The Supreme God of Martial Arts
Chapter 541 Violet's Past

The outer range of the Grand Desolation Mountain stood like a great shadow. The ranges seemed to be overlapping as though receding into the distance. Austin was in no hurry to complete his journey. He kept searching for some diabolic beasts to practice his martial arts every now and then. Although he had entered the outer range of the Grand Desolation Mountain about three days ago, he hadn't reached the destination where Violet lived.

Another two days passed and Austin had traveled deeper inside the outer range of the Grand Desolation Mountain.

That was when Austin encountered a huge sixth-level demonic wolf in the woods.

It was three meters tall. Heavily muscular, with silver grey shaggy hair, it was a terrifying beast. Standing there with an imposing air, its eyes were bright with ruthlessness and fierceness.

Austin was able to recognize the demonic wolf. It was a sixth-level demonic beast called silver blood demonic wolf.

While Austin was observing the wolf and moving his eyes across its body, the beast stared back at him with its scarlet eyes.

“This delicate juvenile human should have wet his pants and fled immediately after he saw me.

Instead, he is sizing me up with great interest like a hunter tracing and watching his prey, ' the beast thought.

Austin’s staring served as a blatant provocation to the demonic wolf's dignity. Instantly a blind rage filled its heart.


Accompanied by a long howl, the silver blood demonic wolf leaped to its feet and lunged at Austin fiercely at a terrifying speed. Its sharp fore- paws were gleaming coldly. There was a sizzling sound when the air was cut open by the fore-paws.

Austin touched the ground with his toes briefly before he soared up into the air. His leap was higher than that of the demonic beast.

"Eight kinds of forces integrated as one!"

With a soft shout, Austin knocked the head of the wolf with a swipe of his fist that was filled with dangerous amounts of vital energy force. He shifted his body deftly and brushed past the beast.

Austin and the demonic wolf fell on the ground and raised themselves up quickly. Both of them turned towards each other simultaneously, sizing each other up again.


Austin howled softly.


A muffled sound boomed through the wolf's body and echoed with Austin's soft voice. Blood started to flow out from all the seven openings of its head. After a few seconds, the huge body collapsed, dead.

"Finally I could make the blast effect when eight kinds of forces are integrated as one by following my own inclinations.”

Clenching his fists in the air, Austin felt very pleased at the progress he had made by the practice of so many days. He successfully integrated the eight kinds of forces the Brutal Blast Fist as one.

However, it was clear to him that he was still far away from the Major Achievement Stage of this set of fist positions.

The Major Achievement Stage of the Brutal Blast Fist meant one could punch his rival through the air and pour the fist's force into the rival's body to produce an explosion.

At present, only when he slammed his fist against his rival's flesh, he could produce an explosion.

Stepping forward, Austin gave a pat on the beast's lifeless head and took out the bloody sixth-level demonic beast's core. "Congratulations master! You have practiced the Brutal Blast Fist in the Minor Achievement Stage.”

Violet appeared suddenly. She came up to Austin after he had killed that silver blood demonic wolf.

All these days when they had been in the outer range of the Grand Desolation Mountain, there was no need for Violet to hide herself in the lllusion Bead.

Violet was free to turn into human shape and act together with Austin. From time to time she went to pluck some elixirs or went for some diabolic beasts to practice her martial arts.

Since Austin was becoming stronger and stronger in his cultivation base and had exceeded Violet's strength to a large extent, her help was barely needed.

Violet's cultivation base had been the same as the sixth-level demonic beast, but the scarcity of actual fighting in the past, made Violet wonder whether her cultivation base was strong enough or not.

She also intended to take advantage of this opportunity by exploring the outer range of the Grand Desolation Mountain to improve her strength. She could do so by actually fighting, which was always the best way to enhance one's strength when diabolic beasts and humans shared a common point.

"Ha ha! The real power of the Brutal Blast Fist can only be revealed at the Major Achievement Stage.

By the way, I haven't seen the gnome from the last two days.”

Austin remarked.

A soft smile crept on his face.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear,” Austin said.

Suddenly the air was filled with a swooshing sound.

A small figure ran out from the left-hand woods swiftly.

Holding a pile of elixirs in his left paw, his right paw grabbed elixirs and stuffed them into his mouth like he was hungrily eating snacks. Fourth-grade elixir, tiger bone potato.

Fourth-grade elixir, purple scrophularia with three hundred years history.

Fourth-grade elixir, earth spirit fruit.

Fifth-grade elixir, three essences fruit. . . .

Austin and Violet exchanged surprised looks and had to shake their heads with wry smiles on their faces. These invaluable elixirs which human cultivators treasured more than their lives were like snacks for him as he carried them in his paws.

Especially the fourth-grade elixir earth spirit fruit. It brought back memories of Austin’s time in Sun Sect when he was only a grunt disciple and was having his trials in the Beast Mountain. He had been bogged down by Marvin who kept chasing him as if he were a street dog. The mad pursuit, only for an earth spirit fruit drove him to escape through the entire Beast Mountain.

But at that moment, the earth spirit fruit had lost its attraction for Austin. It was no more a prized possession for him.

Austin already had many seventh-grade and even eighth-grade elixirs with him. There was no doubt that he could downplay those fourth- grade elixirs.

Therefore, he let the gnome consume those fourth-grade and fifth- grade elixirs.

"Violet, we have already reached the section of sixth level diabolic beasts. I guess, the place where you lived earlier is not very far from here."

The section with the sixth-level diabolic beasts was already the heart of the outer range of the Grand Desolation Mountain.

Rather than the outer range, the territory ahead of them, belonged to the Grand Desolation Mountain.

The Grand Desolation Mountain was regarded as a forbidden area for humans in the entire Prime Martial World.

It was home to diabolic beasts above sixth-grade mostly and was located south of the Prime Martial World. It had a vast territory and was bordered with a dozen empires of the south continent.

The legend went that a lot of ninth-grade and tenth-grade diabolic beasts, even some more powerful than tenth-grade ones, lived there. Austin was able to survive his adventure in the outer range of the Grand Desolation Mountain with his strength.

But there were more beasts which were more powerful than him. They could appear in the Grand Desolation Mountain any time.

"The place where I lived before was not far from here, my master. I assure you.

It is located in a valley, thirty miles from here, to the left side. I think you can sense it with your spiritual sense.

But it had been occupied forcibly by the rhinoceros king.

Several of my sisters fell into his hands. They unwillingly accepted to become his concubines.”

Violet sighed.

"Oh! Did he capture them forcibly and keep as concubines?

Your sisters are also demonic foxes, aren't they?"

Austin was surprised.


Violet answered.

"How can a rhinoceros occupy the area and capture foxes? How can he force them to become his concubines?"

Austin couldn't help laughing. They were all beasts, but they belonged to different species. How was it possible! It made no sense to him!

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