The Rejected Mate
chapter 27 : reality

It has been two whole weeks since I last saw Damien, I had got a glimpse of him here and there in the pack house, but whenever I try to approach him it's like he magically disappears.

I've been feeling guilty ever since that night in his bedroom, I have been wanting to apologize but I could never get a hold of him. I knew he visited Elijah late at night, when I was knocked up by sleep. I could feel it in the morning, and his lingering scent proved me right.

It's late at night, Matthew had dragged me into the living room of the pack, stating that he wanted to have a movie marathon like old times, which I found a bit weird at first but shook that thought off. He was one weird guy after all, hence me finding him grinning at a piece of chocolate cake in the kitchen an hour ago like a creep.

We were sprawled out on the couch, with popcorn and other snacks sorrounding us. pausing the movie, I break my gaze from the screen when I feel a nudge on my side, turning towards Matthew I find him looking at me with a puppy eyed look, making me narrow my eyes at him.

I know that look very well, which means he wants me to do something for him. But I'm not going to waver under those eyes, is what I keep telling myself. I keep my narrowed eyes fixed on him that my right eye starts to twitch.

"what is it?" sighing out loud, I ask him in defeat.

Pointing towards the bowl of popcorn, he pouts. I come to the conclusion that he wants more popcorn.

"why do I put up with this man child?!" grumbling under my breath, I stand up. Heading towards the kitchen so I could get the popcorn.

I halt on my footsteps, when I hear a familiar voice, I couldn't make out their words as they were being said too quietly for my ears to pick up, looking up I find Damien kissing a girl, causing the bowl of popcorn to fall from my hands and onto the floor with a loud thud.


I drag a hand down my face, exhaustion taking over my senses as I close the last file of the night. I've been receiving complaints of constant rogue siting around the pack and even the neighbouring packs, those mutts are testing my patience. It would only go on so much before I finally snap.

I've been holed up in my office most of the time, going over my duties and tending to my Alpha duties like I usually do. Also using this as an excuse to avoid her, I've never been someone who tells others about my problems. I hated being put under the spotlight, feeling like a charity case. Dad used to say that I was a really energetic and talkative child untill mom passed away.

I was closer to my mother more than anyone else. She had always believed that nobody was weak, and that being vulnerable wasn't a weakness but a strength. I had admired her morals, but sadly I couldn't include that in my life ever since she passed away. My weakness had lead her six feet under. My head always circulating around the possibility that maybe I could've saved her that day.

I was furious at Serenity, I hated it when people snooped around and tried to pry into my life, granted she was someone I cared about or maybe even was a touchy subject and a topic I never ever wanted to relive, making me snap at her that night. I regretted my actions but I couldn't find the courage to face her.

Snapping myself out of my thought, I stand up from the office chair. Stretching, letting loose of the sore muscles in my body.

Locking the door to my office, turning around I almost knock someone over, my hand placing themself on their shoulder, to steady them from face planting onto the floor.

I move my hand away, when I realize that they're steady on their feet now.

"Damien" my jaw clenches itself as her nasal voice reaches my ears.

"Melanie" she seems surprised that I remembered her name, ofcourse I remember each and every pack members name. She was wearing a skimpy dress, which barely covered the areas it should've, she had tried tugging her dress down as much as possible, so she could flash me her cleavage, which caused me to feel disgusted at her desperate attempt at seducing me.

Stepping forward, she runs a pointed finger down my chest, trying to seduce me by the occasional fluttering of her eyes and pouty lips, which did nothing but make me cringe inwardly at her approach.

Killian growls in my mind, disliking this female instanlty. He never liked when I slept with her that night, clawing and growling at at our conscious link giving me a splitting headache.

"First off all, it's Alpha to you. Second, get your dirty claws off me before I do something I won't regret.” My hands wraps around her hand that is placed on my chest. Applying pressure to let her know that I wasn't playing around.

I watch as her facial features turn to one that of rage and jealousy.

"Why? Is it because of that bitch Serenity, who acts all innocent?" she sneers in my face.

I let out a growl at her words. Anger taking over my senses

Nearing my face towards her, I watch as fear overtakes her features at my action. Grasping her face in my hands in a firm grip.

