Chapter 252 You Are Really Protective of Her

There was no way Alec would retreat simply because of his words. Instead, he forcefully broke Gilbert's grip, setting Jenny free. Glaring at him coldly, Alec said, "Since she's your sister, you shouldn't hurt her."

"I'm not-"

"If there's nothing else, I'll excuse myself, Gilbert," Jenny said. She felt tired. Although she wasn't angry at Gilbert, she didn't know how to face him. With that, Alec led Jenny away. Gilbert stood as still as a statue, even when the car pulled out of sight.

"I told you a long time ago that Jenny wouldn't accept it," Jade said with a sigh, suddenly appearing beside him. She was the first to know that Gilbert liked Jenny, having discovered it when she was in Orchid Village. She had told him a few times to let go of his feelings, but he never listened. Now, look at how things turned out.

Gilbert turned to look at Jade. "Why can't she accept me? We aren't related by blood, and I am not worse than Alec." He didn't understand. Was it because they were siblings? They weren't even biological siblings.

"Perhaps, in your opinion, you're not real brothers and sisters since you're not blood-related. However, to Jenny, you are real brothers and sisters. It doesn't matter whether you're related by blood or not," Jade explained, urging Gilbert to give up.

Gilbert understood everything she said. Alas, he was not willing to give up. He stared in the direction Jenny and Alec left, refusing to come to his senses.

Jade sighed at the sight. She had said everything she could. It was up to Gilbert to figure things out.

In Alec's car, Jenny's good mood was ruined by Gilbert's appearance. She was silent from the moment she entered the car.

"What would you like for dinner? After the exhibition, let's go shopping." Alec tried to divert Jenny's attention as he did not want her to dwell in sadness. Jenny knew his intentions. Although her mood was not particularly good, she forced herself to smile, saying, "I'm okay with anything. You decide." Alec nodded and said, "Let's not think about unhappy matters. Things will improve for the better on their own."

Surprised, Jenny glanced at him. "I didn't know you knew how to comfort people."

"Well, it depends on who it is. If it's someone else, I won't bother." Alec was not so kind to everyone.

Jenny didn't believe him. After all, he had treated Faye very well. At the thought of Faye, Jenny asked, Where did you send Faye?"

Alec, who was driving, almost steered them into an accident. Looking at her in disbelief, he asked, "Don't tell me you want to take revenge on her."

"Am I not allowed to do that?" Jenny retorted, her eyebrows raised. Jenny was a person who held grudges. With a wry smile, Alec answered, "I didn't say that. It's just...since she won't ever appear in front of you again, I hope you will let bygones be bygones."

"You're really protective of her." For some reason, it made Jenny feel uncomfortable.

"You have misunderstood my relationship with her. Let me explain it to you." So, Alec told her how Faye's brother had saved him and how he had asked Alec to take care of Faye before his death. He made sure to explain things to Jenny clearly so that she wouldn't misunderstand.

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