Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Full Story Read Online for Free
Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Chapter 57

Chapter 57

Alora’s POV

It wasn’t long after I had toasted an Everything Bagel, putting chive and onion

cream cheese on it, that Jaxon and Victor came down. I was sitting, cross legged,

on the island counter. Werewolves tended to perch on things, whether it be actual

chairs, tables, on the back of couches, or the countertop I was on. It was a thing,

whether young or older, looking out the window, the Alpha is perched on one of

the outdoor table tops, the Luna next to him, leaning against his side. 3

I giggle looking at the pair, they were in their fifties and still, they cuddled like

teenagers. It was heart warming. Looking back at Jaxon and Victor I see they’re

holding hands. Victor’s hair was draped over one shoulder, the tie gone, and

Enter title…

slightly damp. Jaxon’s s hag gy lengths were also damp. They look content,

relaxed. I smile at that, looking at their necks. I see their marks, they had

accepted each other.

That was good, I’ve come to like Jaxon, and find myself feeling protective of my

new Beta. I have claimed him as Clan, so he was now under my protection. Victor

as my Gam ma would be as well, but not if he had hurt Jaxon. I’d have had to rip

him to pieces. I wouldn’t tolerate those I called mine, being hurt.(This novel will be

daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com) Not if I could protect them, and I would. Victor

was smiling at Jaxon, like he had found the sun.

Jaxon was looking at Victor with warmth and love, he was such a sweet guy

under his burly, tough exterior. They both look up, catching me watching them. I

smile “You two look cute together.” I say, amused at their matching looks of

apprehension. Jaxon relaxes, Victor however remained slightly apprehensive.

“Whats wrong Victor?” I ask him.

“You don’t mind that I’m a Hybrid?” he asks me softly.

I blink, staring a moment, then I laugh. It was a moment before I could say to his

confused expression “Take a good sniff of me, then think about your question.” I

say, laughter in my voice.

His confusion still there he leans forward and sniffs me. Then with his eyes wide

he leans back against Jaxon, Jaxon wraps his arms around his waist and leans

his chin on his shoulder. Victor, his surprise evident says “I see.” then he looks

confused again. “But….how?”

I smile “That will be explained in the meeting” I tell him. He looks disappointed at

having to wait. “Grab yourselves a snack, Darien and Serenity will be down here


My phone rings, I look at it. It’s Damien. He said he’d call me after his exams.

“Hello Damien.” I greet. Catching Jaxon and Victors attention as they make

themselves something to eat, they were working together, so cute. I was

distracted when Damien spoke.


“Héllo Alora.” His voice is deep and smooth, it shivers along my spine. I’ve always

loved his voice, I could listen to him talk forever. “How did your exams go?” he

asks me.

“They went great.” my voice a little husky, I clear my throat, a blush heating my

cheeks, ‘What is wrong with me?’ I nearly shout at myself. “How were yours?”

trying to get my mind to focus. 2

“They went well.” he says in that deep voice. ‘Da mn it,’ my nipples have harden.

“We will be taking our Physical Fighting Exam Final tomorrow.” he tells me.

I squirm a little on the counter, I remember how se xy he was while fighting. (This

novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)He had already had a lot of

power before going of to the school, “That’s good, does that mean your coming

home soon?” I ask him. 3

“If I can manage it, I should be home tomorrow night, if not the next morning.” He

says, a rumble entering his tone, doing things it shouldn’t. I needed to calm down.

“When I get back he starts,” he pauses a moment “Will you sing for me.” he asks.


My heart threatens to jump out of my chest, I had caught him watching me sing a

few times. He’s always claimed to love my voice. If it had been anyone else, even

Darien, I would have said no. “Only for you Damien.” I tell him, my voice husky

with emotion.

“I’ve missed hearing you sing.” he tells me “I just needed to hear your voice.” he

says, he’s always making me feel like I’m special to him.

“Is that why you called?” I asked, teasing, not expecting an answer.

The one I got shocks me. “Yes.” he admits, a growl in his tone now. “I miss you.”