"That “Bitch’ you're talking about is my ma-" a crash noise sounds from the right, making me turn towards where the noise came from only to find Serenity standing there with a look of hurt on her face. A bowl laying at her feet.

I realize the compromising position she found us in, with both of our so close that it would appear as if we were kissing from where she was stood.

I take a step towards her, my hands trying to reach hers, "I-1 it's not what-"

She recoils from my touch, a look of hurt crosses my features but I school my features to that of impassiveness as I hear another voice join us.

"Serenity, what's taking you so long-" Matthew halts in his footsteps as he takes in the scene infront of him. I watch as anger takes over his features

"Well. Well. Well, seems like the Alpha couldn't keep it in pants” he sneers, coming forwards and wrapping a hand around Serenity's waist, making me grow! lowly.

“Its not what it looks like"

"Oh really? Then what is it? Were you consoling her? Because it sure as hell didn't look like it. Really Damien? here I was feeling guilty of my actions and you're here canoodling with someone else" She shoots a glare towards Melanie's direction who was smirking smugly making my anger to rise even more.

Turning towards her, my hands wraps around her throat. "Tell her what actually happened or I will not hesitate to throw you out of my pack” I threaten her.

Melanie splutters and wraps her hand around mine to release my hold on her throat, "I wil-I tell t-he tru-th Alpha-a" I release my hold on her throat, waiting for her to speak up.

Clearing her throat she speaks up "Matthew bribed me with money, asking me to seduce the Alpha" She speaks up, making my head to snap towards him.

My eyes darken as I feel rage built up inside me, I storm towards where he stood. Roughly grabbing his collars in my grip, "Was this part of your sick plan when you saw her slip through your fingers, Matthew?" My voice deepens as Killian takes control over my actions

"Stop it, Damien. Leave him" she shouts

Serenity tries to pry my hand off of him, but I don't budge, I've been trying to mend my past mistakes but it felt like its all been in vein.

"What's going on in here?" A new voice joins in. We all turn to find Alex, my beta and Serenity's brother and his Courtney who also happened to be her bestfriend, standing there looking like they just woke up from sleep. Seems like we weren't being too quiet, but I didn't care about that at the moment.

I grip on Matthew's throat tightens more, if that was even possible. Everyone could see him visibly choking under my hold, with his face turning different shades of red due to his oxygen supply being cut off.

"WOULD YOU TWO STOP THIS NONSENSE" I immediately release him, we both turn our heads towards the person who just yelled, Serenity was breathing hard as tears brimmed her eyes.

"Matt would never do something like that" she looks at Matthew who was rubbing his sore neck, but I know her words were pointed at me.

"You can't be serious right now" I say incredulously. I couldn't believe that she was taking his side. Her head snaps towards me when she hears me speaks, looking into her muddy brown eyes, I find so much anger swirling behind them.

"You know what Damien, it seems like whoever you end up loving, either ends up on their death bed or six feet under the ground. Seems like an early plane ticket to their inevitable death. You cause nothing but misery to the ones around you, if it wasn't for you, this pack's former luna, your mother and my bestfriend would've been alive today. I will pray to God that Elijah wouldn't have to face the consequences of your actions and I sure as hell hope that he doesn't take after his FATHER." tears stream down her face, her eyes locked on mine.

Her words felt like she had stabbed me in the heart, twisting it further to make it as painful as possible, in all of my twenty three years of existence, apart from my mother's departure and Emily's passing away nothing had hurt me more.

I could hear everyone in the room visibly gasping at her words, Alex was probably stunned since he didn't know that I was his baby sister's douche bag of a mate. Matthew and Courtney looking at Serenity with their mouth hung open in shock.

At that moment, I didn't try to conceal my hurt, because I was so fucking tired of acting like I didn't care that I drove people away from me, and I feared the day I would drove away my son to the point that he could never call me 'Dad". It hurt to breathe, my chest heaving up and down, Killian kept whining in my head.

I couldn't bare to stand here anymore, instantly shifting into my wolf I take off through the opened living room window into the cold chilly night.

I ran as fast as I could, letting out a howl filled with sorrow as pain over took my senses.

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