Chapter 58 

I winced as my eyes fluttered open, I stared blankly at the blurry figure in front of 


Confusion washed over me as my mind struggled to regain its bearings. I blinked, trying to remember where I was, what exactly I was doing here, and why my chest. hurt like it was going to burst soon. 

Gradually, my vision finally cleared, revealing the very familiar room. The room I had stayed in since I came to the mansion. The figures in the room were two people and they had their backs turned to me. 

As I attempted to sit up, a wave of dizziness washed over me, threatening to pull me back into unconsciousness. My head throbbed with a dull ache and my chest hurt too much. It felt like my whole b*dy was on fire. 

Slowly, I turned my attention to the figures that were walking towards me, their faces finally coming into view, Their voices reached my ears, muffled at first, but gradually growing clearer as my senses regained their sharpness. 

“You’re finally awake, I was beginning to get worried that you were running away from your trial,” the familiar voice said and I finally sat up. I attempted to respond, but my throat felt dry and itchy, my voice barely a whisper. I cleared my throat, trying to moisten it enough to form coherent words. “What happened?,” I managed to croak out, my voice raspy and weak. 

It was Rielle and the healer. I saw the healer turn and walk out of the room after muttering something to Rielle. 

“You will still have your trial,” she said firmly and I looked at the refrigerator. Her eyes followed mine and she sighed. 

She walked to the refrigerator and brought out a bottle of water and I closed my eyes as the sound of the water pouring into the glass was the only sound in the room. I opened my eyes and A glass of water appeared before me. I sighed, having no other choice but to accept it. I gulped it down quickly, feeling the cool soothe my parched throat, 


I began to remember everything about the trial, how they looked at me with disdain, how Lucien was about to pass my sentence before the blackout. 

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Chapter 58 

“How long have I been out?” I questioned, the ache in my chest, now becoming 


“What do you think?” she scoffed. 

“You seem to be hellbent on avoiding your sentence that you had to faint and cause a scene. You couldn’t even wait until your sentence is passed before fainting,” she paused and hissed. 

“Anyway, you were right, it was the death sentence. You’ve been found unworthy of being a mother and I’ll be Rick’s mother, I have custody of him now. You, on the other hand, have lost everything–” 

I shook my head, the tears falling and I didn’t make any move to wipe them off or stop them from falling. 

“Why are you here?” I questioned as I began to wipe my tears. 

She didn’t care for me, my death would bring her much joy, so why was she here? 

“You definitely know that I’m not here because I care about you or anything, but as the Luna of Silverpine, I have to show a bit of concern for—even criminals of this community,” she spat out and I winced. 

I swallowed hard as she leaned towards me. “Plus, I don’t want you using this as your escape plan.” 

“Why did I faint?” I ignored her words and asked. 

She scrunched her face and raised her hand, a gesture of nonchalance and indifference. 

“How’s it my 


“The healer didn’t say anything?,” I questioned, glaring at her suspiciously. 

There must’ve been a reason for my fainting. I wouldn’t just faint like that. And the ache in my chest, what was that? 

She snarled, her l*ps contorting into an ugly frown. 

Am I the healer? How should I know why you fainted? or why you fainted? I just told her to make sure you don’t die. You can’t die like that, you have to see me take 

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Chapter 58 

your children,” she said with a smile as she moved towards me and pushed against the side of my l*ps. 

“Smile,” she said as she chuckled. 

I glared at her, swallowing hard as I willed myself to control my temper. 

“Now that you’re awake, you should come out and hear your sentence. I already informed the healer to gather everyone.” 

She must really want me out of her way, for her to have wanted my sentencing to be carried out as soon as I regained consciousness. 

“Up..up,” she urged and I glared at her, my heart clenching with the fact that I couldn’t do anything and I blinked back the tears that threatened to cloud my face. 

“Where’s Lucien?” I asked and she spun around to face me. 

“You will not address the Alpha as Lucien. You will address him with his title. That he made a mistake with you doesn’t grant you that right,” she said and moved away, giving me a way to walk, a sign that she wanted me to walk ahead of her. 

“To the deliberation room, she added as we walked and my heart broke at the thought of Lucien being the one to carry out my sentence. 

As soon as I entered the room, all eyes were on me and I briefly glanced at Lucien, This time around, the hurt on his face was evident and I saw his jaw twitch. 

In your absence-,” one of the elders started and the fact that they were still wearing the same clothes, I figured out that I had only been out for a few hours. 

“We have established that you are not fit to be a mother to the Alpha’s children. And our kind Luna has decided to take the boy as hers and when the other one is found, she takes him too,” he completed and the others nodded in approval. 

I raised my hand to speak, licking my l*ps to moisturize it. He glared at me and I heard Rielle cackle from across me. 

“Go on, speak,” she urged and I muttered a thank you and my eyes met Giselle’s. I hadn’t seen her since and she pointed to her room and I nodded, taking it as a sign that Rick was in her room. 

“On what grounds did you find me guilty of being unfit to be a mother?” I 

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Chapter 58 

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questioned, raising my chin to look at the elder defiantly. 


A ripple of whispers and murmurs filled the room and Rielle chuckled again. 

“First, You found out that you were carrying the Alpha’s child. The best course of action would be to tell him,” he paused and the others chuckled. “But of course, since you had ulterior motives, you ran away with the child to the human territory, thereby exposing the futures of this kingdom to the humans and their ways as well as threats,” he finished. 

“But that was because he rejected me,” I shot out firmly. 

They didn’t even have enough grounds to call me unfit to be a mother. 

“I left Silverpine because of the hurt I suffered from the rejection and I went to the human kingdom, where I worked my ass off!. I left a life of luxury to take care of my children!” I bit out. 

These people didn’t know how I struggled to get through medical school while taking care of two children! 

“You should’ve told the Alpha about the children, he had a right to know. Now, they must know nothing about their origin, because of you,” he shot out and the other elders nodded in approval. 


“I think that’s enough, Amara. You don’t seem to have anything to add and your points are weak,” Rielle said sternly. / 

“Secondly, your children were kidnapped and you couldn’t do anything to help, neither could you stay here. Instead, you went back to the human territory to do drugs and other nonsense with a human man,” He shot out. 

I swallowed hard as the “ohs” and “ahs” of the people in the room kept ringing in my ear. I glanced at Rielle, she was smiling. She was having fun at my expense. 

“That’s not all. I learned you abandoned your son and went out of the mansion, only to come back with the leader of the blood creek and your sister who has apparently been with them for a long time.” 

As the words hung in the air, the sound of hushed voices filled the space, It seemed like there were murmurs from all corners. I stared at the room again, seeing them 

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Chapter 58 

shake their heads in disgust. 

“Do you have anything to say for yourself?“Rielle asked. “At least, we gave you a chance to redeem yourself.” 

“Everything is all a misunderstanding-,” I was still saying when the elder cut me 


“Our Luna thought you’d say that and out of the kindness of her heart, she won’t give you the death sentence,” he paused and looked at her and she smiled at him in 


“She has decided to pardon you a bit, but the sentence still stands, you have lost custody of your children and you will be confined in this mansion unless stated otherwise by Luna.” 

I glared at her, I didn’t know what she was planning and it annoyed me, but I knew it wouldn’t be good. 



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