The Wrong Woman
Chapter 516

Phoebe stepped out of the car, ready to unload the luggage, when Cole approached with an inviting smile. "Let me handle that," he offered warmly. Phoebe glanced at him, her curiosity piqued. His cheerful grin was infectious, and his eyes were sparkling with delight.

"What got you in such a good mood?" Phoebe asked curiously.

Cole remained silent to her question. His eyes gleamed mischievously as he stole glances at Phoebe, and a perpetual smile played on his lips. "Did you win the lottery or something?" Phoebe asked, surprised. "Or hit the jackpot?"

Cole chuckled softly. "No, I'm not into lottery."

"Then why the big grin?"

Cole's expression turned coy as he suppressed a smile before flashing his pearly-white teeth again. "Am I smiling?"

Phoebe teased, "Either you've hit the jackpot or found a stash of cash, or perhaps you're excited about your wedding night." Cole paused for a moment, his cheeks flushing slightly before muttering, "I have no wife."

With that, he pushed the luggage inside, Phoebe trailing behind him.

"General Morrison is here. Where's that woman?" Phoebe asked coldly.

"That woman?" Cole raised an eyebrow, puzzled.

Phoebe's tone turned frosty. "Fenna."

"She's on a mission."

"What kind of mission?"

"It's confidential," Cole responded curtly.

Phoebe rolled her eyes at him and didn't press further, choosing not to engage in further conversation with him.

Upon arriving home, it was already evening. Mila hadn't informed Nathan of their return, leaving him unable to prepare dinner in advance.

Fearing that Mila and the baby might go hungry, Nathan made spaghetti for dinner.

At the dining table, Cole couldn't contain his excitement. Grinning widely, he exclaimed, "Thanks to you, I'm tasting spaghetti cooked by General Morrison for the first time."

Mila's lips curved into a gentle smile as she stole a glance at Nathan, who had just sat on his chair. His handsome features were graced with an endearing smile, and his eyes were radiating warmth.

"Dig in while it's hot," Nathan softly said to Mila."There's more in the pot. I'll get you some more after you finish."

Mila looked at the plate of spaghetti, along with the pile of meatballs. "This is too much. I definitely can't finish it." "Have a bit more," Nathan replied. He was unaware of her appetite, but he was mindful of her need for nourishment.

"I'll have someone bring over more ingredients and arrange for a maternity nurse and maid to come early to take care of you."

Mila lowered her gaze to savor the meatballs, murmuring, "It's only seven months. It's too soon to hire a maternity nurse. It's unnecessary." "Okay then."

Setting aside his fork, Nathan watched Mila eat, his eyes exuding warmth. A smile graced his lips as he saw Mila enjoying her meal. Noticing the sauce staining her lips, he swiftly retrieved a tissue and wiped it away.

Meanwhile, Cole and Phoebe ate while sneaking glances at Nathan. They could see the intensity of his gaze.

It was a testament to his deep love for Mila. Just one month apart made it feel like they had been separated for a century.

After dinner, Cole took charge of cleaning the dishes while Phoebe tidied up the dining room.

Mila settled onto the living room couch and nestled against Nathan's chest, quietly enjoying their time together.

Nathan wrapped her in his arms, tenderly caressing her hand. "Is the baby behaving well? Any discomfort?" he asked with concern.

Mila leaned lazily against him, watching him play with her fingers. "Everything's fine, there's no major issues."

Nathan, still fretful, asked once again, "Why did the doctor recommend you give birth in Phoenicia? Is there a risk?"

Mila felt it wasn't right to keep it from him. She explained, "There's some adhesion between the placenta and the uterine wall. The doctor said childbirth might be a bit tricky, so it's safer for me to give birth at a larger hospital in Phoenicia."

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