Twisted Ties of Love
Chapter 113

"Crazy people should go to the mental hospital, so they don't hurt others."

"You know, these days, mentally ill people can hurt others without breaking the law." and others chimed in.

"Yeah, they have specialized medical equipment for treating mental illnesses over there."

"You guys should move there, it's for everyone's sake..."

It turned out that the group of people surrounding them wanted Izabella to move out. Brett's face grew darker and darker, and the aggressive family members of the patients around him backed away when they saw his anger.

"It's none of your business whether we move or not!" Brett said coldly. With the Windham Group's financial power, if he wasn't happy, he could just buy the entire hospital, and then they would be the ones who have to leave the ward.

The people in front of him were all bullies who were afraid of the hard. In just a few words, they were intimidated and left with their heads down.

Amelia watched their retreating figures and said, "If Izabella's condition doesn't improve even a little bit, she'll definitely be transferred to the mental ward next door."

Brett glared at her.

"Glaring at me won't help. They're right. The medical equipment and drugs over there are much more convenient. I hope you're prepared and won't hurt her anymore." Amelia said coldly as she turned her head.

Brett brought the medicine into the ward. Izabella's condition had gone better a bit, she was no longer as crazily shouting as before.

The nurse sat by the bed feeding her soup, just like yesterday. Izabella didn't show any extra movement or emotion other than opening her mouth to swallow the food. Brett's heart tightened, and he slowed his pace, walking softly to the bedside. When he got there, he looked at the soup in the nurse's hand and asked, "What's this?" "Breakfast. The hospital provides soup every day. This is chicken soup."

Brett's face changed instantly. "She doesn't like chicken soup."

"Don't feed her that. I'll order some takeout."

The nurse reminded, "There are some things she can't eat."

There was a special chart on the wall of the hospital room listing the restricted foods. Brett took a look and knew what to order for Izabella.

The takeout came quickly, and Brett held a bowl, learning from the nurse, testing the temperature, and carefully feeding it to her.

Izabella's eyes were downcast, hollow, as if she was looking but not really seeing anything. Each time Brett fed her, he had to touch her lips with the spoon before she would open her mouth.

The nurse who took care of Izabella was not comfortable leaving her patient in his care, so she stood by and watched Brett's actions. When he had fed her enough, she interrupted him, "That's enough. Her stomach can't handle any more."

Brett noted how much Izabella could eat in a meal.

After taking the medicine prescribed by the doctor, Izabella's condition improved significantly. Her previously stiff face could now smile.

The psychiatrist came for a checkup every day, and Brett thought that as long as Izabella stopped screaming like before, it meant she was recovering. But he was wrong.

Izabella resisted everyone, not only physically but also mentally. She could laugh sometimes, but she had nightmares every night.

She dreamed of her father who jumped off the building and died, and she dreamed of her unborn child.

In the long run, if Izabella continued to be so dazed, she would eventually suffer a mental breakdown. Maybe she's already broken down.

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