Chapter 475 I Found the Evidence

Caroline exclaimed, “I’m finished. Why are you still awake?”

Kenny leaned against the wall and said, “Did you forget it’s Saturday tomorrow?”

Caroline led the children into the living room, sat on the couch, and said, “I actually did. Could someone

get me a drink, please?”

Tyler stood up, volunteering. I can do it.”

In no time, Tyler returned with a glass of juice.

“Thanks, dear.” Caroline gulped it down.

Kenny swiftly took the glass. “Why the rush? You’ll choke.”

“I’m really thirsty. I’ve been shuttling between the police station and the hospital because Scott was in


car accident.”

“A car accident?!” the kids and Kenny exclaimed.

Caroline smiled with frustration. “Thankfully, he’s just concussed, even though his car flipped.”

Kenny sat down next to Caroline, astonished. “Is he badly hurt?”

“Just a mild concussion. Caroline proceeded to recount the accident to Kenny.

Kenny’s jaw dropped as he listened.

With a sigh, Kenny muttered, “Wow, Scott’s lucky. The saying ‘good deeds bring good rewards‘ seems


hold true.”

Tyler mischievously asked, “So, what’s the plan, Uncle Kenny?”

Kenny thought for a moment. “Maybe I should get a string of rosary beads to pray.”

Caroline and the kids glanced at Kenny simultaneously.

Kenny noticed their gaze. “Why are you all looking at me like that?”

Without uttering a word, they turned and headed upstairs.

Kenny called out in puzzlement, “Hey, what’s going on? Talk to me!”



On Saturday, Caroline woke up at 6:00 a.m. to prepare breakfast for Scott. She glanced out the living

room window and saw Eira and the children training.

Noticing breakfast already set on the dining table, she packed some into an insulated container. Just as

she was about to sit down and call the kids in for breakfast, her phone rang, and she saw Paige’s name

on the screen.

Paige sounded anxious. “Carol, I’ve found evidence!

Caroline sat up straight. “Tell me, what’s going on?”

Paige continued. “Finn received a large sum of money in his bank account last night, and it came from

an MK employee. They looked into the employee’s account, but there haven’t been any significant

transactions recently.”

Caroline frowned but didn’t say anything

“Carol, how can an ordinary employee have 140,000 dollars in cash? Paige asked.

Caroline clenched her fist and took a deep breath. “I doubt Evan would leave such a careless trail.”

“He’s not foolish. That’s why he used cash. But he probably didn’t expect the employee to make such a

foolish bank transfer,” Paige explained

Caroline pursed her lips, sensing something fishy about this. But how could she not be suspicious


the evidence pointed at an MK employee?

She struggled to stay calm. “Paige, this isn’t conclusive evidence. Find out who Finn has been in


with since returning to the country last year.”

Paige was puzzled. “Carol, are you still trying to defend Evan? The evidence is right in front of you!”

“I’m not defending him, but I have a feeling this isn’t as straightforward as it seems,” Caroline replied.

She added, “All these events seem directed at me, but haven’t you noticed they also target him?”


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