He says softly. 3

If he doesn’t stop, he’s going to leave me a mess on this counter top. He’s

seducing me without meaning to, he doesn’t know of my desire for him. That’s

something I wouldn’t let him know. “I miss you too.” I say, because it was true, I

did miss him. 2

*I’ll be home soon Starlight, wait for me.” he says, then the call is disconnected. I

feel sad when I couldn’t hear his voice anymore. Then I remember my whole

conversation was overheard. Looking at the two males blinking in my direction

“What?” I snap a little.

Their expressions a little guilty, they give me muttered nothings, then finish

making their snack and start eating. Darien and Serenity come down the stairs.

They wore satisfied smiles, I snort and hum out a few bars of “Can you feel the

love tonight”.

Darien looks as me “Shut up.” amusement lighting his tone. I laugh at him 2

“I think, for both of your sakes, some more soundproofing would be advised.” I

tease him. His face goes red at my words. “Your both very vocal.” I tease further.

Serenity’s as red as her hair now. 2

I laugh, then say “Don’t worry, your not alone” pointing at the two standing across

from them. They pause with sandwiches on their way to their mouths, when

everyone looks at them.

Serenity sees the marks. “Oh Jaxon congratulations!” Serenity tells him joyfully,

then she goes over and gives him a hug, causing growls from two different

directions. The look on Victors face when he realized he’s growled was comical

with surprise. Like being caught by mom, with your hand in the cookie jar,

comical. I laugh, Darien comes over and pushes me, nearly knocking me off the


“Hey.” I snap pushing him back. “What was that for?” I ask laughter in my voice.

“For being an evil tease.” He says, his tone grumpy.

I laugh at him more “What’s life without a little laughter at your best friends

expense” I tease smiling at him.

Jaxon and Victor are laughing, Serenity is giggling, she comes back over and

Darien gathers her into his arms. “I’m hungry” she says to him with a little pout.

He leans down and kisses her pout “Then I shall feed you my sp icy she wolf.”

(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)he says, his tone teasing

and filled with love. The twins came in and joined us, making sandwiches of their

own. They ask me what I wanted to drink, I said Pepsi. They grab cokes for

themselves, then they each take a spot to one side of me, leaning against the

island counter I was sitting on. (3)

We were facing Serenity and Darien to one side and Jaxon and Victor on the

other. We all had our drinks and food and ate and drank quietly.

“So, do we get to meet Selena this afternoon.” Darien asks.

“Selena?” asks Jaxon

“My Sprite.” I tell him.

“You have a Sprite?” he asks. “But your a wolf.” he says confused. (2)

“My love, take a good sniff of my scent, then smell Alora.” Victor tells Jaxon, it

takes Jaxon a moment of staring at Victor, in pleasure of being called his love,

before he does what his mate told him to do. His nose buried in the side of Victors

neck, I see Victor shiver at this action. Gotta say, they’re really se xy together.

Jaxon sniffs me next, his eyes widen in surprise, “You’re a Hybrid too!” he

exclaimed, causing his mate to chuckle. 2

Thinking of how much I wish I already had my mate, I sigh. ‘He’ll be here soon’ I

remind myself. The Luna, Alpha and Maximus come in from the outside. They’re

smiling and looking at us all.

“Well it looks like you pups were all hungry.” she says seeing most of us already

done with our food. “Just don’t forget to clean up after.” she warns us.

We all say “Yes Luna.” You didn’t disobey the Luna when it came to her kitchen,

not if you ever wanted to eat in it again. 3

I didn’t want to do this in the office, and everyone was already here.(This novel

will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com) I was comfortable where I perched.

The Alpha, Luna and Maximus standing at the end of the counter across from me.

We were now all circled around the Island. It couldn’t hurt to ask.

“Alpha,” he looks at me, nods his head, indicating for me to keep going.

“Is it ok if we do the meeting in here?” I ask, I look at him, pleading in my eyes.

He smiles gently at me, “Of course sweetheart, wherever your comfortable.” his

voice kind. Thank the Goddess, she brought these beings into my life.

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