Chapter 43


Before making my way to Charlotte’s garden, 1 go by Lucas’s room, looking for a babysitter.

I knock on the door, hopefully he’s already off duty.

I hear some rumbling inside the room and a shirtless Lucas opens the door, his hair disheveled.

“Oh, Vera, hi,” he says. It seems I have taken him by surprise.

1 smile at him.

“Hi Lucas, I hope I’m not interrupting.”

“No, not at all. Did something happen?” He suddenly steps out of the room, scanning my surroundings,

He really is overprotective.

“No,” I’m a little perplexed by his actions, “I was hoping you could accompany me to Charlotte’s garden, I need a little…fresh…air.”

Truthfully, the entire castle felt stuffy without Noah here.

“Oh! Right, sure! Give me a minute to get dressed.”

He shuts the door in my face. I mean I get it, it’d look terrible if 1, an unmated female, entered his room, but still.

A minute later he’s out, this time fully dressed.

We make our way to the garden in silence. Once again, it’s already late and most of the common areas are deserted.

When we enter the garden, I’m surprised to see Charlotte tending to some plants. She’s the only one here. Her head perks up when she notices us.

“Lucas! Vera! Hi!”

“Charlotte? Why are you here so late?” Lucas is the first to ask her and approach her, though I’m also wondering the same thing.

“Oh, I thought I’d get some work done while Ethan finishes his shift. He’s meeting me here once he’s done.”

I smile at this. During the dinner it was quite evident the connection they both had.

Lucas besides me yawns, quickly covering his mouth and trying to hide it.

“Lucas, Ethan and I can walk Vera back to her and Noah’s room once he conies here, if it’s alright with you,” Charlotte speaks in her soft voice.

Lucas turns to me, his eyes red and tired.

“It’s alright, Lucas, Go get some sleep, I’m sorry for waking you.”

“No, no, it’s ok, any time. Charlotte are you sure?

“Of course,” she smiles gently at him and 1 pat his back.

“Your babysitting duties are officially over, thank you.”

He turns around as he yawns again, practically dragging his feet as he exits the garden. He closes the door before he leaves, leaving Charlotte and I alone.

*I’m sorry

Charlotte, 1

Fresh air

smiles at me

top she down that a kin

“Yes.” I smile back at her and take a seat next to where cha

They are a few plants I don’t rec

mine. They’» quite kemild quite proes and

*These ere Moon Promies, thes’’re very rare atmind Nee

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“That’s amazing

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7 Ethan told me he’d be gone for a couple of weeks. Touris velioma exactly what she meanx

“Thank sonu,” 1 smile at her and continue, “I’m not

illy. He seemed nice he could be back sooner Not, I don’t imme, really”

miss him a leat. Ethan and 1 aren’t fated mires and 1

I look at the mark at the base of her n*eck. Since they aren’t fated mates, their ene

*Charlotte, can I ask you a personal question?

terribly when he’s gone. I can’t imagine what it’s like for vene

“What made you decide to come here with Ethan? It seems like such a dangerous place fo

“Well, same thing as you I suppose……. Love.”

She keeps tending to her flowers so she can’t notice my expression; If only she knew that’s


tark, it must’ve hurt a lot if you heal like a human.” I continue, diverting

come directly from the marking.

entirely why I came here.

fter hand goes to her mark and she caresses it with her fingers, smiling at the mastory

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Charlotte and 1 keep making asiall talk. I was right the boat later we get. I other than Liacas.

She tells me about her childhood, how her parents swarly pas sed out

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that having children with

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hand. Once Ethan arrives after his shift, both Charlotte and he take me back to my room, to Noah’s room. I thank them and close the door as they turn to leave, hand in

I turn around and face the room. This is the first night I’ll be sleeping without Noah here.

I change my clothes and put on one of his shirts; one that still smells like him, and crawl into bed.

For absolutely no reason, I begin crying into the pillow, the emptiness I feel consuming me, until sleep finally claims me.

Chapter Comments

Amy Rushby

So will their future kids be super powerful if their parents are Lycan, wolf/witch?

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