Seven days have passed with no luck in tracking down Calix’s psycho ex-mate, but Thora didn’t let that damper her party planning mood. It was the morning of my coronation and I was riddled with anxiety and fear. Thora and Calix have both promised me a simple coronation, but I had the distinct feeling that Thora didn’t exactly do simple. 

I was in Calix and I’s bedroom, standing in front of the floor length mirror as I studied my outfit. It wasn’t what I had expected nor what a werewolf princess would wear for her coronation to Queen, but it was strikingly beautiful nonetheless.

I was dressed in a pair of dark maroon pants that were skin tight, a short sleeved V-neck shirt of the same color, a golden brown leather vest with corset ties all down the front leaving just a hint of my breasts exposed, a pair of black ankle boots with a short heel, and what could only be described as a cape hanging off of one of my shoulders. It was the same maroon color as my pants and shirt with a circular bronze clasp on my shoulder, the official royal seal stamped on the front, and the thick wool material cascading over the left side of my body.

My cherry red hair was curled and braided elegantly with a few of the braids wrapped around my head like a clown. A sparkling tiara was secured to my head, its pins hidden by the braids. The small crown was a brown circle with delicate peaks and valleys holding sparkling diamonds in its clasps.

I released a heavy sigh and flattened down the cloak before turning away from the mirror. I heard a quiet knock on the door before it opened, knowing that my bodyguards outside would only let Calix or his parents inside. Rolf and Bjorn were in the hallway along with Grier who was posted on the door. I was never alone in this place, despite the fact that I had previously complained about it being too empty.

I regret that complaint now.

Thora and Vix entered the room and immediately started to gush over my appearance, more so Thora than Vix who looked more amused than anything else; I had a feeling she was enjoying my misery.

“We’re almost ready.” Thora said,

“I’m ready when you are.” I said with false confidence.

“I’m going to go check on everything. I’ll link Vix when it’s time.” Thora squeezed my hand and then left the room.

“Okay, tell me honestly, how bad is it?” I sighed, turning my attention towards Vix.

She flopped down on the bed and smirked at me,

“I’m actually pretty impressed at how much Mother reined it in.” She shrugged.

“That’s not an answer.” I said,

“Okay, so, it’s more than just the family. She invited all the officials for each region and their families. It’s about a hundred people or so in the courtyard. But, normally the coronation is held in the ballroom and there’s hardly any room to breathe, so you’re lucky she narrowed down the guest lists to fit in the garden.” Vix said,

“Great.” I sighed.

“It shouldn’t last long. Calix made sure that she prepared an abbreviated program instead of the whole drawn out thing, since you’re not from this realm he wanted to keep only the most important parts.” Vix added.

“Lovely.” I tried to sound optimistic.

“Come on,” Vix laughed, hopping up, “They’re ready for us.”

I released one last heavy sigh before straightening my attire and holding my head up high. Grier, Rolf, and Bjorn bowed their heads as I exited the room and Vix led the way. Grier offered me his elbow with the other two following behind. Grier escorted me through the castle and towards the french doors to the back garden. They were covered in a white fabric so I couldn’t see out until the doors were opened.

“Are you ready?” Grier asked and I nodded despite my trembling hands, “Calix will be at the end of the aisle.”

“Will you walk me down it?” I asked, surprising Grier.

“Oh, usually you’d walk down unaccompanied.” He said,

“Usually the Dragon Queen is a dragon.” I countered and his face twisted as he thought about that,

“That’s true,” He shrugged, “You’re the Queen, it’s your party.” He grinned before patting my hand that was tucked in his elbow.

Grier nodded towards Rolf and Bjorn who were standing on either side of the doors. They each grabbed a door handle and pulled them open. I was greeted by a transformed garden with white sheeps draped over the trees and an aisle made up of white chairs filled with people. There were white flower petals scattered over the grass. But, all I cared about was the man at the end of the aisle waiting for me.

He was dressed in a maroon get up just like me, leather pants and a flowy cotton shirt that was open at his chest, a bronze armor plate tied onto his chest and back with the royal seal on the front. His hair was groomed with a large crown settled on the top of his head.

He grinned widely as I entered, his eyes flashing between green, orange, and red as he took me in. I felt Grier flinch and looked up to see his eyes going red. I assumed Calix was mindlinking him, wondering about my unconventional escort. Finally, Grier nodded and we continued down the aisle.

It was a slow march to the altar at the end and I felt like I was in a wedding. Calix offered me his hand and Grier released his grip on me, handing me over to my mate. Grier bowed towards both of us and backed away from the altar.

“Thank you all for coming,” Calix’s father, Steffan, said, motioning for everyone to sit down, “We are all gathered here today to reign in our new Queen, King Calix’s mate, Princess River Storm of the werewolf realm.”

A murmur of whispered fell over the crowd. Steffan raised his hand again, asking for silence.

