Who is Magpie?
Chapter 75- No turning back, Luna

She didn’t cease her hold, tearing her teeth from the skin to sever an artery and then kicked the limp form off her other leg. Blood was running down her front from Athena, mingling with her own blood from the other injuries, but she barely noticed the sting. Everything she was capable of feeling was still drowning in the black rage she held for the pitiful being at her feet, and when she shifted back she didn’t make a sound.

From the corner of her eyes, she caught Willow tossing her cane at her again, which she caught without turning to look at her.

“Send regards to her pack, and the new Alpha, her brother Pirus Gilan, congratulations for me.” And turned her sights sharply at those that had come with Athena. “And you can tell Pirus, if I find out he was in on any of what she was, he’s next.” A low growl rolled from her, forcing everyone around to their knees in a mixture of fear and respect.

Her body was the picture perfect representation of wynorrific, standing naked under the moon, covered in wounds and blood. She glowered over the strangers to her pack, then drew her gaze across the counsellors, absorbing their reactions in seeing her win, as it would decide her future trust of them.

As they bowed fully to her, showing the back of their necks in submission, others followed suit, even as Ezekiel and Bronx walked over to her. It took everything for them to simply walk, but they both knew that rushing to coddle her would undermine everything she had just done. Still when they arrived by her side she barely regarded them.

Her mind was still in a dark place, reading between all of the lines Athena had just laid out for her, and each conclusion she drew only instilled more anger.

“Jessa,” Ezekiel urged, touching her elbow gently and handing her the dress. “What did she say?”

Jessamine huffed a breath through her nose and one side of her lip crooked up with the direct recognition that Athena had said anything. She slid the dress over her head, straightening it over her curves until it covered her correctly, continuing to look over everyone that had gathered. Not replying to Ezekiel she continued to circle her gaze over everyone until she had seen every face

“I gave my understanding and compassion when someone aided in the plot to have me kidnapped or killed, by those that would see your pack fall and be divided between the rogue’s and the one who challenged me today. So either there are more people here who would rather see me dead than part of this pack, or they have rejected my leniency.” Jessamine announced loudly. “This is to them. I know you’re pissed that I’m still here, but I’m not going anywhere. I will stand by the Ashford pack until my last breath. So you can stand behind me when I fight for us, or you can get the fuck out, because if I find the hand that wields the knife in my back, your death will not be as honourable as Miss Athena Gilan’s,” Jessamine seethed.

Bronx then lightly brushed the back of her other arm. “Jessa?”

She turned to the both of them, surprising them by the sudden action. “The fight is over, does that conclude the challenge?” She asked, eyeing them both separately.

Ezekiel nodded, reaching for her hand. “Yes, that’s it, you’re done.”

She squeezed his fingers briefly before pulling her hand away. “Good, have the doctor come to our room to set my ankle.” She turned to leave and paused. “Please.”

They both moved to follow, but Willow waved them off and fell into hobbled step beside her. The two women remained silent all the way across the field and through the house, up the stairs and into the master bedroom. Jessamine entered the room first and froze, sniffing the air slightly, and then screamed in frustration.

Willow had jumped back at the sudden outburst and Jessamine moved back out of the room. Her ankle ached too much to roll through the room like the brewing storm she felt like and she needed to sit down.

After a quick glance around the space she said, “I promised I’d see Talia. Gma do you think she’s still in her room?” And then closed the doors and went back down the hall.

“Do you think she would mind some uninvited guests?” Jessamine continued, hobbling that way anyway knowing there was no where else to go but Willow replied that she wouldn’t believe so in this case. “You are close, right? Closer than I am with her in the least,” she continued rather sadly, wishing she could connect with her more. “I need you to enter without knocking and note her reaction time.”

Willow wasn’t generally ok with being instructed, particularly when there was no explanation, but Jessamine had intrigued her for a while and she accepted this as reason enough.

When Willow entered, Talia had been sleeping against her will. She had wanted to come out in support but this pregnancy had been rough on her and between the vomiting and lightheaded spells she didn’t want to be a distraction. Talia sat up quickly now, looking at the door as it opened and Jessamine sighed with relief.

By this point the men were already running down the hall, having sprinted most of the way. Doctor Pon had returned to the medical bay at the end of the fight to prep his things, but when the men came in without her they all began packing the things up to be moved. Now they entered a different room then planned skeptically.

“Mom, are you alright? Ezekiel asked unsure of any other reason Jessamine would be there instead of resting in their room.

“I am but oh Jessamine dear, how did it go? Oh obviously you’re here, so it went well, but your nobly-bit, … ankle! Please please sit sit, anywhere.”

Both set of doors were closed and Ezekiel succumbed to his desires to hold her even as she tried to keep him from the blood. Bronx stood nearby, relief washing over him slowly like a rain until Ezekiel grabbed his arm and pulled him in to join them. Both of their breathing relaxed further as Jessamine began to calm down between them.

“You seem very awake Jessamine, would I be correct in assuming the ankle is the worst of it?” Doctor Pon asked, pulling out his things carefully to place on the table.

Jessamine didn’t move from her place between the men when she spoke. “Yes, I don’t think any of the others will cause me trouble.”

“Then why don’t you have a quick shower to get the blood off?” He suggested. “It’ll be much faster.”

Jessamine nodded before turning to Talia as Tidas entered the room, joining them with optimal confusion. “Talia? Would that be alright with you? I promise I’ll explain after.”

Talia nodded. “Of course dear, please help yourself.”

Ezekiel pried the cane from her hand and scooped her into his arms. “Let me take care of you,” he urged, heading toward the bathroom. “Bronx, if I hold her up can you grab a cloth to clean the ankle under the spray?”

Bronx followed close behind. “Of course, anything she needs.”

Once the bathroom door was closed Jessamine reached both hands out, waiting for them to move in so she could grab their heads. She pulled them in towards her so their foreheads rest against her’s. She lightly kissed both of their heads, absorbing one more moment of peace, before they entered the shower and she spoke under cover of the water’s patter.

“When I hid from the wolves with the Fae, it was the rogue’s alpha who wanted me, and they made some sort of deal to get me back. Athena wanted Ashford pups and land, and was working with the rogues and the Fae. She knew I was there, and at least some of what happened to me.” Jessamine spoke in a hush, unsure really of how well her voice would carry in the tiled space.

Ezekiel grit his teeth sharing some of her anger, but Bronx was far more surprised at the other half of her emotions that had calmed. “Is that what she said to you?” He asked, starting to wash the blood off gently with his finger tips.

She winced as they moved over the broken bone but nodded. “And my mom was giving me wolvesbane long before the Fae. She thought if we hid well enough as humans they would leave us alone, but the rogues found the pills when they searched my house, after trying to kill us because she wouldn’t hand me over to them.”

Ezekiel’s anger subsided to join in the surprise as he asked hopefully, “… is that it?”

She shook her head, moving to stand on one foot as they cleaned the other blood from her skin and hair. “Someone has bugged our bedroom.”

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