Chapter 39: No Longer a Pet

Now, everyone looked at Natalie with a sense of curiosity.

In the past, she would prepare a late–night snack and personally deliver it to Cedric whenever he

worked late. Consequently, in the eyes of her colleagues, Natalie had always been associated with a

gentle and

caring image.

However, the situation was different now!

Inside the office, Cedric was obviously frustrated as he tugged at the tie around his neck and sat


from Natalie. He picked up a glass of water and downed it in one gulp.

Setting the glass down with a bit more force than necessary, he said, “Move back to Scarlet Villa.


your home.”

“I’m fine living at Bianca’s,” Natalie responded.

“Squeezing into a tiny apartment of only seventy square meters with her? Are you genuinely

comfortable with that?” Cedric’s tone had grown cold.

Natalie looked at him, and her eyes revealed no warmth. Yes, Bianca’s apartment wasn’t spacious. It

was only seventy square meters, with two bedrooms and a living room.

For someone accustomed to larger homes, it would indeed feel small.

Natalie closed her eyes and said, “Yes, you’ve given me an excellent life these years–good food,

shelter, and clothing. Everything was top–notch.”

Cedric remained silent.

“However, Natalie continued, “Even though I have to stand under a showerhead to shower and change

my clothes in the bedroom… Even though I only have milk and toast for breakfast… I’m extremely

content with what I have now.”


“You’ve surrounded me with luxury, but have you ever asked if I was truly comfortable by your side?”

Did you think I wouldn’t feel hurt by you asking me to give my eyes to another woman? Am I nothing

more than a pet to you?

After all, a pet wouldn’t understand enough to feel this way!

Natalie had roared the last part of her sentence, and Cedric instantly froze!

He stared at Natalie with wide eyes. This was the first time… Natalie was talking about their life


over the years.

She didn’t bother waiting for Cedric to respond.

“These three years of marriage have been the most miserable of my life. While you’ve provided me

with material abundance, I’ve had to endure judgmental gazes and bear pressures that were never

meant for


Cedric had no response.

“I am not your pet, and I am not content with merely being well-fed and sheltered. I’ve had enough of

being with you. If you’ve finally come to your senses, save me the trouble and sign the papers right


Having said her piece, Natalie stood up. She grabbed her bag and headed for the door.

Meanwhile, Cedric was seething with anger!

“Is leaving me truly what you want?”


“Is it because of that man?”


Cedric was silent, but the air around him turned colder.

The heavy atmosphere made Natalie feel like she was suffocating. Despite this, she displayed no fear.

She stood firmly before Cedric

Cedric gazed at her petite figure, wanting to say something to keep her.

But when he opened his mouth, all he managed was, “So, being with me makes you uncomfortable.

Will making a monthly salary of a few thousand dollars outside truly give you comfort?”

In essence, he was implying that without him, she probably couldn’t even afford to rent a place! What

kind of comfort could someone who couldn’t even support themselves truly enjoy?

Natalie turned around, her eyes filled with frosty determination, So, the people outside didn’t have

groundless opinions about her; they all believed she was just a full–time housewife dependent on her


Back then, she had scomed such views

However, now she realized Cedric might have seen her in the same light as those people.

A faint smile curled on her lips.

“Thank you for your care over these years, but I think… I can do well even without you.”

She didn’t wait for the man’s response and left.

So, that was what he thought of her…

Natalie walked away, leaving Cedric alone in the office.

He angrily swept the cups off the coffee table, causing a loud crash to echo in the room as they


on the floor.

Damn it! What had he been saying?

Natalie’s words must have driven him crazy.

That’s right.

He had gone along with what she had said.

He had never thought of her that way before…!

He had always taken pride in providing for her, ensuring her life was good.

“Damn it! I’ve lost my mind…!”

He had intended to persuade her to return to Scarlet Villa.

Yet, what had he done…?

Natalie had been kicking up a big fuss lately. Initially, Cedric thought it was because she had been


with him due to Isabella’s case.

But now, he knew it was different than usual.

She wouldn’t calm down on her own. He needed to coax her.

The matter about hier eyes was now off–limits.

After exiting Cedric’s office, Natalie found Karina waiting for her in the car. On their way to meet their

Natalie was aware of Cedric’s influence in Verde City.

After all, he wouldn’t have been able to disrupt Bianca’s employment if he wasn’t powerful.

Natalie wanted to take charge of her own


But now that she was openly seeking a divorce from Cedric, she had undoubtedly pushed him to the

limits of his patience. She worried that he might cause trouble for her.

Lents we’ve

However, Karina reassured her, “Mr. Jarvis has already considered that. That’s why the clients

accepted orders from all have some connections to him. You don’t have to worry about it.”

“Do they know about my relationship with my uncle?”

“They don’t know, but Mr. Jarvis has already spoken to them and asked them to take good care of you.”

Natalie sighed with relief, but then she quickly started to stress again.

Just after she had stirred up some unfavorable rumors with her uncle, these companies received calls

from him to take good care of her.

Verde City wasn’t that large, and businesses often had some connections with one another. It’s easy to

imagine that Cedric would soon get wind of it.

If that happened, she…!

Even before anything had started, Natalie was already thinking of all the worst–case scenarios that

could happen!

Her head throbbed painfully.

The meeting with her two clients went smoothly. They both agreed to use her designs and even told

her not to worry about anything.

But the client she had to meet the next day was a difficult one!

In Verde City, there were two most prominent office buildings. One was Radiant Tower, where Cedric’s

office was located. The other was the Financial International Center. Companies that were able to

secure office space within these buildings were usually big players.

talie never expected that her uncle had arranged such a significant cllent for her.

tried to reassure Natalie and said, “Don’t worry. Mr. Frazier was Mr. Jarvis‘ student. He’s bound to

It was evident that Natalie was feeling a bit anxious. After all, her studio was relatively small. Securing

this contract would sustain her for two to three years, at the very least. Big companies like this one

didn’t usually engage in personal favors or take matters lightly.

“Yeah,” Natalie replied with a nod, though she still felt nervous.

The receptionist showed great respect after hearing why Karina and Natalie were there.

“Mr. Warren has already informed us of your arrival. You can head up directly. The CEO is currently in a

meeting, so you’ll have to wait for a while.”

“That’s fine. We can wait,” Karina politely responded.

The two were then led to a private elevator to the high–rise floors. After swiping the card, the elevator

took them to the top flo


Inside the elevator, Karina could sense Natalie’s nervousness. She helped Natalie adjust her

professional attire as she said, “Even though you may not care for it, remember that you’re still the

young mistress of

the Johnson family. This kind of situation is nothing for you.”

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