Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University)
Vile Boys: Chapter 31

I grab the glass of wine off the table in front of me and swirl the contents, but neither this wine nor the entire party will ever remotely offer me the pleasure or release I’m looking for.

I take a reluctant sip as I watch the people I invited dance and fuck around in the common room. There are couples everywhere—threesomes, foursomes, men, women, anything and every combination fucking with each other, spurting dicks and sloshing wet pussies across the entire room—and not an inkling of lust courses through my veins.

I’ve never once not enjoyed the parties we threw until today.

Until … that fucking girl.

I clench the glass tighter and take another sip, angered that not even a Tartarus party filled with debauchery and indulging in all the seven fucking sins can sway me.

But the two things I know could are the two men missing in action right now.

I tilt my head and look at Arlo sitting next to me, being kissed by a random girl on his lap while he feeds her chocolates and liquor.

“Arlo,” I say.

He looks up despite the girl still having her lips all over his neck.

“Where are Caleb and Blaine?”

“Last I saw them, they went upstairs.”

My eyes narrow.

To the private sex rooms?

“With who?”

He shrugs. “There’s talk in the crowd that Blaine’s sticking his tongue inside Crystal Murphy.”

The glass shatters into a million pieces in my hand, blood dripping down onto the floor.

The girl stops kissing Arlo and looks at me, fear in her eyes. She jumps off his lap and flees into the crowd of partygoers before all hell breaks loose.

I guess my reputation precedes me.

“Get them for me,” I say, narrowing my eyes at him. “All of them, including the girl.”


I get up, only to narrowly avoid being pummeled right in the face by Caleb’s fist.

Caleb’s seething, and he tears off his mask to yell at me. “Keep your filthy tongue out of my fucking gir—”

“Your what?” Crystal interjects swiftly, turning around and tucking down her dress in the process.

I get up and nudge her aside, settling my gaze on Caleb. “I can do what I want. Last I checked, you weren’t my boss, darling, nor are you hers.”

“You know what she is to me, what my father is to her mother,” he grits, getting up in my face. “And then you go around and eat her out in front of all these people?”

He points at the people in the back, and they’ve actually stopped their scene to gape at us.

“Darling, you’re just jealous she actually let me eat her out.”

“You have no fucking clue what she wants or what she needs,” he growls, pointing a finger at my chest.

“Excuse me, what is this even?” Crystal mutters. “Are you really trying to defend my honor?”

“Yes, Caleb, what is this?” I parrot.

“I didn’t ask you to,” Crystal says, trying to intervene.

“You don’t have to,” Caleb says without even looking at her. “Not against this slime.”


Okay, now I am offended.

“Yes, you’re a skeeze who slithers his way into people’s lives,” he hisses, and I slap away his finger. “Ares and I already claimed her. She isn’t yours to take,” he growls.

“Yet she willingly gave me her orgasm. Can you say the same?” I taunt.

He leans his forehead against mine, pushing me forward. “Say what you’re implying. Go on then, I fucking dare you.”

Crystal grimaces. “Wait … Are you guys actually fighting over me?”

“Ares fucking warned you not to touch her,” Caleb growls, ignoring me. “And then you did it anyway.”

“Just like you,” I retort.

“Fuck you.”

“I’m prepared for the consequences. Don’t worry, darling. Were you, though?”

“Could you guys take this outside, please?” the people in the back ask.

A sudden knock on the door makes us all stop and stare.

It’s a Tartarus guy, one of our own, but even with his mask on, I recognize him as one of Ares’s close confidants. Arlo.

“Sorry for the intrusion,” he says. “Ares requested that you three come downstairs.”

“Requested? Or demanded?” she asks.

He tilts his head as he glares at her. “Is there a difference?”

I take in a deep breath, and Caleb puts on his mask again.

Arlo’s jaw tightens. “Whatever you’re doing up here in this room … it’s over.”

Crystal grabs my hand and squeezes.

“Now,” Arlo adds in a low tone.

“Fine,” I say, releasing her fingers.

