Faye. It’s all about Faye.


Rolling over in the bed I see the spot Anna normally occupies is empty. It leaves my stomach feeling uneasy and it isn’t just the whiskey I have been guzzling lately. I’ve been awful to all of those around me, I’ve been taking my worry about Faye out on those around me instead of on the one person who should be feeling my rage.

“Dada!” Thomas squeals as he runs into the bedroom and launches himself onto the bed. I look over at the door and see Anna standing there watching us, I can’t help but notice how she’s looking. She looks terrible, her once flawless completion is now marked with red splotches and deep grey bags under her eyes. Her hair looks like she hasn’t showered in days and her clothes look like she slept in them. I did this, I did this to her.

“Anna…” I say as Thomas launches himself at my chest.

“I have to go to training, can you watch Thomas?” She’s not even looking at me as she speaks.

“Of course I will.” I tell her.

“He has day care from noon till 3pm.” She says before turning on the spot and leaving the doorway. I don’t miss the look of sadness on her face as she leaves me alone with Thomas, I need to find a way to fix


After an uneventful morning I find myself standing on the street in front of the daycare. Thomas doesn’t seem to understand that I really don’t want to go in there as he pulls on my hand and all but drags me


248 wouchers

up the stairs. He doesn’t get that I don’t want to go in there and he doesn’t care, he just wants to get to his friends and play. Thankfully we don’t see Faye during the drop off and I can only hope I don’t see her at pick up either. I spend a few minutes to watch Thomas play with his friends, it’s impressive to me even at his age he’s already showing Alpha tendencies. I need to start teaching him how to be kind and thoughtful as well as strong and firm, it’s best little Alphas learn this stuff early.

“Fancy seeing you here.” I hear from behind me, as quickly as the goose bumps rise up my arms.

the rage fills my head

I quickly spin around and grab Faye by the top of her arm, with a punishing grip I drag her along the hall until I find an empty classroom. Opening the door I non to carefully throw her inside, I don’t think she expects me to become so aggressive as she tumbles onto the floor. I make no move to help her.

“I told you to leave.” I yell at her while slamming the door closed behind me.

“And I told you. I’m not going anywhere. You and I are fated to be together,” she says, pulling herself off the floor.

“You are nothing to me!” I yell at her while I grip my hair in frustration. “Anna is my mate. Only her, you don’t even come close to her.” I know what I’m saying is awful but I mean every word. This woman needs to understand how little she means to me. If a rejection wont work then she needs to come to the realisation on her own.

“Don’t you see it? She’s bewitched you with her Omega powers, it’s what they do. They infest packs until they do nothing but serve them.” She walks towards me and I back myself away until I hit one of the tables with my legs.

Faye its all about Fre

“Anna has no power, she is just her. She could never be like you, if she knew…” I stop myself from speaking as she draws closer.

“She doesn’t know about me?” She asks but I refuse to answer, “she doesn’t? I wonder how she will react when she knows the truth. Maybe I should tell her for you, lover.” I grab her arms and hold her away from me, she just looks down at my grip and smiles. She’s getting off on the pain I’m inflicting, this chick is one messed up cookie.

“It’s Alpha to you,” I say getting right up close to her. “I hear you call me anything but that and I will put you down on the floor myself.”

I’m so close to her that I don’t realise what she’s doing until it’s too late. Faye moves with a swiftness I don’t expect from her. Our l*ps are connected before I can stop it from happening. I know I should move away from her but the second her l*ps touch mine it’s like lust and lighting strike my b*dy all at once. I’m suddenly rock hard and ready for anything, it’s like she has fl*pped a switch in my b*dy I didn’t even realise I had turned off. Before I even register what’s happening I have her pulled closer to me and our tongues are meeting in a passionate k*ss. I grip her chestnut brown hair in my hands. I have a thought that it’s nowhere near as soft as Anna’s but before I can grip onto the thought, Faye moans into my mouth.

I put my hands on her as s and use the grip to pull her up against me, she uses her legs to climb me like a tree and she wraps herself around me. I carry her over to a table and lay her down so she’s fully open to me. I break the k*ss and see her bruised and puff red l*ps open and panting with breath. Her legs draw me closer, this causes my rock hard co ck to brush up against her centre. Both of us moan in unison at the contact. I bring my hands to her ankles with every intention of distancing myself from her when she wiggles herself against me and moans again. Instead of removing her legs from around me I draw my hands up the length of her legs and bring them to her hips, I pull her closer to me and grind myself against her.




“More.” She whispers to me. I can feel the battle going around in my head as my hands go to the button of her jeans without me giving them permission to do so. I start to unbutton her jeans as I hear a small

cough from behind us.

Dropping Faye’s legs, I turn around and see Eliza standing in the doorway of the classroom. For the longest moment we just stand there. and stare at each other, I watch as Eliza’s eyes fall to Faye. Still spread out on the table looking blissed out of her mind and then back to me. and down to my lower half. There is no denying what she has just walked in on.

“Eliza…” I start not knowing how I am going to finish.

“Your son’s class is about to come down here. I suggest cleaning up before he sees you.” She says coldly before leaving the room. I watch her leave as Faye’s hands run up my back and down to my waist, I clasp her hands in mine before she can reach my button.

“Get out.” I say in a menacing tone throwing her hands off me. I quickly walk from the room, not looking behind me. I don’t trust. myself to look directly at her, thankfully my erection subsided the second I saw Eliza so at least I’m not walking through a day care with a hard to explain situation.

Once I’m outside of the daycare I feel like I can finally breathe again, I do a quick sweep of the area but I can’t see Eliza. I need to find her and explain what she just walked in on. I mean first I have to

understand what the hell just happened first. It was like I couldn’t control my own b*dy, all sense and reason just left me. In that moment. it was like nothing but Faye existed, she was all I saw and all I felt.

‘Anna felt everything. Winter too.” Leo tells me.

‘She did? Suddenly I’m panicking for a whole different reason, looks like I won’t even have a chance to explain myself.

66 86%

Seres what we did Suur alle will know ameting tas happened

would hose bell lite i na ons deep mu nte of bee “te angilains we will down the root


So white was (Gelling goed and happy Xma war aufusing as gain


I don’t know when that was, di wara’t a sermal mate interaction. It was ve limited.. “Tan sert and I am their the conduire in the voice

Thân’ full limited to me “Tielli ham muthdally

No vode ulling me that of that was Anna that you would have stopped if someone came and he’s right when Anna is under me I can’t stop no matter when 1’s like I base the anatable need to take her the second she touches me. “With Fave the second we stopped touching it was over

and I onuld firudh thark cheaarby

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