"Ouch" Desmond moaned as Praise felt his broken leg

"Come on you are stronger than that" she said mocking him

They had parked their car a couple of miles from the city just after the ranch. There were no moving vehicles in sight it was like the road had been abandoned a long time ago. It was just them and the long road of nothingness.

"I'm only human you know" he defended himself

"Well I can't agree with you more on that one" she said "okay brace yourself this is going to be agonizingly painful" she added and pulled his foot downwards shifting the it then leaving it to put the bone back in position

"Aaaaaaaaahhh" he moaned and his eyes turned red she looked at him and smiled

"Cry baby" she teased him

"Why didn't we just wait for a doctor" he said paying attention to his painful foot

"We'll get one in the next town but its advised if there is a dislocation it must be put back in position before it becomes permanent" she advised

"Woah I wouldn't imagine a life without my leg" he said

"See goo as new" she said finishing tying a bandage around the wound

"Certainly doesn't feel that way though" he said

"Whatever" she relied

"Hey" Desmond said noticing worry on Praise's face

"Hey" she replied

"I don't mean to invade your privacy or anything but whats troubling you" he asked kindly

"This whole situation" she lied

"Where do you think they went?" he said and she looked confused

"Who, what are you talking about?" she asked failing to understand what he meant

"I can see what worries you is more than whats going on right now" he said

"What are you, some kind of detective?" she asked surprised by how he was able to deduce that from just looking at her

"I'm a fuel station attendant still studying my accounting bachelor degree" he replied

"So how were you able to deduce all that from looking at me is that taught in law school?" she said

"Well someone would never risk their life for a toaster, would they?" he said and managed to make Praise chuckle

"Okay, its my daughter" she said her face returning back to the low sad sight

"How old is she?" he asked

"She's fifteen" she replied with a worried look on her face

"Did you find any of her belongings?" he asked

"No there was nothing" she said

"Then I'm sure she left sooner than you think, where do you think she went to" he asked

"Most probably her grandparents' house in Mazoe" she said

"Ohw then Mazoe is our next stop" he said

"What about you, don't you have family?" she asked

"I do they live in Cabanga" he replied

"Isn't that the opposite of where we are going" she said surprised

"I would never usher in the separation of mother and daughter" he assured

They heard a shuffling sound from the grass a few meters from where they were and a man came out walking like a dizzy person. They stopped quiet and watched to see if he was alive or dead, when they heard the hoarse groan Praise pulled out her gun and aimed at him. She removed the safety and as she was about to pull the trigger Desmond stopped , she looked at him confused

"I don't think we should waste bullets something tells me we have a long way to go" he advised, she withdrew and put her gun back in its holster

"So we just let it go" she inquired

"It didn't attack us did it?" he asked confidently

"Okay whatever" she sighed "I didn't take you as the patient type" she remarked

"What can I say it is what it is" he joked and she chuckled

They got back on the road to continue their voyage. It was either broken down cars or nothing. It felt like they were the last people on earth. They did not see people until they reached a fuel station halfway to the next town. It was packed with cars waiting for fuel and seemed as though some people had actually spent the night there.

"Civilisation at last" Praise commented smiling

"By the length of that que ue we still got about the whole day here" Desmond commented

"More time to make friends" Praise said positively

"And more time for hell to catch up with us" he commented killing the vibe

"You just had to kill it didn't you" she grunted

"Sorry, hey is that a clinic" he said pointing at a Medicine San Frontious tent which was stationed next to the station.

"Lets go and get your leg looked at" Praise suggested and they went there

They found a average sized chocolate skinned woman with long beautifully combed hair. She had ember eyes, an oval face and curved full lips. Desmond slightly smiled upon seeing her, she was very beautiful. She wore a shiny blue slack and a top matching it with a white bib with the doctors without boarders sign on the right pocket.

"Good day ma'am" he greeted her

"Welcome, I'm nurse Durayi Matiza how may I help you" she said politely

"My friend here has a broken leg" Praise said

"Very broken" he added

"Okay let me take a look at that" she said standing up revealing her evenly distributed body.

She removed the bandage and began to examine it. She left the tent and came back after a short while with a small white metal box with a cross on it. She put a chair under Desmond's leg for support then began washing the wound then took out stitches. It took a while but at last she was done stitching the wound.

"Now thats much better" she said bandaging the leg

"Don't I need an operation or something" Desmond asked

"You were very lucky it just broke at one point it didn't fracture into tiny bits" she explained

"Okay, are we glad to hear that" Praise said

"Take these" she said handing him a box similar to hers "It has got al the things you'll need for the healing process" she added

"What about a plaster" asked Praise

"I'm not allowed to give that kind of treatment out here but if you can wait for a few hours I'll be free and I'll use my personal equipment and help you out" she said kindly

"Thank you we'll come back later " Praise thanked her and they went back to the car

They stayed at the fuel all day and at around sunset their car was third on the que eu. Nurse Durayi's shift seemed to be over so they decided to go and see if she was ready.

"Good evening nurse" Praise said as they got into her tent

"Please take a seat this won't take too much of your time" she said

She immediately started putting on the plaster. It took half an hour and they had to wait for an hour for it dry before they could do anything. Praise went and filled the car and parked it close to the tent for ease of movement for her trip partner. Finally when the waiting was over they went to the car. As Desmond was leaving the tent three people came in with a man who looked pale and was heavily sweating. Behind the followed more people who seemed to be in the same condition.

"I wonder what could be wrong with them" he said as he got into the car

"This world is plagued with diseases" replied Praise

They drove for about five minutes when Desmond suddenly hit the brakes

"Whats wrong" Praise asked startled

"Did you watch the news about square market?" he asked as his mind put everything together

"No I was always busy" she replied confused

He turned the car and sped back to the fuel station. Praise failed to understand his reason for turning back but as the fuel station became more visible she slowly got it. Cars were speeding past them and people were chasing each other. One of the people being chased was nurse Durayi. Desmond sped up and hit the man chasing her, he opened the back door

"Get in!!" he yelled

She ran towards the car with all she had and as she was about to was about to get in a man pounced on her and sunk his teeth into her neck.

She let out a loud shriek and immediately went quiet.

Blood splashed from her and stained the window on Praise's side. Her eyes widened and she felt a chill go down her spine.

"Jesus!! go" she yelled

The man who attacked Durayi held on to the door about to get in when Desmond accelerated the car. He kept holding on regardless of how the rough tar ripped his flesh off, it was like he felt no pain. The tar tore off his skin leaving a trail of blood and after a few meters his lower body was ripped off

"What the hell" Praise yelled and began stomping his fingers realizing this monster wasn't going to let go

They would crack and break, blood would splatter but as long as they were still attached to the palm he didn't budge. After a losing half of his fingers he finally let go and violently rolling on the tar. His head slammed on the ground multiple times causing brain matter to scatter everywhere. Praise closed the door and sighed in relief .

She slumped in her seat catching her breath.

"Unbelievable" she said and he nodded in agreement

He sped up until he was sure the coast was clear then maintained a safe speed.

"Is it just me or the world might never recover from this" Praise commented

"I agree" replied Desmond as he took a turn down a dust road which had a sign written

'Welcome to Nancefield the sunniest place on earth'

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