The morning after.


Anna climbing out of the bed wakes me up, I watch from between my lashes as she strips out of her clothes. It’s been a long time since I saw her n*ked, too long. I watch her pull some clean panties up her smoother slender legs, they are french cut lace ones that frame her perfect as s. The matching bra is next, she has her back to me so I can’t see those beautiful rosey n*pples being trapped behind a tight lace. prison. I feel myself getting hard so I close my eyes to block her from my view. I will my co ck to deflate but instead it gets harder as Anna sprays her sunflower perfume, I’m suddenly surrounded by her scent. The sunflower perfume enhances the amazing smell that is all Anna, it does nothing but cause my kind of hard on to become a full on tent under the duvet.

Reaching my hand underneath the cover I try to rearrange myself so it’s less obvious, except me pushing it down makes me shiver and suddenly I am doing lazy strokes up and down.

“Stop.” Anna calls from the end of the bed.

“Huh?” I cra ck open one eye and see Anna standing there with her hands on her hips and giving me the stink eye.

“Think about me or Faye?” I sigh as my co ck instantly flags, I’m not sure if it was the mention of Faye or the argumentative tone in Anna’s.


“Are we going to argue again little wolf? Ask her while sitting up in bed.

“I have training so the verbal’sparring will have to wait. Some of us


have a second mate challenge to get ready for. Why hasn’t she

challenged me yet? She could have, many times over yet she hasn’t.” Anna asks me as she sits at the end of the bed to pull on some trainers.

“I’m not sure, I’ve been waiting for her to do it for weeks now.” I tell her truthfully.

“Right, weeks. For a second there I almost forgot how long you have been lying to me.” She shakes her head as she stands from the bed, “so what will happen? Will she kill me?”

“I don’t know. There can be a few outcomes to a challenge, she could kill you or she could simply beat you and take your spot as Luna.” I speak the words quickly as they make my mouth feel dry. The idea of Anna and Faye in a challenger fight scares the hell out of me.

“You said multiple…” I nod at her.

“She could beat you and demand I banish you or she could beat you. and then she could…” I look at her and sigh, “she could beat you and demand the Elders lock you up. Although I’ve never heard of that actually happening, it has to be Elder approved and there is no way she has Elder connections.”

“If she wants me banished I wouldn’t be able to come back, would I?” I shake my head no, “I thought so. She won’t let me take Thomas, I just

know it.”

“Anna, I don’t think…” my sentence is cut off when a knock sounds at the bedroom door. I look at Anna giving her the choice of inviting the

person in.

“Come in.” Anna shouts out.

“Good morning, is now a bad time?” My mother asks as she walks in the door.


“Anna, look at me.” I demand of her, she gives me her eyes and I can see the tears balanced on her lashes. “I’m going to do everything in my power to fix this. I will make this right,” I vow to her, she looks at me with sad eyes before getting up and leaving the room.

I can’t say I disagree, Anna really has been handed a sh it stain of a life. I wish I had the power to make things casier for her. Not too long ago I thought I could fix it all but now I feel like my life is just flashing past me and there is nothing I can do to change it.

Getting up seems like such a has sle but I know I can’t stay in bed all day. I should probably go and see my son at some point, the poor little guy hasn’t seen much of me lately. I wish I could blame it on being Alpha but the truth is I’ve been an awful mate and farther these past weeks. Sighing, I climb out of bed and head for the bathroom. I figure. I’ll take a hot shower and head straight over to Thomas. I’ll try talking to Eliza aswell, last night I asked her not to tell Anna about Faye and this morning I realised that was a horrible position to put her in.

Anna is possibly about to lose everything in her life, I won’t take her friend from her too.



More pain to come.

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