The Wrong Woman
The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie Chapter 387

In the warm and cozy room, Nathan lay half-reclined on the bed with his eyes closed. Soft rays of sunlight streamed in through the balcony and shone on his handsome face, making his complexion more charming.

Now, he appeared a bit more weary and weathered, which made people feel sorry for him.

Mila had prepared herself mentally on the way there. She reminded herself that he was no longer single. She shouldn't fantasize or hold onto any delusion.

However, upon seeing him, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement. She was unable to control herself.

She approached him slowly, her voice soft as she greeted him. "Nate."

Nathan tensed up. He abruptly opened his eyes and gazed intensely at Mila. She was wearing a soft pink floral dress, and her long hair cascaded over her shoulders.

In her left hand, she held a large bunch of her favorite white zinnias. While in her right hand, she carried two boxes of supplements.

She stood there, awkward and timid.

Mila's smile reached her eyes. She looked stunning and beautiful.

Looking at her smile, Nathan couldn't help but return it. Smiling gently at her, he asked, "You're here?”

"Yeah," Mila lifted the gifts slightly and said, "I brought you two boxes of supplements.”

"Put it there," Nathan said as he pointed at the coffee table in the room.

Mila walked over and placed the gifts down. She then looked at the flowers in her hand. Turning to look at him, she asked, "Nate, where should I put the flowers?"

Nathan patted the bedside table, and Mila placed the flowers on it.

The distance between them shortened.

As Nathan looked up at her lovely face, Mila met his intense gaze.

She immediately looked away. As she looked around, she spotted a chair beside the bed. She pulled it over and sat by his bedside.

"Are you feeling better?” Mila asked politely.

Nathan smiled bitterly. It seemed the environment had affected her.

The person who used to be so close to him in the island prison, who would hold his hand and touch his body intentionally and unintentionally, now seemed to have disappeared.

Nathan replied gently, "Yes, nothing serious.”

"Is the wound still hurting?" Mila asked as she looked at his shoulder.


"Can you get out of bed?"

Nathan didn't answer. He just stared at her. He didn't want to tell her that he was feeling very weak, possibly due to excessive blood loss or injuries, which made him drained and dizzy.

He changed the subject, asking, "Why did you decide to come to visit me?"

Mila lowered her head. Her hands unconsciously fiddled with her clothes. She wanted to see him. She thought about him at every moment of every day.

But she was mindful about Fenna's presence, so she kept enduring.

Nathan appeared grim. He felt sad when he stared at Mila's fidgeting fingers. It seemed that this was a difficult question to answer. Perhaps Cole had brought her here against her will.

He knew how Cole was. Nathan was resigned and smiled bitterly. “Cole brought you here, didn't he?"

"Yeah, I went to see Dan. He drove your family back, and I ran into him at Morrison Residence, so I came here with him.” Mila explained.

Hearing her words, Nathan felt like his heart was being torn apart. His heart felt like it was bleeding, and the pain was driving him crazy.

If that was the case, she might as well not come at all.

"How's Daniel? Is he alright?" Nathan asked, trying to maintain a casual tone despite the pain. "Same as usual. He's not doing well.”

"When are you going back to Sunterland?"

"I'm not sure. I might not go back anymore.”

Nathan paused, and he subconsciously gripped his blanket. Though his appearance seemed calm, his heart was a tempest of emotions

"Why..." Nathan's voice trembled slightly. The pause was just because of excessive excitement. He slowed down and asked, "Did you suddenly change your mind?"

Mila pursed her lips. Smiling faintly, she asked Nathan back, "Don't you want me to come back to serve my country?"

Nathan smiled at her and said, "Of course I do."

Both publicly and privately, he earnestly hoped so. If she was willing to stay, at least he still had hope.

"My grandparents are getting older," Mila casually found an excuse, "I want to stay in Norvania just to spend more time with them. So, I'm still giving it some thought."

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