Chapter 0019 

“He’s useless and can’t do anything without my sister. What kind of attitude is that?” 

Justin watched as Sean continued walking toward The Mirage, 

mumbling curses. He wanted to know how Sean would worm his way into the cruise ship without his sister’s wedding invitation! 

Patricia was also looking forward to the upcoming scene. How dare that useless jerk try to put on airs with them? 

Under Justin’s and Patricia’s watchful eyes, Sean reached the entrance that was being guarded by the four soldiers. They each had rifles in their hands and looked very strict and solemn. 

“Ha! The show’s about to start!” Justin said gleefully. Patricia also grinned in anticipation. 

However, just as both of them thought that Sean was going to be 

sent off in disgrace, the four soldiers at the entrance withdrew their guns and saluted respectfully at Sean. 

Then, Sean sauntered into the cruise ship without anyone else stopping him. 

What the hell was going on? 

“Mom? Did you see what I just saw?” Justin asked, turning to look at 

Patricia in disbelief. 

“I did, Justin,” Patricia answered, looking equally as shocked as her 


“What’s going on?” Justin asked in a panic. 

“I don’t know either,” Patricia answered, feeling anxious too. However, 

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she quickly thought of something. “Son, do you think Sean must have bribed the soldiers beforehand?” 

“That must be the case!” Justin exclaimed, believing her at once. 

Otherwise, there was no other reason why Sean could enter The Mirage like that! 

“Justin, let’s go. We have to tell 

not, he’s going to ruin your sister sister as quickly as possible! If 


Patricia then pulled Justin after her as she ran into the cruise. 

On the other side of the cruise, Sean received a call from Diego after boarding the ship. 

“Sire, have you arrived yet?” 


“Then, I’ll come looking for you now. 

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll stroll around the ship for a while and look for you later.” 

“Yes, sire. I’ll be waiting, then.” 

The call ended. Sean then started wandering around the cruise, starting from the ground floor. 

Everything still felt familiar to him, from the layout to the facilities in it. It made him feel as if he’d just traveled back in time by ten years. 

Eventually, Sean found himself on the sixth floor. He happened to walk past the banquet hall when the wedding emcee announced,” Thank you for coming to Mr. Wayne Jones and Ms. Tina Sullivan’s wedding today at this lovely, luxurious cruise! 

“Now, let’s welcome the new couple on stage! Can the bridesmaid 

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and best man also come on stage to hand the lovely couple their rings for the exchange of vows? 

“Let’s put our hands together to congratulate the new couple!” 

It was very lively inside the banquet hall. 

Outside, Sean stopped when he heard Cecilia’s name being called. He paused in his steps and decided to go over to have a look. 

He saw Cecilia standing on the stage in a light-colored bridesmaid’s dress. Her long hair cascaded down her shoulders in a classy, elegant 


Sean smiled warmly. Then he turned around to leave. 

He wasn’t even interested in the wedding in the first place. 

However, just as Sean was about to leave, Tina happened to catch sight of him. She’d just finished exchanging rings and vows with Wayne when she looked up and saw Sean at the door with a smile on 

his face. 

Fuck, her mother had been right! That jerk was here to ruin her 


She was so angry that she hollered at the doors, screaming, “Sean Lakeworth, you fucking jerk! You’ve got the nerve to even show your face here!” 

The entire hall went dead silent after her uproar. Everyone turned and stared at the doors. 

Cecilia was shocked. How could it be him? 

Sean Lakeworth? Mr. Lakeworth? Were they the same person after all? 

Sean sighed when he saw Cecilia’s eyes on him. He didn’t manage to keep his identity a secret after all. 

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“Sean Lakeworth! Don’t think that you can ruin my wedding just because you successfully bribed the soldiers and sneaked onto the cruise ship! Go fuck yourself, you jerk!” 

Tina roared again at Sean, disgust and hatred evident in her eyes. 

Today’s Bonus Offer 


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