Evelyn POV

I am yanked, it’s the best way to describe it, out of my office and into the front courtyard of the alpha home..

He has to be last out of his car doesn’t he? The red sports car that completely suits him. He seems to love it, seems to care for it. I want to drive that car into a brick wall just to piss him off, just to make him feel an ounce of how I feel. I don’t think he’s ever cared for anybody, so the sports car would be my best bet.

As soon as Reuben is out of the car, Rex lets go of my hand and runs over to him. Elspeth remains slightly behind my leg, but still holding on to Harry’s hand. Poor Harry. “Alpha Reuben.” Rex runs up to Reuben, colliding with his upper thigh.

“Woah, careful there Rex, you’re getting strong.” Reuben playfully pretends that at Rex’s impact, it caused him to lose his footing and stumble against his car before placing his arm on Rex’s shoulder.

“Sorry.” I hear Rex whisper as his face turns a sudden embarrassed pink.

“Not at all, I was only teasing.” Reuben playfully ruffles Rex’s similar shade of blonde hair, before placing his hand on his shoulder and kneeling down to be at eye level.

“How have you been?”

“Okay.” Rex shrugs.


“Uh uh.” Rex shakes his head, before looking down to the ground. “Well, hopefully we can sort that out.” Reuben winks earning a beam from Rex.

“Hello Evelyn, you’re looking well…”

Alpha Pierce walks away from one of the black SUV cars and stands next to Reuben and Rex. I hadn’t noticed him. Is that awful? I hadn’t actually noticed Nate, Cassandra or the warriors either. My sole concentration at been on Reuben.

“Welcome Alpha Pierce, this is a surprise.” I beam at him.

“Is it?” Reuben stands up, an arrogant smirk on his face. “No, not that you are here. Your men have been close to my pack borders for days now.” I call him out.

“Ah I told you Reuben, a woman always knows. You can’t get anything past a smart female.” Pierce takes a step towards me placing my hand into his and kissing the back of it.

“Especially Evelyn. Shall we?” He beams his pearly white smile at me and I can’t but to help chuckle under his intense stare. He has a warmth about him that could make the coldest of ice caps melt.

“I’ll make us some drinks, Beta Noah will be here shortly.” “Come on Alpha Reuben, I want to show you my room.” Rex innocently offers as he yanks Reuben towards the house.

But Reuben’s eyes are on the little girl hiding behind my leg…and now glaring at the little boy holding her hand.

“Harry why don’t you put a film on for you and Elspeth, I’ll get Miss Smith to check on you shortly.” I look to him with a sweet soft smile, trying to make him feel more at ease in front of the big scary Alpha King that was glaring at him for holding his daughter’s hand.

Between Noah and Reuben, Elspeth is going to find it tough dating boys when she is older. That’s if she forms a relationship with Reuben, I am thinking way ahead here.

“Yes Alpha.”

I ask Donnie to watch over the Red Stone warriors and make them feel welcome as I invite Pierce, Nate, Cassandra and of course, Reuben, into my office. They all take a seat on my round meeting table as I leave to make them drinks, waiting for Noah to arrive.

I walk back in with the drinks only to find, all of them seated, except for Reuben. He is standing up looking at the pictures on my wall. Pictures of me and the children, with Noah. It must hurt him, I get that…but this is a product of his own design.

It’s Cassandra’s frown that makes me feel guilty though. She and Noah might in time accept one another and have their own children, but all of his firsts are staring back at her from the framed pictures. She’ll have all her firsts, but it won’t be the same for him. I suddenly felt like the other woman.

“So, to what do we owe the pleasure of your impromptu trip?” I ask maybe a little bit too sarcastically, placing the drinks on the table and taking my usual spot at the table. Just as Noah walks.

He notices Cassandra immediately and I can see his entire body tense up. Was her lemon drizzle scent already playing with his senses?

“I just wanted to see how secure things were here…” Reuben starts but I cut him off.

“Why wouldn’t they be?”

“Don’t be shy Reuben, you mustn’t keep Alpha Evelyn in suspense.” Pierce sits back, placing his hands behind his head, seemingly extremely relaxed in my office.

“Oh?” I look to Reuben with a quirked eyebrow, wondering what could be so important that couldn’t be shared on email.

He surprises me as he stands up and closes the office door, making sure we weren’t over heard…I’m assuming by the children. By Rex.

His actions were actually starting to frighten me now and I could feel my heart beat increase. He must hear the change as his eyes snap to me, flashing to that of his wolf.

“She escaped!” He says looking me straight in the eye.


“She escaped our cells and…”

“And?” I growl loudly at him.

“We are looking for her, but her first attempt at revenge will be on this pack.”

I place my head into my hands, taking a moment to understand what he is telling me. Not only has she got away but he has a strong feeling that she is going to attack my pack. Not again, I can’t let my pack go through that again. Moments past and I haven’t spoken.

“Evelyn…” Reuben calls my name and I’m annoyed at myself for enjoying the way he says my name. He manages to say it with desire, as if I was the most desirable person on the planet. “What happened? How did she escape?”

“We believe she has seduced one of the guards. He killed another guard and helped her to escape.” Nate responds. I don’t miss the way his eyes flicker to Noah. Two betas already building a rapport.

“And you let this happen? You let this happen under your watch?” I roar at Reuben, standing up and leaning onto the table, my posture threatening.

“I’m afraid so…”

“Now now Reuben don’t be modest. Evelyn dear, Reuben unfortunately arrived at the cell in-between their escape and got shot three times in the back by poisoned bullets. He has been out cold for the past few days.”

“Shot?” I can’t help but whip my head to him, concern hitting me in the chest. “I’m quite alright.” He tuts at Pierce before moving on with the topic in hand.

“I am here to offer my services.”

“Your services?”

“As security.” He crosses his arms and leans back into the chair. “As you can see, I have security.” I gesture to my male and female warriors outside.

“Up close security.” He smirks, before licking his lips. My eyes remain glued to his bottom lip as he bites it slightly… lucky lip.

Evelyn, what has got into you. I start to fan myself with a piece of paper, definitely not wise for him to be close to me. “This is ridiculous…” I half laugh, not really sure how else to respond.

“She escaped on my watch, I am responsible for her capture.” He sternly looks to me. I mean it wouldn’t hurt to have extra security around, it might help Rex sleep at night. It would keep the pressure off Noah, he could concentrate more on the labouring mothers. It would free him up if Nate could help him with some beta duties.

I haven’t spoken for some time, contemplating what having extra security would mean. But then there was the fact that I didn’t know if the Red Stone pack could be trusted.

“Thank you for the offer, but we have our own security measures in place.” I politely respond but I could already tell Reuben wasn’t happy with my decision.

“Could the Alpha and I have a moment alone?” Reuben cuts me off, requesting for privacy. Nate and Casandra leave, and I nod to Noah to give us a moment alone. As he leaves, only Pierce is remaining at the table.

“You mean me as well?” He remains as playful as ever, he was becoming one of my favourite people to be around. Playful, even in the most serious of situations. A murderous glare from Reuben has him standing up.

“You said Alpha…I just assumed. I’ll wait for you to give us the proper tour Evelyn.” He winks at me before leaving the office, leaving us alone.

“You don’t trust me.” His comment makes my eyes turn from the door back on to him. I don’t answer, why should I? What right does he have to question my lack in trust.

“I understand but there’s something you need to know.”

“Oh yes, what is that?” My tone purposely sounding bored. “Vicky has admitted that she was responsible for the attack on the Silver Moon pack, for the death of your parents…”

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