for you!”

Gwyneth nodded. “OK!”

She liked big projects because small ones only brought her 50 dollars.

Janine didn’t make her since she had money.

Gwyneth bought her niece three sets of clothes in the mall and some snacks. It cost her over 300 dollars.

She spent one and a half hours on the subway. Then she took a bus to reach Karlyn’s home.

Karlyn knew that Gwyneth would come, so she waited at the bus stop.

When Gwyneth got off, Gwyneth saw Karlyn in old clothes.

Karlyn shouted, “Gwyneth!”

Gwyneth hid her sadness and smiled, waving at Karlyn.

Karlyn pulled her daughter to Gwyneth. They hugged. And her niece said, “Hi, Gwyneth!”

Gwyneth bent and pinched her Bella Chris’s face. “Bella, didn’t you go to school?”

Karlyn took the bags from her hand and said, “She caught a cold and came home.”

Hearing that, Gwyneth hugged Bella and found that her face was excessively red.

She touched Bella’s forehead which felt hot. “Do you feel sick?”

Bella nodded. “Yes!”

“Why did you come out then?”

“I miss you.” Bella’s voice was sweet.

Gwyneth looked at her gently.

They walked through the long path and walked into a yard, where there were persimmons on a tree.

Here came the smell of chicken soup.

Karlyn put down the bags and started cooking. Gwyneth hurriedly said, “Karlyn, don’t cook too many dishes. I can’t eat that much.”

She didn’t want to have a meal here. But they hadn’t seen each other for three months. If she didn’t dine with Karlyn, Karlyn would be mad.

Gwyneth felt sorry for her when she knew how good Karlyn was at housework.

But Karlyn said, “You don’t come by a lot. I want to cook something nice for you.”

Gwyneth was touched and felt like crying.

Karlyn asked her to play with Bella. Since Bella was having a fever, she fell asleep soon.

Gwyneth put Bella on the bed and came to help Karlyn.

But Karlyn stopped her. “No. You’ll get your clothes dirty.”

Gwyneth said, “It’s OK. I don’t need to go to work today. I’ll wash my clothes then.”

Then she started helping Karlyn wash vegetables.

Karlyn smiled as she looked at Gwyneth.

Soon, her husband, Nelson Chris, and her mother-in-law, Sara Riley, came back. Seeing Gwyneth, Nelson smiled politely. “Hey, Gwyneth.”


Gwyneth greeted him politely.

Sara put down her bag and walked in. Seeing the food in the pot and smiled, “Thanks to Gwyneth, we will have a big meal today!”

Karlyn’s face changed.

Gwyneth knew what kind of person Sara was. But she still did the courtesy of greeting Sara.

Sara looked at her with disdain. “Enjoy the meal. You must have a hard time as an outsider in this city.”

Gwyneth kept her smile.

The local people in Harbor City were not friendly to outsiders as if outsiders had been beggars.

Although they lived in a poor place, they were proud.

Because of Sara and Nelson, Gwyneth didn’t eat much of the food cooked by Karlyn.

Once the food was served, Sara put a drumstick on Bella’s plate and another on Nelson’s.

Karlyn’s face stiffened, but she didn’t say anything. She just kept getting Gwyneth food.

“Just eat!” Gwyneth showed concern for Karlyn.

But Karlyn shook her head. “I cook every day. But you can’t. Homemade food is much better than takeout. You should eat more.”

Although Gwyneth didn’t enjoy the time here, she grabbed several bites for Karlyn’s sake.

Meanwhile, Raynard had returned to Riverside Community.

Just as he changed his clothes and wanted to go out, he pulled the door to the closet. Then something dropped with a sound.

He bent to pick it up and looked at it. Seeing the box, he froze.

It was a box of condoms! Apart from Raynard, Gwyneth was the only one who came to get the things he needed here!

Then Raynard put on a significant smile.

He took out his phone and called Gwyneth.

In the Chris’ place.

After lunch, Sara left. So did Nelson. Karlyn said that they went out to play cards.

That was a typical day for a local in Harbor City. They were laid-back.

Seeing his call, Gwyneth walked to the yard and picked it up. “Mr. Fletcher.”

“Where are you?” His deep voice sounded.

Gwyneth got nervous and said, “In my sister’s home.”

Somehow, she was subconsciously very nervous when she was on the phone with Raynard.

Maybe he was too bad-tempered and serious!

“Send me the address.”

“What?” Gwyneth was puzzled.

But he hung up then.

Hearing the beeps, Gwyneth put on a long face. She didn’t understand what he wanted.

Should she send him the address?

Finally, she sent it.

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