Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Full Story Read Online for Free
Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Luna Ember’s POV

I had the camera recording Darien and Alora the moment they stood up from their

seats. They made a powerful view as they descended the stairs side by side. The

wolves seated to either side of the stairs moving into submissive poses. Some

moving to poses of respect. But all felt their combined power as they came down

the stairs. Then they were up on the platform and striping to transform.

Darien’s half form was nine foot six to Alora’s nine foot four, both were matched

power wise. They came together rapidly after the signal went off, coming together

in a boom of power that was audible. Both my son’s have magic in their half

Enter title…

forms. Damien’s is a volcanic fire, Darien’s is Electricity. Soon they’re jumping


from each other, then I see it. They light up Darien’s fur in silver sparks.

I look at Alora and see blue lightning dancing along her fur, and purple fire in her

hands. She’s more powerful than I imagined. I was glad I was getting this on

camera. Darien had to be ecstatic. He had a new opponent he could fight against

using magic. They each had snarly smiles on their muzzles as they looked at

each other, then they clashed their lightning.

It skittered outward, panicking some of the wolves in the bottom of the bleachers.

It had connected with the walls, climbing almost to the first row of seats. The

c rack it let out was defining. They were punching and kicking, their hands and feet

coated in their magic. Darien’s the silver lightning, for Alora it was purple fire with

blue lightning inside the flames.

It looked like a beautiful dance of magic and limbs. Each move a flowing art work

of movement and power, and with each connecting blow their was a c rack of

sound. Then the shake of the bleachers as all that dispersed power hit the walls

surrounding the stadium pit that held the platform, on the arena’s floor of our high

school’s Coliseum.

Suddenly a burst of silver and blue lightning with a purple flame swirling around it

shot up towards the roof, then Darien was flung back from the platform, only

stopping when he slammed in to the pits wall and slid to the arena’s floor. He

struggled to get up, he took three steps back to the platform then st aggered a bit,

before collapsing again on the floor.

The roar of the crowd shook the building, the medics rushed over to check on

Darien. I wait almost

frozen, then I let out a breath when I hear him say. “Can someone bring me my

shorts?” “Oh thank goodness he’s ok.” I say out loud. My mate chuckles. I look at

him, my eyes narrowed slightly, he’s still looking down at the floor. “I just think it’s

funny Alora has kicked that boy’s a ss three rounds in a row.” 2

I giggle for a moment agreeing with my mate. Alora has become very strong. And

now Darien has another sparing partner if the grins I could see coming from the

now shifted Alora and Darien were anything to go by. Once Darien shifted back,

most of the damage had healed itself. He barely had a limp, and that would go

away over the next four hours if it was just bruising or muscle strain. Breaks took

six to eight hours to heal.

But seeing him walking I knew it was nothing serious, the two go back to

2:14 PM

their seats as the tournament officials announce final rankings of all the wolves.

Alora keeping First Rank of the Alpha Class, Darien Second Rank, and one of the

boys my mate would be talking to tomorrow, Jaxon was Third rank. Kian, Galen

and Serenity held on to the top three ranks of the elite class, Matt securing fourth


The Senior’s were then released for the day, the next two days of tests required

pen’s and pencils. Alora only has two of those, both in the morning of the next two

days. She wouldn’t have to attend the last week and a half. That was usually the

time students who missed the original exam date, could take make up tests. My

phone rings, it’s Darien.

“What is it son?” I ask him. “Hey Alora is going to the locker room to get changed

back in the rest of her clothes. Will you meet us there,

Serenity is going in with Alora, and me and the Twins will be standing outside the

door.” he says in a long stream of words. I laugh softly. “Ok sweetie, we’ll met you

there, see you soon.” 3

I look up at my mate and tell him where we were meeting the kids. We look at

Boris and Lissanna, “We’ll see you two later at the meeting.” I say as my way of

goodbye, they nod then leave in their own direction. We get to the locker rooms

that are underneath the bleachers, behind the arena’s pit walls. Darien is already

standing there fully dressed again.

I go up to him arms out and with a “Oh! look at my handsome boy!” I wrap him in

a hug, all the while knowing is face is beet red. But this is my boy, no matter how

big he gets he will always be my pup. Him and his brother both. My mate and I


4 PM 0 have had more children. But every time I came into my heat something

would happen that would keep us from coming together. 2

By the time we had settled years worth of strife among several packs and a war

with a faction of rogues comprised of Vampires, Werewolves and Dark witches

and wizards, I felt I was to old. We had two pups and that would be enough. I

would just hope for a lot of grandchildren. Speaking of, I let go of Darien and look

up at him with a bright smile. 2

He starts to look nervous. “Mom, why are you smiling like that?” he asks me, with

no reason to hide it, so I tell him. “Because Serenity comes from a home bursting

with pups, that means I’ll get plenty of grandchildren!” I finish in a tone that is

practically a squeal in my excitement. Serenity’s Mom, who is down here as well,

had a smile lighting up her face.

“Oh they would make such beautiful pups.” She gushes. By this point Darien is

pale and sweating “And the females of our line are very fertile too!” She adds with

glee, looking at my son then at me she winks. With sons of her own I was sure

she was an old hat at teasing one, and was happily helping me tease mine. He’s

in a full on panic mode now. 3

Grinning, I see Alora and Serenity peaking out of the locker room, they were

watching Darien, both had hands over their mouths trying to hold in laughter. I

can’t help but drag it on a little bit longer. “Oh wonderful! So I can expect pups

immediately!” Darien’s mouth is opening, he’s gaping. Alora and Serenity were

now holding each other with one arm holding their mouths with another, obviously

struggling to keep their laughing quiet. 2)

Finally Darien manages to stutter

while both my mate and Serenity’s father have caught on and are looking away

coughing, trying to cover up the beginning of their laughter. “Mm…mom…we

haven’t….haven’t even…I mean…a little time?” at this point I can’t help it, and

neither can anyone else. Every one bursts into loud laughter at my son’s


He looks around at us in a mixture of shock and confusion, then he stands up

straight glaring at me. Still laughing I hug my son saying “I’m sorry, I had to, and

the look on your face, I love you son.” growling he hugs me back. Whipping his

head around he see’s Alora and Serenity holding each other as they laugh. They

meet his eyes and he growls, squealing and giggling they duck behind Kian and

Galen. 2

“Really Alora,” he snaps. “You just got done kicking my a ss and now your

hiding?” his tone incredulous. “And I’m your mate Serenity, I would never hurt

you.” Then in a complete turn of events he turns around and adopts a feigned

look of hurt. “Oh you wound me my love, how could you hide from me, my angle

of mercy?” he says all dramatically.

This made Alora snort, smirking she called him a charlatan. Serenity was giggling

but she walked up to him “Angel of Mercy is it?” she asks with a smile. He smiles

back down at her. “Eh. I went for the most dramatic thing I could think of at

moment.” He tells her wrapping his arms around her. She giggles again. “There’s

never going to be a dull moment with you is there?” she asked him smiling. D

He looks at her with a soft smile and says “I should hope I’ll be able to keep you

entertained till the Goddess calls our souls home.” then he leans down and kisses

her. I couldn’t help

keep you entertained till the Goddess calls our souls home.” then he leans down

and kisses her. I couldn’t help it, I just had to say it “Awwww.” I look up when it

was echoed by Alora and Camille. We lock eyes and laugh. Serenity and Darien

break apart, both are blushing. It warms my heart to see him and his mate so in

love already.

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