Chapter 4 Found Her at Last

Astoria was a bustling city, and Hugo was desperate to find that girl. He had tried everything to search for her, but she was still not found. He scoured the whole city and even told the cops to set up a task force to search for her, but alas, she was still nowhere to be found. Hugo might look calm on the outside, but unbeknownst to others, a storm was brewing in his heart.

Every time the cops found a female corpse, he would go to check if it was her almost immediately, and when he realized it wasn’t her, he would heave a sigh of relief. He wished that woman was alive so he could rain down his wrath on her when he found her.

He would not allow her to die just like that. She still had a debt to repay and had to atone for her sins; she had no right to die. However, there was something else. If she were alive, her baby should be eight months old now. It would be old enough to be born. No, I will not let the woman I hate the most give birth to my child. I will not suffer that indignity!

After taking another phone call, Hugo’s fury flared once more, and he hurled the file in front of him away. He was currently in his office, and his action startled the female assistant who had just come in to deliver some documents to him.

Her knees almost gave out when she saw him unleashing his rage. Her boss had been temperamental lately; he was like a ticking bomb that would explode at any minute. Thus, whenever he got mad, everyone made it a point to stay as silent as a mouse.

Right then, the phone suddenly rang, and the assistant quickly scurried off. Hugo took a deep breath before taking the call. “What is it?”

“Mr. Spencer, we found your wife,” the cop said.

“Are you sure?”

“Very much so. She’s living in a village in Honchkon. We found her through the file in a local hospital. Her name and looks match with your wife’s.”

“Thank you. Give me the address, please.”

“Do you need our help with this, Mr. Spencer?”

“It’s all right. I can take my wife home by myself,” said Hugo calmly, but there was no mistaking the fury underneath his voice. It was like a violent undercurrent roaring underneath the calm surface of a sea.

He had been waiting for too long, and his anger was on the brink of bursting. So, she has finally appeared. You will taste my wrath, Celia. He clenched his fists, his face contorting with rage. Celia’s escape enraged him, and he would not stop until she had seen all his wrath.

An hour later, a private jet set off for Honchkon.

Yvonne Lester was leading Celia onto the bus in Honchkon. Celia was in the third trimester of her pregnancy, so she had difficulties moving around with a big belly. Yvonne had been taking care of her for the last few months. She liked Celia a lot since the latter was beautiful and talented. People looked down on Yvonne because she was a bumpkin from the boonies who only got into university through pure luck, or so they thought. However, Celia never treated her as such and had always been nice to her.

A lady beside Yvonne noticed Celia, and she gasped. “Oh, my! She’s beautiful. Just like a celebrity.”

All the passengers on the bus turned to look at Celia upon hearing the exclamation. Her skin was fair, and she wore her hair up. Even when she was pregnant, she looked gorgeous.

“Her husband is one lucky man,” someone remarked.

“Yeah. Never seen someone as gorgeous as she is,” another person said.

“So, how many months now?” a lady asked.

“Eight.” Celia smiled.

“Oh, so you’re going into labor soon. Are you here for a checkup?”

“Yes.” Celia nodded.

In the meantime, Hugo leaned his back against a couch in the luxurious cabin of his private jet. He was staring out the window, the look in his eyes cold. Even though he was taking his private jet, the journey from Astoria to Honchkon took nearly two hours. She sure can run, can’t she?

At 11.00AM, four off-road vehicles appeared at the airport, driving toward the terminal.

Meanwhile, Celia had finished her checkup. The baby was perfectly healthy, but she was anemic, so the doctor prescribed her some pills. Celia treated Yvonne to lunch, and they shopped around for clothes for a bit. She had bought a lot of clothes for the baby, but she still wanted more. After they were done shopping, they took a van at 2.00PM, heading home.

At the same time, four off-road vehicles drove into the village. The man in the second car’s back seat looked out the window, and what greeted him was the downtrodden village. A frown creased his forehead. Has she been staying in this place all this time? This is even worse than the boonies. No wonder it took me so long to find her.

Still, this place had sceneries that the city did not. Mountains surrounded the entire village, keeping it safely tucked away in a corner.

Once they came to the address the GPS showed them, one of the bodyguards went around to ask for Celia’s whereabouts, and he came back a while later. “Sir, I’ve asked around. There’s one villager who knows Miss Stuart, and she said Miss Stuart has gone to the hospital for a checkup. She will probably get home at 4.00PM.”

Hugo frowned upon hearing that. Her baby bump must be big now. He then looked at the path, which was the only entrance to the village. It should be easy to see her here. “We’ll wait here, then.” After saying that, he whipped out a pack of cigarettes, rolled down the window, and smoked.

A few memories flooded his mind just then. Over the last six months, he had spent a lot of time searching for her, and he was worried for her. He was worried that she might have died. Aside from that, he had been thinking about the baby as well. However, he had covered that up with his indifferent facade so no one could see through him.

He took a deep hit, and frustration filled his mind. Hold on a second. Am I pitying that woman? There is no way that’s true. Her mother ruined my parents’ marriage, and then my father and that homewrecker died in a car crash. We became the butt of everyone’s joke. Afterward, my mother got depressed for years and left the house, leaving nothing but a letter for me. Her mother ruined my childhood. My life! I will never forgive her. I will torture Celia until she dies!

At this moment, a van trudged past the muddy path and stopped on a slightly smooth surface right across from Hugo’s car.

The off-road vehicles were conspicuous, especially in this village. Yvonne got out of the van and quickly helped Celia out.

Hugo stared at the van. He had a feeling he would see her soon, and just as he had expected, a gray silhouette got out a while later. Celia was no longer as slender as she was. Even though she still looked thin, the baby bump hindered her movements.

He stared at her face. Even though it’d been six months since he saw her, she didn’t seem to lose any weight. Instead, the pregnancy had lent her a hint of allure. A strand of hair tumbled down her forehead, but she pulled it back and smiled happily.

She looked just like a woman that jumped straight out of an oil painting. Beautiful enough to even mesmerize Hugo for a while, but then his face fell, and he got out of the car.

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