Twisted Ties of Love
Chapter 108

"Go back and pack your stuff; when you're ready to move, call me, and I'll arrange a driver."

Kaley didn't expect Brett's next words to be pushing her away, not showing any affection at all.

It took Kaley a while to stiffly reply, "Okay."

Trista, who was standing by, was dumbstruck. Not only was Kaley suddenly discharged from the hospital, but Brett was also trying to kick her out. Was it because he found out that Kaley had deliberately thrown herself downstairs and blamed Izabella?

Trista originally wanted to put in a good word for Kaley, but she was guilty too, so she kept silent until they left the hospital.

Liam went to Quiet Forest Estates and quickly made a copy of the surveillance video of that day. He didn't even have time for dinner before starting to edit the video for Brett.

Brett only gave a rough time period in the text message, without mentioning what happened during that period. When Liam fast-forwarded to the time, the screen changed to Izabella "pushing" Kaley downstairs.

He sped up the video, and soon saw Izabella falling straight from the second floor, blood everywhere. The scene was shocking.

Liam sat stiffly, staring at the computer screen. He felt like he had seen something he shouldn't have - would President Windham silence him?

But to be honest, Liam knew Brett was cold-blooded and ruthless, but he didn't expect him to have no bottom line.

Liam was confused. He had followed Brett for many years, he was a born leader, handling difficult matters with rationality and composure. However, when it came to matters involving Izabella, he seemed like a madman.

Did Brett love Izabella? Liam thought there were feelings between them after all these years of marriage. Plus, he couldn't forget the fear in Brett's eyes when Izabella was in the emergency room a few months ago.

That was his true emotion, not a temporary disguise. If Brett was so afraid of losing Izabella back then, why didn't he cherish her afterward? He kept hurting and humiliating her.

Liam didn't understand, he had never been in love and didn't know anything about relationships. If Brett really loved Izabella, would he let her get hurt so badly?

Brett treated other women well, like Kaley. But he didn't divorce Izabella for anyone.

Liam rested his head on his hands, edited the video, and sent it to Brett.

After watching the video a few times, Brett didn't notice anything unusual about Kaley falling downstairs.

After ordering some takeout, Liam saw a text message from Brett.

"Did you notice anything about Kaley falling downstairs?"

Frowning, Liam didn't understand what he meant. He wasn't a film major, but he carefully looked at the video again. On the surface, it seemed like Izabella pushed Kaley down the stairs, but in reality, Izabella's hand wasn't visible.

Liam sent the video to a director he had worked with before.

The director replied after watching the video, "There's more than a 90% chance this is an edited footage."

Liam, puzzled, asked, "How can you tell?"

"Angle and the force of the fall. It's obvious that whoever edited this designed the fall to minimize damage. If she werel pushed by someone, she wouldn't fall down like this." The director worried Liam wouldn't understand, so he found a comparison video.

Liam immediately forwarded the information to Brett.

Seeing this, Brett wasn't too surprised. If it weren't for Kaley's comment about eyes and ears deceiving people, he might not have thought about it.

Brett went to the smoking area, lit a cigarette, and took a puff. The taste of nicotine could temporarily numb his thoughts. Half-squinting his eyes, he stared at the text messages on his phone through the smoke, lost in thought. The burning cigarette ash, along with the embers, fell to the ground.

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