His Rogue Omega: Chapter 78

✰ Jeremy 

Throwing the file on the table I grab the bottle of vodka and pour myself a healthy measure. They killed four of our men in that ambush, admittedly we killed more of them but I still don’t like that number. 

“She’s becoming more trouble than she’s worth.” I grumble, I hear static on the other side of the phone just before a chuckle echoes around the small office. 

“Aren’t they all? Have we confirmed the Alpha as one of the dead?” I lean back in my chair, bringing a cigarette to my l*ps, I take my time answering the old man. 

“No one’s seen him since the attack but then again we haven’t seen a funeral either.” I don’t add that we watched them bury nine warriors and a small boy, grown men trying not to cry over the death of a child. Pathetic. “The tattooed one who killed Guardian Reginald is there, so is that older Alpha, so something big has happened.” I bite the cigarette between my teeth as I pat my hand down my pants, looking for the blasted lighter. 

“We had a tip yesterday. She should be arriving at your club sometime soon. She can help you get Zoe out and if not then we get a new womb. to fill.” I groan as I flick my lighter and fill my lungs with smoke, “I don’t give a crap about the big guy right now, his Pack isn’t causing trouble. I’d rather focus on Zoe and getting her back to us. 

“And you’re dropping this on me now?” I can’t keep the annoyance out of my voice, God forbid they give a man a heads up about what’s going 

His Ruque Omega Chapter 78, 

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on in his territory. 

“Be thankful you’re still where you are, Heins. Lesser Guardians than you have been removed for smaller failures, losing Zoe was 

unacceptable. It’s your job to bring her back to the light of His glory.” The line disconnects, his scolding is still ringing in my cars as I drop the burner phone into my desk drawer. 

I find comfort in the fact that I manage to drain my drink and finish my smoke before a pounding knock comes to my door. 

“Enter.” I don’t shout, if they want to hear me then they can open their damn cars and listen. 

“You have a guest, two actually.” I look up to see Cyrus’s face poking around the door, he’s wearing his ever present joggers and wife beater but today he at least looks like he washed and brushed his hair. 

“Check on the back room, make sure the girls are producing.” I stand from the desk and shrug into my suit jacket, presentation is everything, even to scum like shifters. “In the bar?” Cyrus just nods his head, as far as thugs go he’s not bad, he does his job which is more than I can say for some. “Female or male?” I pick up my cigarettes and lighter, pocketing them I walk around my desk while I button my jacket up. 

“Both.” I raise an eyebrow at myself as I look in the mirror and fuss. with my short hair, odd that a female and male have come to see me. 

“Put Lucy on the stage, I was told it’s the female who wants to talk to me. Keep everyone out of the bar, except for Liam.” I’m not stupid, I won’t leave myself alone with two shifters with no protection. Unlike my counterparts, I know the Lord can only control so much of our lives. 

my face as I walk into the bar, I spot the single older male watching Lucy do her thing like he’s never seen a half n*ked woman before. The female is something different though, she’s nursing a small glass of clear liquid and dressed more like a twenty year old than the forty maybe even fifty year old she is. With her booty short and low cut top she’s the definition of mutton dressed as lamb. 

“I believe you’re here to see me.” I tap my cigarette packet on the clean bar as I nod at Liam, he quickly pours me a glass of vodka with a single ice cube. “Jeremy Heins, pleasure to meet you.” I keep a smile on my face as I sip my drink, I hate being around shifters but if she can help me get Zoe then I don’t care. 

“Martha Freelin, I believe you are looking for a rogue female?” I just nod my head at her, the less she knows from my side the better, I’ve already pegged her as the Alpha’s mother thanks to the surname. “She’s at the Pack land, she mated the Alpha so she’s their Luna now.” I close my eyes and try to hide my annoyance as the woman downs the rest of her drink, now I’m close to her the smell of gin is unmistakable. 

“That’s a problem.” I look over to Liam who drops his head, he should have known Zoe had mated the Alpha, this should not be a surprise to 

  1. me. 

“She’s stealing my Pack from me, stupid Omega comes in and weaves her magic over my son. I can help you get her but you have to promise she never comes back.” I just nod my head at her as I try to process the fact that Zoe is an Omega, another fact my rogues have failed to tell 

  1. me

“How can you help me get Zoe?” The woman looks confused, “Eva. How can you help me get Eva?” I keep forgetting these backward ass shifters only know Zoe as Eva and not her God given name. 

His Roque Omega: Chapter 78 

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“My son is injured, he’s not at full strength and Eva is going around the Pack on her own. It’s not going to be hard for me and Vince to overpower her, she’s untrained and doesn’t know what she’s capable of.” I look behind me at the older man drooling over Lucy, I assume that must be Vince. 

“And you will do this out of the kindness of your own heart?” Sophie laughs as Vince shouts over the floor, I do admire the shifter’s sense of hearing. 

“Not hardly. Don’t do nothin‘ for free lad.” Vince doesn’t look back at us nor does he move from watching Lucy. 

“We want in on the drugs you have running all over town, we are sick of the small income from the mine.” I pretend to think about her offer for a few minutes, I don’t want to seem too eager as that will tip my hand. There is no way she’s getting anything from the drugs we run but she doesn’t have to know that. 

“One week, bring her to me and then I’ll deal you in.” Martha grins showing off her yellow teeth as I stand from the bar, “now if you’ll me I have business to attend to. Enjoy the room, we don’t open for another two hours.” I turn my back on Martha and walk across the bar, I nod my head at Liam and he goes to stand by the entrance. He will watch over them until they leave. I don’t want them wandering around the place, I have secrets to keep after all. 

“All good?” Cyrus is there as soon as I push into the corridor, I recoil back at the acidic smell coming off him. 

“What the hell is that?” I can’t help but sound disgusted, I wave my hand around but all that does is help spread the smell more. 

“The wolfsbane went bang again, don’t worry we have more. You sure you want to up the percent of that?” I just nod my head as I walk past 


His Reque Omega: Chapter 78 

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him, I walk quickly to put some distance between us. 

“I need it finalised and now, we will have a guest sometime in the next. week and I’m going to need her to be compliant and quickly.” I push into the third room in the hall, it’s one I have set up just for Zoe. Honestly, I’ve outdone myself, I’ve personalised every single aspect after my dark hair vixen, she’s going to be right at home in here. Well until she gets shipped off back to the home compound. 

“You planning on keeping her here long?” Cyrus walks over to the solid wood St Andrew’s cross and runs his hand down it like he’s caressing a lover. 

“Not long, they want her back where she belongs now she’s blossomed. Time for her to start popping out the next generation for us.” I walk over to the cabinet and open it up to check all my whips and chains are still there, I do this every now and again. It’s like foreplay for the main event, I know it’s coming but I have no idea when. 

“Damn I was hoping they would send her to make money, at least then I’d finally get a go at her.” I slam the cabinet closed and turn around to sneer at Cyrus, he instantly drops his eyes to the floor, he knows how I feel about other men rutting away in my stuff. 

“She’s mine until they say she’s not anymore. Now get out and make yourself useful.” He scurries from the room quickly, alone I pull out my cock and start to slowly jack myself to memories of Zoe on her knees, l*ps trembling and blood running from various places. God my whore really did mark up well and the best thing was that in the morning you got a whole new blank canvas. 


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