lan felt uncomfortable when he heard Calvin's questioning. He was vehemently opposed to both divorce and remarriage.

He hadn't thought much of it when Sage brought up the subject of divorce a month ago. He was prepared to let her have a divorce if she wanted one. After all, it would save him a lot of trouble. But now, his feelings had taken a complete turn.

"Well?" Calvin asked after a while.

"I haven't thought about that," lan said with a frown. "I'm just used to having her as my wife since we've been married for over a year. My grandmother is also pleased with her. There's no need to go so far as to get a divorce.”

Calvin nodded in understanding. So lan didn't want to get divorced! "Have you ever thought about marrying someone else after the divorce?" he asked.

lan snapped, "Why would I want to go through it all again?"

Calvin remained unflinching, and he noted that lan had not developed feelings for anyone else despite his issues with Sage.

He let out a soft sigh. "lan, if you don't want to get a divorce, you'll have to find a way to win your wife back. Women are very emotional and can fall head over heels for you even with the smallest gesture. However, they can also shut down and distance themselves just as fast."

"Bullshit!" lan was displeased with Calvin's presumptions.

Just yesterday, Sage reminded her aunt that he doesn't tolerate spice well. She also mentioned that no other man could hold a candle to him during the spat with her cousin in the restroom.

lan adjusted his collar and tie, revealing a dainty tie clip. "Sage gave me this yesterday. Why would she do that if she has no feelings for me?"

Calvin looked at his tie clip and asked, "Why do I get the feeling that this isn't something she chose?"

"How'd you know? You've never received a gift from Sage.” lan scowled. "I bet you've never even received a gift from a woman, Mr. Know-It-All in matters of the heart.”

"lan... there's no need for insults,” Calvin said.

Even though he hadn't received any gifts from Sage, he knew what she liked from the way she dressed.

lan looked like he wasn't willing to listen at the moment, and Calvin was worried that lan would flip out if he told him the truth. So, he chose to change the topic.

"So... are you saying that Mrs. Holcomb still has feelings for you and did not mean it when she said she wanted a divorce?"

lan was stumped. Initially, he was convinced that Sage still had feelings for him. However, it didn't seem like she was faking her happiness when she got her hands on the divorce agreement.

He couldn't help but be frustrated when he thought about it. "I have no idea why she suddenly wants to get a divorce. When I asked her what was wrong, she told me that the fact that I was unaware was what was wrong.”

Women were such troublesome creatures. lan was frustrated because Sage refused to speak her mind and instead expected him to guess what the problem was.

"How am I supposed to know if she won't tell me?" lan snarled.

"Well... let's not forget that you carried an injured Ivy away in front of everyone and left her all alone in the banquet hall at your company’s last party. That wasn't cool. I'm sure you didn't explain yourself to her or check to see if she was okay after the incident, either.”

"What could she possibly be upset about?” lan fumed. "She used her position as my wife to bring the person in charge of Mimosa to the party. Plus, she didn't even give two shits after such a serious accident happened! She just kept drinking and advertising her liquor. I didn't even blame her for that. I let her do whatever she wanted. So why the fuck should I explain myself to her?"

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