
I blinked as I felt someone slapping my cheek and distantly heard my name.

“Samantha!” a vaguely familiar voice sung. I turned towards it, slowly. “Ah there she is. Nice of you to join us.”

The slimy tone had me recoiling when I stared into the cocky grin of Nathaniel Spurnwood. I sat up on my knees, wincing, with my hands tied tightly behind my back. I tested the bindings but found absolutely no give.

“Piece of shit,” I slurred. My lip stung and felt swollen when I spoke. I ran my tongue over it and found it had been split open. Pain pulsed from my cheek and I wasn’t able to fully open the eye above it.

“Tsk,” Spurnwood chastised, “Now that is no way to talk to your betrothed.”

“Fuck off,” I spat.

“Oh really,” he grabbed my chin, turning my face to stare at my parents who were bound to chairs across the room. “Keep it up and I’ll start cutting off pieces.”

He turned my chin back so I was forced to look at his face. I narrowed my eyes but kept my mouth shut. My head pounded with the effort to keep my eyes open, but I fought to appear somewhat composed.

“That’s better,” he sneered and ran his thumb over my bottom lip.

I winced at the contact and he grinned.

“The wolfsbane keeps you from healing,” he said. “It also keeps that wolf of yours from… interrupting.”

While the poison definitely didn’t help things, I hadn’t been healing for months - not that I would tell him that.

“I trust you had proper accommodations on your way here?” he asked, sarcastically.

I thought back to the four men who ambushed me when I shifted and forced a liquid containing the wolfsbane down my throat before stuffing me into the back of their van. When I continued to fight, one of them had struck my face until I passed out. I looked down to find they had at least dressed me on the way here which I supposed was of some benefit.

“Yeah, Moon Valley wolves are real gentlemen,” I snapped.

“We know who holds the real power,” he bit back. “And it’s not little she-wolves like you.”

“My wolf is anything but little,” I snarled.

“Now, now, let’s watch our tone,” he grinned. “Besides she’s not here now is she?”

I’m here, Ayisha growled.

“So brave after I’ve been drugged,” I slurred, the exhaustion weighed heavily on my shoulders.

Finally, the bastard let go of my chin and I fell forward, barely catching myself before I hit the concrete floor. I heard my dad growl from where he was seated.

“I know Dad,” Spurnwood turned to him. “She is always so clumsy. We will have to make sure she does better. Wouldn’t want her hurting herself.”

The door opened somewhere behind me and the entire room turned to face it. I tried to swivel my body but pain lanced through me.

“The star of the show has arrived,” Spurnwood exclaimed. “Come say hello to our guest, Camille.”

Soft footsteps clicked towards me on the concrete floor. A small woman swept into my point of view. She had curly blond hair and wore a blank expression as she looked down her nose at me. Her eyes were a bright orange with a faint glow that told me she was a witch.

“Let’s get this over with,” she said without a hint of emotion.

“So eager,” Spurnwood grinned. “Come now dear. Let’s get to the good part.”

Large hands lifted me from under my armpits and I struggled to get my feet under me. I gasped as pain pierced through my skull and the room spun.

“You’re all making a mistake,” I ground out between clenched teeth.

“Shut up!” Spurnwood yelled and slapped me.

I saw stars and my knees buckled. Only the guards holding me kept me from hitting the floor.

“Start the ceremony,” Spurnwood said, turning to the witch.

Camille continued to keep her face devoid of any sympathy. However, she did hesitate slightly. She turned to the child-alpha.

“There’s rumors she’s King Ivar’s fated mate,” she said, carefully. “Are you prepared to face his wrath?”

Spurnwood waved a hand dismissively.

“Rumors she spread to keep males away,” he told her. “Besides, there’s nothing he can do once we are mated.”

Except kill you, I thought but didn’t speak. Clearly this man would not hear reason anyway.

Camille nodded and began chanting in a whisper. I felt a tug from deep inside myself and pain ripped through my chest. I struggled to breath as I folded over at the waist.

“There’s something blocking me,” Camille said.

“Well, fucking get passed it,” Spurnwood spat.

“I’m trying,” she responded, tightly.

Suddenly, a vicious howl tore through the warehouse, echoing off the walls. Everyone in the room crouched and looked around with panicked expressions.

“What the fuck?” Spurnwood spun around bewildered. “Finish the spell, Camille!”

“I told you something’s blocking me -"

She was cut off when the glass window behind me exploded. A menacing grin slid across my face as a wolf the size of horse landed in the middle of the room teeth-bared and snarling.

“Guess now we’ll see what he will do,” I said and I narrowed my eyes at Nathaniel Spurnwood. He shifted, and Rankor stalked toward him.

Another wolf sailed through the window and made a bee-line for me. It was Ender. The men holding me jumped back, and I fell to my knees once again. He immediately snapped the bindings at my hands and headed off to do the same for my parents. I grabbed for the wall to steady myself as the world spun around me.

In my periphery, I saw Trinity appear among the chaos unfolding in the room. Rankor looked over Nathaniel’s wolf who tried to stand his ground, but the scene was reminiscent of David and Goliath. Although this time, I was sure Goliath would prevail. The other men in the room shifted and paced uneasily, clearly unsure of their next move.

Suddenly, I felt strong hands lift me as Ender once again appeared at my side.

“Carry them back home, Luke,” my dad ordered. “Do not stop.”

My dad threw me over Ender’s shoulders. I felt my mom catch me from behind as I lost my balance and fell towards the other side. My vision was blurring.

“Something’s… wrong,” I panted.

“Go Luke!” My dad shouted.

“End the spell, witch!” I heard Trinity screaming while my vision narrowed to pinpoints before going black.

I slumped and I felt my mom’s arms wrap tightly around me. Her hands dug into Ender’s fur. The wolf’s long strides lulled me further into unconsciousness.

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