Read The Ultimate Husband [by Skykissing wolf] Chapter 87 – “Come, Darryl, Sit here.” Megan smiled.

She pulled a chair next to her while ignoring the judgmental glares from the others.

Darryl was about to leave, but he was touched by Megan’s sincerity. He sat down calmly.

“Meg love, why are you friends with him?” Kent came to his senses—he asked confusedly.

Megan sighed gently, “Kent, can you not judge a book by its cover? In my eyes, everyone is the same.

So what if Darryl Darby is living with his in- laws? Does that mean I can’t be friends with him?” explained

Megan patiently.

Kent was struck dumb. Megan shook her head and took the Godly pill from her bag. “Kent, weren’t you

stuck at Level Five Master for some time now? This pill can help you. Darryl gave it to me.”

“Whoa!” They were astounded by Megan’s remarks.

A few of these bunch of rich brats are Cultivators as well, though only beginners as they just started

practicing cultivation. After all, their family is willing to spend the money to let them become Cultivators.

They all know as Cultivators how arduous and challenging it is to break through to the next realm.

Hearing how the Godly pill can help, this piqued everyone’s interest. However, according to Megan, the

pill was from Darryl. Suddenly, everyone was more interested in Darryl than the pill. A live-in son

-in-law could actually manage to get his hands on

such a rare Godly pill? If the pill were real, there definitely would be loads of people willing to spend a

huge fortune on it.

No one dared to mock Megan, so they scorned Darryl.

Kent was also shocked. He has heard the wonders of the Godly pill. However, upon hearing that it’s from

Darryl, he laughed mockingly. He took the pill from Megan, scrutinized it, and scoffed, “This lousy thing

can help me? You’ve got to be kidding me!”

Kent’s tone turned serious. He looked at Megan and said, “Meg love, your character has always been

straightforward and unambiguous, but also gullible. My guess is that you’ve managed to rise to Master

General, not because of this pill, but because you have a solid, deep, basic cultivation technique, hence

you could breakthrough! There’s no such thing as a Godly pill, if not everyone would’ve easily become a

Master General” Kent then casually threw the pill on the table.

“I’m serious! It was due to this pill that I managed to become Master General!” Megan replied anxiously.

Kent sneered, “This dude is definitely lying to you. You’ve been stuck on Level Five Master for many

years and to finally have a breakthrough—it’s all due to your hard work! It has nothing to do with this pill,

that was only a happy accident.”

Kent gave Darryl an ice -cold glare, and said, “You toy boy, I don’t know what your intentions are with

Megan, but you stay the h**l away from her, you clear? If not, I’ll make your living in Donghai City h**l.”

“You heard that? Some people are not something you can afford to be with!”

“Know your place! Don’t try to con people with this stuff, and stay away from our sis-in-law!”

’B****y f*ck. Stupid Kent Hough, he doesn’t even know how Megan begged me for it just now. If it weren’t

for Megan, I wouldn’t even be here. People like Brandon would be willing to spend two billion, plus a jade

thumb ring for this Godly pill. I’m giving it to you for free, not only are you not appreciative, you mock me

still?’ Darryl thought.

He stood up, laughed coldly and said, “Ok, if youthink it’s fake, then return it to me.”

“Take it yourself, you expect me to hand it to you personally? You’ll d***y my hands!” Kent jeered, without

even glancing at the Godly pill on the table. As if on cue, there was a roar of laughter.

Darryl was about to retrieve the pill when Megan snatched it, handed it to Kent, and said, “Kent Hough, if

you believe me, you will s*****w this pill right this instant. If not, I’m leaving with Darryl.” Megan tilted her

head towards Darryl, with an awkward, apologetic expression.

Everyone was baffled by Megan’s reaction. What does this live-in son-in-law have on Megan that she

trusts him so much?

Kent was rather awkward, not knowing how to respond. However, seeing how exasperated Megan was,

he surrendered. He had no choice but to s*****w the Godly pill. “For Megan’s sake, I won’t embarrass

you further,” Kent said with a weak smile.

Finding topics to talk about, Kent asked, “I heard that recently you’re looking for a job. What do you do?

Perhaps us bros could help you out.”

“I’m working for someone,” Darryl replied calmly.


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