The Wolf Siren (Released for a limited time)
The Wolf Siren (Released for a limited time)

The Wolf Siren (Released for a limited time)

22Chapters 437Views 13Bookmarked Completed Status


An Elven Princess is sent to find, protect, and train a rare young girl, a Siren, born to a wolf pack, when fate decides to step in. Forcefully pulling the flail back, the hooks rip chunks of skin from the wolfs body as I spin the chain around my wrist and above my head like a helicopter, just as two more wolves jump towards me baring teeth and snarling menacingly. I propelled the flail right and it connected - hard - with the face of a wolf, blood gushing from the open wound while the other end connected with the jaw and slices straight through. With my knee and hand on the ground as my right leg extended out, the flail ready on my right, I looked up, prepared for the next attack, only to be greeted by what looked like, over a hundred massive growling wolves. There, standing in the centre, was one GIGANTIC pure white one with honey amber eyes boring into me. A shiver of excitement flowed through me. The large grey and black wolf nods and shifts into human form, "what are you doing here?" He barks. "I seek the Alpha." My head hung low while my eyes darted left to right, awaiting their next move.

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