“Luz if we don’t stop, we will not get out of this room for the rest of the day” Mark said

“Is that so bad or do you rather be somewhere else” I asked

“Luz, are you sure about this” he asked

“Yes” I answered

“I won’t be able to control myself Luz, once I’m inside of you I will not stop until we fall asleep for being tired” he said

“What are you waiting for then” I said

With that being said, I was thrown to the bed making me bounce on it making me laugh. I looked at him while my suitcase fell on the floor, making my clothing fall all over on the bedroom floor. He walked up to the bed as I moved to the middle of it, looking at him never breaking eye contact with him. He got on the bed right between my thighs and started to kiss the inside of my legs as he looked at me making me moan.

He continued his way up until he was at my core where he started to lick and suck on my clit making me moan even louder, I laid down on the bed and placed my hands on his head tangling his hair around my fingers pulling him closer to my core making him go faster.

When he placed a finger in me I almost lost it there and then but I was able to control myself, he placed another finger moving his fingers in and out so fast that I knew if he didn’t stop, I was going to finish all over his hand.

“Come for me baby” he said

“Mark” I moaned

“Yeah baby say my name” he said

“I....I’m.....I’m going to come” I said

“Come all over my hand baby” he said while sucking and licking even faster

A few seconds later I came all over his hand as he continued to move his fingers in and out of my core, once I had rode my climax he pulled his fingers out and got between my thighs. I open my eyes to see him sucking and licking his fingers, he then connected our lips together making me taste myself in his mouth before he positioned himself at my entrance while looking at me.

“You sure Luz because once I’m in you I am not stopping any time soon” he said

“I’m sure, I want you inside me. I want to feel you all the way inside me, I want to be yours for the rest of my life” I said

When I said that he slammed into me with no mercy making me yell his name, I am pretty sure everybody in the pack house heard. Mark laughed as he kept slamming into me making me moan as he went faster and harder with every thrust, I was so close to coming for a second time and I am sure he could tell as he started to go even faster and harder if that was even possible.

I came so hard that I caused him to climax at the same time while we both moaned our release, without stopping his movements he dropped his head to where my shoulder connects to my neck and bit down marking me as his. It made me feel pain at first but then it was an intense pleasure that I started to feel and that is when I came for a third time and this time it was me who bit down on him marking him as mine.

We kept going for a long time and didn’t stop until we were both tired and out of breath, the room smelled like sex and we open the window to get some fresh air in it. I got up and grabbed one of his button up shirts, putting it on before walking to the wall next to the window, where I had found a secret door and had placed a small refrigerator and a few drinks.

“What are you doing” Mark asked

“This” I said as I opened the wall and grabbed some drinks from the refrigerator

“How did I not know that was there and I have been sleeping in this room for almost fourteen years” he asked

“I found it the second day after I moved in here” I said giving him a coke

We sat on the bed for a while as I had my head on his shoulder and he had his arm around my waist, we stayed in the room for the rest of the day. We didn’t come out of the room and we weren’t even told that the food was ready which seemed weird but we didn’t question it as we just wanted to cuddle and be with each other after so long even though we were hungry, we didn’t go down stairs we decided to take a shower and had some fun in there as well.

I was so happy I had my mate back and he wanted me and that was all that mattered, he wanted to explain himself for what happened all those years ago but I would always tell him that the past would stay in the past and we were only going to talk about the future and our present, just like he had said we kept making love until we both fell asleep in each others arms just like it will be from now on.

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