Trouble in Orion's Belt; A Stellar Journey
Chapter 11: A Meeting of Minds

As the Sun was sinking below the bright horizon and the rest of the crew was still sleeping Simon and his crew were settling into the carryall.

They were on the third tier of the earthen mound when Clotho shed its luminous glow onto their path.

Most of the equipment they needed was secured on the path and they loaded it onto a motorized cart as they proceeded.

Finally they had reached the niche which was an entranceway to the dome on the top.

“Well gentlemen, this is the moment of truth,” Simon remarked. “Jean, make sure that you are on frame when we enter the dome.”

“Ready and rolling Simon,” he responded, holding the pad up for optimal view.

The inside of the dome was lighted only the six entrance ways around its circumference which revealed the passages down to a spiral ramp which lead deep into the planet.

Simon lighted the spotlight which gave them a better perspective. He shined the powerful light down into the shaft which shown passed their range of vision into the bowels of the planet.

“Well those creatures had built something that is vital to their very existence,” Simon remarked. “Otherwise they wouldn’t have gone to such elaboration.”

“On that I can only agree with you,” Brad supported the hypothesis. “And now we must descend to go forward.”

“Well you have a way with words my friend,” Jean added a comment as he retrieved and handed the other two men flashlights from the carts. “These are all we will need to bring with us aside from what we are already carrying in our backpacks. If we find anything of significance we can always return to the cart for more equipment.”

“So, gentlemen we will proceed,” Simon said as he walked down into the passage onto the spiral ramp.

The three men ventured downward on the ramp; occasionally looking upward to check their progress.

After an hour they had descended several hundred feet and had discovered a tunnel; a tunnel built to accommodate a creature much larger than a human being; leading to the ramp.

The three men shined their lights into the tunnel which went back about forty feet and into a large hollow area. They stopped for a moment and listened. They were all hearing a distinct and steady hum of some obviously electrically charged equipment in the area.

“Okay, gentlemen, which of you wants to go in first?” Simon suggested.

“You’re the boss,” Jean replied with a sly smile.

Simon chuckled, “Very well then; follow me.

“After you Jean,” Brad slyly grinned.

They walked into a space which housed what looked like three electrically powered water pumps.

“Well it looks as though we stumbled into one of their pumping stations,” Simon said and he got agreeable nods from the other two men.

“Apparently this is how they irrigate the mosses and fungi,” Jean suggested as he plucked a mushroom shaped growth off of one of the pipes.

“I suggest we get detailed pictures of this machinery and the mushrooms,” Simon urged, “then we’ll go further down.”

Jean recorded the images while Brad held the spotlight and Simon jotted notes into his pad. Afterward they ventured downward again and they had found several other chambers bearing the same significance of discovery.

After descending another hour Simon looked up and remarked: “Now, gentlemen we have traveled far enough that we are unable to see the top.”

“However,” Jean said, “unless my eyes deceive me the bottom is only several hundred feet down.”

“And it appears to me too,” Brad agreed.

“So, let’s not go babbling,” Simon retorted, “let’s move.”

The men found themselves down at the bottom of the spiral staring at tunnels that led in all directions.

“Hmmm?” Simon mused. “Which tunnel should we venture into first?”

“I say,” suggested Brad, “since there are six tunnels and there are three of us; we should separate and go into the first three tunnels, record what we find, and meet back here and then we’ll go into the other three.”

“That’s a fair enough suggestion,” Simon agreed.

“I’ll see you guys when we get back here.” Brad said and he disappeared into the tunnel in front of him.

He heard the echo of his footsteps as he ventured into the mouth of the hollow. He must have traveled several hundred yards when he noticed a pale reflection of light at the end of the tunnel.

Curiously he turned his light off momentarily to see if it were his own light reflecting back. There reflections were still there which gave him added enthusiasm as to the source of the lights. He switched his light back on and continued forward.

He was surprised by the appearance of Jean Mahomet.

“Oh, my word,” Jean said, “Brad, you startled me.

“You gave me quite a start yourself. Those tunnels must lead to a peripheral ring,” Brad surmised.

And at that time Simon came around from the other side.

“That is apparently so. Now gentlemen if you’ll just follow me to the tunnel leading further out.”

The two men readily agreed and followed Simon to the tunnel.

They stood at the mouth of the subterranean passage and shined their lights into it. They strained their eyes as the light faded into the distance.

“Well gentlemen, do you wish to venture further inward?”

“Well we didn’t sign up for a picnic,” Brad chuckled.

“I say we go forward,” Jean agreed.

The three men ventured inside and shined their lights on the smooth walls of the tunnel.

As they approached what looked like an intersection they began to hear scratching and clicking noises.

“Well that is a familiar sound,” Brad remarked. “I think we are about to be greeted by or hosts.”

They emerged at the end of the tunnel with a creature towering over them with its upper limbs outspread.

“Relax guys he’s at the greeting stance,” Brad assured them.

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