The Wrong Woman
The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie Chapter 462

The night was serene, with Hudson Manor illuminated brightly.

Fenna returned home very late, finding Cameron sprawled on the sofa, his face flushed and smelling strongly of alcohol.

Fenna frowned disapprovingly. "Why are you drinking so heavily at this hour?"

Cameron offered a faint smile, replying, “I had no choice. I needed to get Nate intoxicated."

Taking a seat beside him, Fenna asked, "Why did you want Nate to get drunk?"

Cameron looked up, a mischievous smirk on his face. With a touch of excitement, he revealed, "Today, Wanda came to see me. She told me she wants Nathan..."

Upon hearing this, Fenna's complexion turned pale, and her hands clenched into fists.

Cameron chuckled, continuing, "I thought she was going to propose to Nate. I never expected that even after being married for over six months, they had yet to consummate their marriage. It surprised me so much that—"

Before he could finish his sentence, Fenna stood up abruptly, hurrying to leave.

Cameron quickly caught up and grasped her arm. "Where are you going?"

“I'm going to protect Nate," Fenna exclaimed with anger.

Regaining some sobriety, Cameron countered, "Protect him from what? They love each other; it's none of your business!"

Fenna's eyes blazed with fury, her teeth clenched. "Love? Who said anything about love? Wanda plans to return to Sunterland anyway; she won't stay with Nate.

"He loves the person she used to be, not this selfish woman now!" Cameron retorted, "You're talking nonsense. Nate's feelings are not your concern. Don't be so stubborn.”

Visibly frustrated, Fenna stamped her foot. "Their relationship ended some time ago! Nate has moved on and hasn't been in contact with her for over two weeks. Why are you assisting that bitch in hurting Nate?" Cameron's complexion paled, and he asked suspiciously, "How do you know they haven't been in touch for two weeks? Did you bribe someone close to Nate?"

Fenna shrugged off Cameron's hand and exclaimed, “Let go of me! I need to go help Nate!"

“It's too late. Wanda has been with him for half a day now," Cameron replied.

Tears welled up in Fenna's eyes, her face contorting with anger as she cried, "Cam, are you insane? Why are you assisting her instead of your own sister?

“You know how I feel about Nate, you know I've loved him for years. If you'd just give me a little support, I wouldn't be in so much pain!"

"Pull yourself together! Love is between two people. Can others really influence it?" Cameron snapped back. "If Nate doesn't have feelings for Wanda, even if he's drunk or drugged, he wouldn't do anything with her."

Furious, Fenna sank to the ground, disregarding her appearance as she hugged her knees and cried uncontrollably.

Cameron knelt down, gently stroking her back as he softly consoled her, "Fenna, Nate doesn't have feelings for you. He only sees you as a friend because he's close to me.

“If you weren't my sister, you wouldn't even be his friend. Let's try to be more rational, okay? Some things just can't be forced.”

Fenna sprung to her feet, her eyes filled with fury as she glared at Cameron, her jaw tightly clenched in resentment. "I will never give up," she declared, each word laced with determination.

"Wanda will leave soon, and she has no future with Nate. Besides, I've already applied to transfer to another position.”

Cameron was stunned. "Fenna, what are you trying to do?"

Brushing away her tears, Fenna's expression hardened, her voice firm as she uttered, "I want to transfer to the military to be close to Nate.

“If I'm with him every day, showing him my care and dedication, I believe I'll eventually win his heart!"

Cameron's face twisted with disbelief and anger. "Are you serious?" he exclaimed.

Fenna shot him a defiant look and said nothing more, turning on her heel and marching upstairs.

Cameron was left fuming with frustration, his hands on his hips as he paced around the living room.

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