“The Goddesses Tiamat and Selene sent Princess River to us, to my son, and to the realm. In their wisdom, they knew our King needed a woman just like River by his side and that our monarch needed a Queen like River to lead us. Together, King Calix and Queen River will bring in a new era of prosperity, peace, and unity.” Steffan spoke powerfully, purposefully leaving out the little detail about potentially being freed from the shadows of the lonely realm,

“All of those who stand behind the union of King Calix and Princess River, please stand,” Steffan declared and everyone rose from their seats, “Those who pledge their loyalty to the new Queen River, please kneel.” Everyone hit their knees and placed their closed fists over their hearts,

“As the former King of the realm, I pledge my loyalty to the new Queen River.” Steffan put his fist over his heart and hit his knees,

“As the former Queen of the realm, I pledge my loyalty to the new Queen River.” Thora echoed his words, kneeling before me as well.

“As the King of the dragon realm, I pledge my loyalty to my new Queen, River Storm.” Calix’s voice was low and husky, but just as powerful as Steffan’s booming voice.

He dropped to a single knee in front of me and took my hand from my side, kissing my knuckles gentle,

“While you have me down here, my Queen, I have a single question for you,” Calix said, pulling a box out of his pocket, “You are my mate and now you are my Queen. Will you do me the honor of also becoming my wife?” He asked, opening the box and revealing a huge emerald ring set in a rose gold band.

I shook my head at him with an amused expression,

“Absolutely.” I answered proudly and he grinned, slipping the ring on my finger and standing up, planting a passionate kiss on my lips.

Steffan and Thora stood, then the rest of the people stood, taking their seats again.

“I declare Princess River Storm of the werewolf realm as my Queen and yours,” Calix turned to face the people, “All hail Queen River.”

“All hail Queen River!” The crowd echoed.

Calix’s eyes remained on me as she cupped my face, rubbing his thumb across my cheek bone before ducking his head to kiss me sweetly.

“I love you. Do you have any idea how much you mean to me? How important you are to not only me, but this entire realm?” He cooed in my ear.

I blushed, embarrassed by his public display of affection, and didn’t respond. Instead, we were carried away by the sounds of the crowd cheering and awhing at our little moment.

“Marry me?” He asked again.

“I said yes.” I laughed.

“Right now, marry me right now.” He was positively beaming.

My eyes went wide,

“Calix?” I gasped.

“I mean it, River, I want to be tied to you in every way possible. Marry me, right now, in front of the realm’s peoples. We can have another ceremony once we find your parents, in your realm.” He rambled, speaking excitedly.

I couldn’t help but give him exactly what he wanted.

“Yes,” I giggled, “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

“She’s going to marry me!” He cheered and the crowd started clapping.

I laughed at his contagious joy.

“I’d be honored to marry you, if you’d allow me?” Steffan said and we both nodded.

I looked towards Thora who had tears in her eyes.

A few minutes later, I wasn’t only the Queen, but I was Calix’s wife and, it would seem, on a path to a whole new future.

“It’s customary for you to be marked with the House you now belong to.” Steffan said, looking between us as he pulled a branding iron from the fire placed behind him.

“River, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Calix spoke quickly to me as he sensed my fear of the burning hot stamp.

“If I may,” Steffan injected, “I had the ironworkers create a new brand, one that’s never been used before.” Steffan pulled a second branding iron from the fire and showed me the tip.

On the circular stamp at the end was a wolf howling to the moon. I smiled brilliantly.

“Dad, you had this made?” Calix looked shocked.

“If she agrees to be marked, I thought that we should have one that indicated her status, just as we have for all other members of our realm,” Steffan blushed, looking slightly embarrassed, “If you want to, of course.” He added, looking at me.

“I’m honored that you thought of this. Yes, yes to both marks. I want to observe as many traditions as I can.” I said, smiling up at Calix.

“As you wish.” He nodded, looking at me in awh.

“Where would you like your marks, your highness?” Steffan asked.

I looked at Calix who offered me an assuring smile,

“It’s your choice, my love.”

I thought about it for a minute before I pointed to my shoulder blade,

“Here.” I decided.

Calix leaned down to kiss my lips gently before nodding at his father behind me.

“You’ll need to kneel.” He instructed and I did as I was told.

I knelt in front of him and Calix dropped to the floor, too, so he was eye level with me. He held my face in his hand, running his thumbs soothingly over my cheek bones.

“Everyone else is kneeling.” I whispered, noticing that the crowd all knelt behind him.

“If the King and Queen are kneeling, so shall the people.” Calix said,

I felt Steffan remove the cape and unbutton the back of my shirt so he could free my shoulder. Calix was watching him closely, making sure that nothing unnecessary was exposed.

“I’ll do both at the same time. Are you ready, River?” Steffan asked and I took a deep breath, calming my nerves, before nodding,

“Ready.” I agreed.

“Just keep your eyes on me, my love.” Calix whispered.

Seconds later, seering white hot pain crippled my body. I ground my teeth together to keep from screaming out in pain, not wanting to appear weak in front of the realm. My hands curled into fists as I fought against the pain. Calix squeezed my face between his warm, strong hands and kept his eyes locked with mine.

The pain lasted less than a minute before it was gone. Lavender helped to heal the wounds as did my connection with Beau Feu. It dulled to an uncomfortable ache and I moved gently, not wanting to move too fast too soon.

“You did beautifully, my Queen.” Calix purred, kissing me sweetly.

Steffan gently buttoned up my shirt and readjusted the cape while Calix helped me stand.

“Welcome to the House of Dragonblood and proudly wear the Mark of the Wolf.” Steffan announced and the crowd rose, too, cheering for their new Queen once again.

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