Chapter 51 

Jan Ignored Shane

Downstairs, Terry was cleaning up. They walked out of the bar

Sage hastily shook off Ian’s hand. 

lan’s expression shifted a little. Then, he said in a cold voice, “Give your car keys to the driver. You’re getting in my car.” 

Sage was puzzled. “How did you know that I drove here?” 

Ian said in an unfriendly tone, “Anyone with eyes will notice the striking color and license plate of your car!” 

Sage fell silent. 

Her Maserati was one of the wedding gifts from her grandfather. 

The color of the car was a bright red, and the license plate was a combination of her initials and birthday. 

It wasn’t low–profile, but it definitely wasn’t as flashy as Ian had described it to 

  1. be. 

The driver had already gotten out of the car. Without thinking too much about it, Sage handed the car keys to him. Then, she tactfully got into the passenger seat 

of Ian’s car. 

After Ian started the car, Sage couldn’t help but ask, “Why were you in the area at this hour?” 

This place was quite far from Holcomb Corporation, and Ian wouldn’t pass by this place on his way back to Solaris Estate. 

Ian glared coldly at her. “Why don’t you explain yourself first? Why would you come to Shane’s bar and even sit in the same booth as him? When did you get so close to him?” 

Before the car crash last time, Ian had asked Sage the same question. 


Back then, she answered that she wasn’t too close to Shane at that moment. So, had they gotten close to each other now? 

Of course, Nage wouldn’t be so stupid as to tell fan that she was joining hands with Shane to go up against Bolton Investment. 

If their partnership was established, she might mention it to get back at lan. But now, they had turned against each other, and Shane even tried to harm her. 

Because of her pride and reputation, she refused to say it. 

Sage said calmly, “Thank 

obliged to tell you who 7 for helping me out in time just now. But I am not 

another person.” 

here for, or how things are going between me and 

Sage’s words sounded like she was silently agreeing to it. Ian was extremely pissed at that. “Sage, don’t forget that you’re a married woman now.” 

Sneering, Sage retorted, “Well, then, when you ate and showered at Ivy’s house, did you remember that you’re a married man too?” 

Even though lan wasn’t sure what Sage meant by the showering, it was Ivy they were talking about. Ivy always liked to make mountains out of molehills. 

Ian frowned. “I’ve known her for years. It’s not like you’ve never heard of our friendship before!” 

Sage smiled in frustration. “I’ve known long ago that you two know each other and have a strong bond with each other. But this doesn’t mean that I should tolerate your disloyalty!” 

Ian had nothing to say in return. “Sage, I’m asking you to explain yourself right now. Don’t change the subject!” 

Sage replied, “They’re the same thing to me. I won’t interfere in your business, so I don’t need you to mind my business either.” 

Ian was furious when he saw the distant and cold look on Sage’s face. 

He had just returned from the airport when he received news that an emergency 

had occurred at Bolton Investment. 


So, he decided to rush there. When lan passed by this place and was waiting for the Haine lights to turn green, Terry happened to catch sight of Sage’s car. 

Terty even quickly tyrest out that the bar belonged to Shane! 

Teating that Sage might be at a disadvantage, lan set aside the matter with Bolton Investment and tobl Terry to make arrangements as quickly as possible. 

In the end, tan didn’t even get a word of thanks. Sage even put a distant look on her face as it he was meklling too much! 

“Sage, in’t you retain from doing meaningless things?” 

Jan gritted his teeth “I met by last night to talk about official business. Did you think that Shane is a decent person? How can you come here to put yourself in danger just because you’re mad?” 

Sage knew what lan was saving 

lan tolt that she was upset at him to meeting Ivy, and that was why she chose to meet Shane here. She would put herself in danger and force him to show up. 

Since Shane said that he was going to kidnap her, it made sense 

Sage sasi, “It you’re so reluctant to do it, you can choose to ignore it completely.” 

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