His Rogue Omega: Chapter 72.

✩ Cas✩

288 Vouchers

‘Rogue’s a lot of them, on Pack land!’ ‘At least twelve of them, they have two of our pups!’ ‘Heath, come to the South, they just keep coming. Dane is down.’ ‘Sophie, they have Sophie.’ The voices keep screaming over the Pack link, coming fast and worried, some sound. angry and some sound like they are in the fight of their life.

“Cas?” The grip I have on top of Eva’s arms tighten to the point I know I must be hurting her, “Cas, what’s happening?” Eva’s fists pounding on my muscled chest have me blinking and looking down at her worried face.

“I have to go, stay here, don’t leave the Pack house.” I don’t wait to see if she listens, I turn and run from the Pack house. I feel Storm break loose almost as soon as I step into the fresh air.

‘Alpha, they keep trying to get Sophie and the boy.’ I push Storm harder as the pained sound of a warrior comes over the Pack link, I feel Heath and Rowan join me as I break into the trees and Storm starts to expertly guide us through them.

We aren’t running for long before the smell of blood and the snarls of wolves reach my ears, I can feel Storm getting ready for a fight just as we break into a clearing and see a dozen wolves I’ve never seen before attacking our warriors. I can see at least two of our warriors lifeless on the leaf strewn floor, I ignore the motionlessness as I watch Heath and Rowan head for the two rogues in human form pushing Sophie and a young male pup into the back of a van. Storm barrels into a rogue


His Rogue Omega: Chapter 72

288 Wouchers

getting ready to snap down on a warriors n*eck, he growls back as he quickly rights himself and starts charging at me instead. Feigning to the side he sails right past giving Storm a chance to latch onto the back- of his n*eck, with one hard snap of his jaw the rogue goes limp and his blood floods our mouth. The coppery taste to it makes me want to wretch even as Storm howls loudly and turns back to the van.

“Get them in before the Alpha gets here!” I watch as a tiny Chinese man tries to shove a struggling Sophie into the van, she’s clawing and screaming with everything she has.

“The girls a fighter.’ I feel Storm getting ready to leap towards the man when a force hits him from the side, it’s like an electric bolt that goes through his entire b*dy. I can feel it rattling around as it pushes Stor back and I am left on the floor n*ked and gripping my thigh. My hands quickly become slick with blood as it pours in a river down my leg, my b*dy breaks out in a cold sweat as I turn to see a huge black wolf attacking the Chinese man as Rowan pulls Sophie away from his grasp.

“Eric?” I’m not surprised no one hears my low voice, warriors all around me are howling in pain as the rogues start to get the better of them. My own heart is beating a drum as it tries to pump more and more blood round my b*dy.

“Cas!” Rowan’s roar of alarm gets lost as I suddenly feel a wolf on my back, his jaw snapping towards my n*eck as I fl*p us over and use my hands to push him off me. He has the power of his wolf to his advantage, so I struggle to keep him more than an inch from my face. I feel his tooth graze into my arm as I force his jaw to the side, I fight against the darkness and roar out as I jerk the wolf’s jaw and hear his n*eck snap. His heavy weight drops on top of me pulling whatever air I had left, I claw at the ground to try and pull myself from under the dead rogue.

“I got you.” Looking up I see Eric leaning down to pick the wolf off me, he tosses him to the side like he weighs nothing at all. I hear the



Hs Rogue Omega: Chapter 72

1203 Vouchers

b*dy hit the ground with a sickening thud, “he’s been shot!” Eric roars as three more wolves race into the clearing. My vision starts to get spotty as I try to understand where all these rogues are coming from, one rogue making it onto Pack land is unusual but an actual army should have been impossible. I watch from my spot on the floor as if the clearing has suddenly started moving in slow motion, my warriors. are dropping like flies, Eric is throwing rogues around like they are made of feathers and Rowan is screaming my name and trying to push his way towards me. Blood is soaking into the floor and creating a sticky mud puddle under me, leaning up I see the blood from my leg has started to slow and I know that can’t be good.

‘Storm, we need to shift.’ I will Storm to take over as a warrior jumps over my b*dy to pounce onto a rogue, ‘Storm!’ I start to truly panic when I can’t feel Storm at all, he’s always been there, even when he’s been mad at me he’s still there. He’s never just left me and I can’t understand why he would now.

‘Cas!’ I spin my head around as I hear Eva over the Pack link, this far out here voice shouldn’t sound so clear. ‘Where are you?’ I spot Ghost’s white fur as a warrior in front of me takes down a rogue, she jumps over two bodies and dashes around a fighting couple. She keeps running until she comes to a stop in front of me, just behind her I see Selena’s cream wolf.

“What are you doing here?” I shout over the snarling and snapping around me.

‘I felt you, what happened?’ Ghost starts to sniff at me until she gets to my thigh, shocking me he instantly starts to lick at the wound. Her tongue is like a soothing balm over my skin, even in the middle of a battle I lean back and moan, it’s not arousing it’s just soothing, whatever she’s doing feels fantastic on the open wound.


His Rogue Omega. Chapter 72

288 Vouchers

“I got shot, I can’t feel Storm.” My voice comes out pained as I feel two very human hands squeezing my thigh, looking down I see Selena now kneeling next to me.

“It’s not hit anything vital but you’ve bled too much, we need to get you out of here.” Selena’s voice is calm even as her hands start to shake, she might be a fantastic doctor but she’s no field medic. She starts. looking around wildly as Ghost starts to whine, “Rowan!” Selena screams out for her mate a split second before more shots sound, Ghost

flattens herself on top of me as Selena ducks to the side. I can’t see flattens herself on top of me

anything thanks to how Ghost has put herself but I can hear wolves howling in pain as more bullets hit their marks, the stench of blood gets stronger and after a few minutes the clearing is filled with an eerie silence.

“Storm, come on. I need you.’ I feel nothing but a black void where my wolf used to be, I feel a pain the top of my shoulder just as my vision finally fails and I fall into the darkness.

“Get your Alpha out of here,” Eric’s voice sounds really far away, I feel someone dragging my arms as I blink my eyes open, looking up I see Rowan dragging me across the clearing with Selena running next to him.

“Rowan, he’s awake. We need to get him back to the Pack house.” I groan as Selena places a hand on my chest and tries to help Rowan pick me up, for some reason I can’t seem to lift my arm to help her. “Shift, carry him back.” Rowan’s grim face nods as he drops me to the floor and shifts into his wolf, it takes his wolf a second but soon he has me flopped over his back. I manage to lift my head enough to see. Ghost biting into the n*eck of a rogue holding a gun before the darkness. comes back to me.

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His Roque Omega: Chapter 73

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