As he helped her put the food away he knew she was pissed off at him and he knew why. “You’re mad at me right?”

Slamming the cupboard door she turned to him. “What is wrong with you? How could you do that to Kenny? You know the man isn’t all there and he was just doing something nice for me. You’re a bully Zane, a bully with a badge who thinks he can push people around.”

“Hey, I didn’t know who it was. He could have been trying to break in, what did you want me to do?”

“For starters, you could have called out instead of attacking him. Kenny is a sweet man and he wouldn’t hurt a fly.” She frowned at him. “Surely you don’t suspect him.”

“There’s something about him, the way he looks at you. I think he has a crush on you. I don’t trust him, just be careful around him.” He didn’t want to fight with her so he changed the subject just to be on the safe side. “Change the code on your alarm now.”

“Fine,” she snapped. Going into the other room she picked up her phone and dialed the security company and gave them a different number. “Happy now?” she asked with a smirk on her face.

“Yup,” he smiled.

“I’ll show you to your room, I’m sure you’ll be comfortable in here,” she said, opening the door to the guest bedroom.

Laying his bag on the bed he looked around. It was small but cozy. A little on the feminine side but that was okay with him since he wasn’t planning on spending much time in here. “Yes, this will be ok, thanks. I’m starving, how about you?”

“I guess I could eat. I’ll make us some pasta and salad.”

“I’ll help you,” he said and followed her into the kitchen. “I think it would be safer if you were to stay away from work for a while, just until we get some leads.”

“I need to work Zane.”

“I’m sure your manager can do without you for a few days.” He poured them each a drink and they sat down and ate. Later he washed up so that she could take a long and relaxing bath. He could tell she was still upset and thought it would do her some good. He was doing the dishes when there was a knock at the door. Drying his hands he went to see who it was.

“Mr. Curtis, what brings you here so late?” he asked, eyeing the flowers and bottle of wine in his hands.

“I’d like to see Jade.”

“I’m afraid she’s not up to having visitors.”

“Who is it?” Jade asked, walking into the room wearing a robe and towel-drying her hair.

“It’s me, baby,” Reggie said as he pushed his way past Zane. He went and put his arms around her. “I heard what happened and would have come back sooner but I couldn’t get out of the meetings.” He handed her the flowers and wine.

“They’re beautiful, thank you. Please sit and I’ll put them in some water and we can talk.” She looked at Zane. “Would you mind opening the wine, I’ll be right back.”

“Sure, no problem,” he said, taking the wine from her.

When she returned she sat next to Reggie and took the glass of wine from Zane. “How did your meeting go?”

“Good, really good but never mind me. How are you doing? I can’t believe that happened and I’ll see to it that there is a full investigation. Whoever is responsible for not checking those lights will be fired, he’ll never work in the business again.”

Zane sat back in his chair watching Reggie and the way he kept touching her knee.

“There’s no need for you to bother, the police are looking into it.”

“Why don’t you come and stay with me until everything is cleared up?”

“Thank you, Reggie, but I’ll be ok here. I’m under police protection and I’ve had new locks put on the door and an alarm installed. I don’t think your wife would appreciate me being there, you know how she feels about us models.”

Reggie glanced over at Zane and moved his jacket so that the gun he carried showed. “Well, as long as you are being protected. I know you’ve been through a lot lately but I have to remind you of the photo shoot for the launch of the new perfume coming out. It’s set up for tomorrow.”

“There’s no way she’s doing it, it’s too dangerous right now. In fact, Miss Edwards won’t be going to work until we get the creep.”

“If she doesn’t do it she will get sued since the contract has been signed.” He turned to Jade. “I know what you must be feeling right now baby but you don’t have a choice, everything you worked so hard for will disappear. They’ll sue you for everything you’ve got.”

“You’re right. I’ll be there tomorrow,” she said, looking over at Zane she could tell he wasn’t happy about her decision.

“That’s great, so I’ll see you tomorrow then and don’t worry about anything. I’ll make sure everything is double-checked and will have extra security around.” Getting up he held out his hand for her to take and walked to the door, completely ignoring Zane. Giving her cheek a kiss wished her a good night.

Closing the door she turned around to find Zane standing with his arms crossed. His jaw was clenched, his eyes dark as he stared at her. “Don’t give me that look. You don’t understand that I could lose what I’ve worked so hard for. It’s how this business works, the only way to get out of it is if I die. Oh, my God, will you say something already?”

