The Supreme God of Martial Arts
Chapter 587 The Major Achievement Stage Of Brutal Blast Fist

Theon was greatly shocked previously when Denali brought back two books of fifth-grade martial arts and one book of sixth-grade martial arts.

Now, Austin suddenly offered him three books of sixth-grade martial arts, which made him feel extremely excited.

God knew how valuable a sixth-grade martial arts book was.

It was such an important book that even the most powerful sect in Violet Orchid Empire, the Peripatetic Sect, only had one sixth-grade martial arts book.

It was with the help of that book that the Peripatetic Sect outperformed the other four sects in martial arts grades and became the strongest among the five.

On the other hand, the two fifth-grade martial arts books were the highest ones possessed by the Sun Sect.

Only those who were upper leaders and some gifted principal disciples were allowed to practice the two books in the Sun Sect.

"Austin, this... This... These books are too precious. I can't take them,” stammered Theon.

"Don't say that, Sect Leader Xiang. Take it because I give it to you. You do know what kind of person I am, right?

Take it as a sign of my gratitude.

I used to live in Sun Sect for six or seven years after all and I really hope for the Sun Sect to have a better future,”

said Austin calmly.

"If that's what you think. Then, I'll take it.

I will make sure to write this in the annals of Sun Sect. You will be known as the disciple who has contributed the most to our sect.

Ha! It will not be long before we become the strongest sect in Violet Orchid Empire now that we have five books of fifth-grade and four books of sixth-grade.”

Theon was smiling ear to ear when he took the three pieces of colorful martial arts jade slips. Needless to say, he seemed overjoyed with just the look of the books.

"You may take a rest, Austin. I'll get some Elders to have the work done and we'll all go with you to the Empire,"

said Theon to Austin. Then, he bowed his head respectfully and left. "You're getting more and more sophisticated, Austin. I don’t even have a clue of what's in your head anymore,” said Murray as he walked out of the hall and greeted Austin with mixed joy and doubt in his eyes. Who would have expected Austin to develop this much in such a short while after leaving the Sun Sect?

He didn't just achieve the Sky Realm but also accumulated so many precious things, like the third-level elixir and sixth-grade martial arts books.

"Please don't say that.

I am where I am today because of you.

I could have been nothing without you,”

replied Austin with a smile.

Little did anyone know how much Austin looked at Murray as his teacher and father at the same time. He would never forget Murray regardless of how successful he was or high his position was.

Murray was about to leave the conference hall when Austin suddenly exclaimed, "Wait! I have something for you.”

Confused, Murray stopped and turned back to Austin.

Austin then took out a colorful martial arts jade slip from his sleeves and put it in Murray's hand.

"I think this martial arts book suits you most, so I want you to have it. However, please don't give it to the sect.”

Austin knew how selfless Murray was. Thus, he said those words. Murray was the type of person who put the sect's interest first before his own.

A mild smile cracked Murray's lips as he looked at the colorful jade slip in his hand.

"Well, then," he said with a nod.

He then shot Austin a meaningful glance before adding, "You must be very careful once you get to the imperial capital city. Do not forget that there will always be someone better than you regardless of how great you are now. I've heard that the leader of Ghost Sect is very powerful Take care of yourself, okay?"

Those heartfelt words made Austin nod like a child.

He then left the conference hall silently.

It was only after Austin was completely gone that Murray looked at the colorful martial arts jade slip again. Curiosity was finally eating him. “That boy said that this martial arts book suits my training. What does he mean by that? What kind of martial arts could this be?" he thought. Everyone knew how tempting martial arts and elixirs were to martial artists.

Thus, curiously, Murray put the colorful jade slip against his forehead and closed his eyes. He needed to check what was in it.

"Eighteen Demon-subduing Stick Movements. Seventh-grade martial arts is famous for its ferocity...” Murray's voice halted as his eyes fluttered in shock.

His expression was suddenly unreadable as all his emotions showed on his face at once. He was shocked, stunned, and most of all, ecstatic! "W-what?! This is the seventh-grade martial arts... Oh, my God! This is insane!"

he exclaimed as if something unimaginable just happened right before his eyes.

The value of the book he was holding right now was immeasurable. Seventh-grade martial arts had already been extinct for a long time in the Violet Orchid Empire. Even the elders thought that these martial arts only existed in legends!

However, here he was, standing in the middle of the conference hall as he held the seventh-grade martial arts itself in his hand. Austin was indeed full of surprises.

Unable to move, Murray remained speechless for a while. Then, he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"The boy must be God's favorite child.”

He carefully put the colorful martial arts jade slip away. It was easy to tell that Murray would still need more time to accept the fact that he already owned the mentioned martial arts.

Meanwhile, Austin knew that it would take Theon and the others at least half a day to deal with the sect affairs. Thus, he left the conference hall and headed to a secluded forest to practice his Brutal Blast Fist. Moments later and a violent explosion happened in the midst of the forest. The animals around ran in chaos and the birds flew.

The trees began to fall one by one, sending a thick cloud of dust everywhere.

It was because of Austin, who was punching at towering trees.

His Brutal Blast Fist had achieved Minor Achievement Stage and was nothing stronger than that of eight men's fists.

He would be required to hit his enemy's body if he wanted to kill them with his current skill.

However, he wouldn't have to engage in such a close fight if he could reach the Major Achievement Stage of Brutal Blast Fist. His enemy's body would explode instantly without needing to touch him.

What Austin was practicing was Major Achievement Stage of Brutal Blast Fist.

He had already used the Brutal Blast Fist against his enemies for so many times. Thus, he had a deep understanding of it and also learned some secrets of the Major Achievement Stage.

What he planned to do now was to improve his Brutal Blast Fist to Major Achievement Stage so he could kill his enemies regardless of their distance.

It was the reason why he was punching against the trees over and over. At first, Austin could feel how his fist brought wild wind and make sand and stones fly in the air, creating an impact which was enough to take trees down.

However, it wasn't the power of his Brutal Blast Fist that was doing all those. It was just his vital energy force. His vital energy force had grown too strong that he didn't even need to use martial arts to create the same damage.

After four hours of practice, Austin felt himself become more and more proficient of his fists.

He tried to use the Brutal Blast Fist once more, and to his amazement, he didn't affect any other trees around him.

He was finally able to focus his energy to a single target, sending all his power towards the trunk of a giant tree.

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