I know I have it coming for me. News here travels like fire. He must know by now what I’ve done with her. But I still don’t regret it, even if I know it’ll probably cost me my life.

I pick up my mask off the floor and put it back on. “I’m ready to face him.”


“Let’s go,” Arlo says.

We all stroll through the hallway under Arlo’s watchful eye and the gun in his pocket itching to shoot its load.

All while I’m still glowing from Blaine making me feel so damn good, I almost forgot where I was and with who. I let myself go in the moment, and lust won over common sense. Blaine so easily swayed me to part my legs that I almost feel guilty.

But then he glances at me over his shoulder, and I instantly forget why I was regretful to begin with. He really knows how to toy with people’s hearts.

We make our way downstairs and through the crowd to the common room.

On top of the raised plateau in the back, behind a giant table, sits a guy with a golden demonic mask on his face, a shiny black and gold jacket on top of a black shirt and black pants, his legs leisurely thrown over the armrests. He watches us enter the room like a king on a throne.

When his bright gray eyes settle on mine, I gulp down the ball forming in my throat.

Slowly, he begins to clap his hands, and within a minute, everyone around us has stopped dancing and fucking around to focus solely on us.

“I’m impressed,” Ares says from his seat on top of the plateau, looking down on us with disdain. “I was almost convinced by both of your false promises.” His eyes darken. “But now the charade is over.”

He snaps his fingers, and Arlo shoves me to my knees.

Blaine grabs his hand and twists it. “Do not touch her without my permission.”

“Please,” Arlo groans, rolling his eyes.

“I may have let you escort us downstairs, but you are still my lesser. Do not forget,” Blaine warns.

Ares snaps his fingers, and Blaine releases him. Arlo backs away, but I’m still on my knees.

“You took her upstairs to the sex rooms,” Ares says.

“I won’t deny that I did,” Blaine says.

Ares’s face is hidden behind the demon mask, but I can still see those eyes burn with rage as they bore a hole into my chest.

“I gave you both a chance, and you threw it in my face. Why?”

“I can’t stay away,” Blaine says, swallowing. “I won’t.”

“And what about you?” He turns his attention to Caleb. “Hmm?”

“They were fighting over her when I found them,” Arlo says, outing them both.

Fighting over me like I’m some kind of prize to win, tsk.

“Fighting … over her …” Ares repeats, clenching his teeth before he steals a rose from the vase on the table and takes a deep whiff. “Fine, then. Show me what it is worth to you. Show me what you’re willing to do to get your hands on our little rose over here.” He tilts his head. “Strip her.”


My eyes land on both boys as they approach me.

“Wait,” I mutter in shock.

Ares throws his black and gold boots back over the armrest until he’s seated on his ass and then leans back, legs spread wide, settling into the chair like a king. “Do you wish to offer up someone else?” he asks. “Because tonight we will take and leave nothing but scraps of you.” His tongue darts out to wet his lips. “So choose wisely, little rose.”

Fuck. Offering up someone else can only mean one thing in his world … my mother.

And I’m not about to risk losing her too after I already lost my body.

So I swallow and nod. “Fine. Take me, then.”

Caleb stands beside me and hooks his finger underneath my straps while Blaine grips my hand and places another kiss on it. “We’ll be gentle, darling.”

“Speak for yourself,” Caleb growls, tearing down my straps. “I’ve been dreaming of nothing but ravaging her.” And he places a wicked kiss on top of my shoulder as he pulls down my dress.

I let out a soft moan when Blaine covers my nipples with his hands and squeezes. Caleb goes to his knees as he pulls off the last inch of my dress, leaving nothing to the imagination.

My body is on full display in front of all of these people I don’t know.

The only thing protecting my identity is this golden mask concealing my face.

“You want her so badly?” Ares says, sporting a wicked grin beneath the demon mask. “Then use her. Kiss her lips. Lick her tits. Make her come so hard she squeals with delight. And when you’re done …” He leans in. “You bring her to me.”

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