“Alright, you want me to say something I will. Going tomorrow and putting yourself out there you will be an open target. There’s only so much the police can or will do. They won’t send out any more men to protect you. I won’t let you do this.”

Whirling around she snapped at him, unleashing all her pent-up fears and anger. “You won’t let me. Who the hell are you to tell me what I can or can’t do? It’s not your decision it’s mine and I’m doing it. You don’t have to like it, or even come for that matter. I will not be treated like a child and told what to do so maybe it’s best you leave now. I don’t need you. I can get Reggie to hire a bodyguard.”

“Reggie,” he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“The man is a creep and he’s always fondling you.”

“What? No, he doesn’t.”

“Sure he does, always touching you and tonight he kept putting his hand on your knee, moving his thumb up and down. I thought you were smart enough to figure out what he’s doing.”

“You’re an ass and you sound like you’re jealous,” she yelled back at him.

He grabbed her arms and pulled her into him, his mouth close to hers. “Maybe I am jealous. I can’t stand seeing another man touch you when all I want to do is throw you down, rip this robe off you and make love to you all night long.”

She looked at his mouth and felt his hard body pressed against her. All caution flew from her mind when she grabbed his face and kissed him. She felt his arms going around her waist as he kissed her with a deep hunger, one that shook them both to the very core.

Picking her up, lips locked carried her over to the couch and laid her down. Climbing on top continued to kiss, his hand undoing her robe and going to her breast. He moaned when he felt the round firmness, his shaft grew hard. His mouth left hers and traveled down her neck, reaching her collarbone nipped at it with his teeth. As he moved lower, pulling the nightgown as he went till she was totally exposed and tossed it to the floor. Lingering over her he admired her breasts that were rising and falling rapidly. “You have the breasts of a Goddess.” Taking one in his mouth sucked and licked the nipple which was hard and erect.

Her sexual moans rang throughout the room which heightened his desire for her. He almost went mad when she unzipped his pants and grabbed a hold of him, her hand moving slowly up and down the length of him. Somehow he managed to kick off his pants and briefs without getting off her. They now lay together, their hot, sweaty bodies glued together.

He started kissing her neck, his tongue leaving a wet path as he moved down over her breasts to her stomach until he reached her thighs. Spreading her legs he licked her pussy. His tongue like a snake slithered between her folds and inside her, flickering in and out, making her scream out as she twisted her fingers into his hair. His hands under her ass pushed her closer to his face, tongue moving around and side to side till he felt her coming, her body thrashing until her orgasm hit her and she relaxed.

Kissing her body as he moved up, looking down at her he smiled. “Damn you are so beautiful,” he said before kissing her and she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. “I’m going to get inside you now and make proper love to you.” He rubbed his cock over her clit, teasing her. “Do you want me?”

“Yes,” she answered through breathy pants.

“With one quick thrust, he entered her, moving up and down but stopped when he heard her telling him to stop. “Damn woman, I can’t, not now.”

“Wait, do you have something to put on?”

He mentally slapped himself for being so stupid. “Shit I’m sorry, I got carried away. Wait right here,” he said and pulling out went to his bedroom and came back, rolling the condom over his manhood. He saw her licking her lips and knew she liked what she saw. Getting back on her he wasted no time going back to what he was doing. His hand stroked her breast as he began thrusting faster. “Do you like this?” he asked her as he continued.

“Yes, oh God yes she cried out.

“Tell me what you want.”

“I want you,” she said, raising her hips to encourage him to keep going.

“Tell me what you want me to do to you and talk dirty.”

“I want you to take me now.”

“No, talk dirty,” he said and slowed down his pace. He was getting more turned on by teasing her, waiting to hear just how dirty she would talk to get what she wanted.

“Fuck me, Zane, fuck me long and hard, I want your huge, hard cock inside me.” His body started pounding into her, he moved up and down like a madman and she could feel his cock throbbing, felt him coming and she couldn’t believe it when he once again brought her to an earth-shattering orgasm. She cradled his head when he collapsed on top of her and she felt his tongue licking her nipple. A single tear ran down her face, she had never experienced such amazing sex like this before. No wonder women were always drooling over him. She wanted to feel regret for what they had done but she couldn’t, it felt too good, it felt right being with him. Trevor was a selfish lover and took what he wanted without any regard for whether or not she was left satisfied. But Zane was a tender and giving lover, he made sure she was pleasured before he was. She kissed the top of his head, wanting to stay like this forever.

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