Chapter 460 Suspicious Drugs

Oliver made his way upstairs after that, and the others followed suit. Luc Tobias and Wynter were the only pair left downstairs. Wynter stared at L but frown.

The attachment was too great, and it would take more than the usual se Perhaps the changes were so slight that the director hadn't noticed anyt Besides, a successful variety show like this one relied heavily upon the I Wynter glanced at the cameras surrounding her to make sure that they \ At some point, these paranormal activities would begin to draw unwante Wynter looked away and turned her gaze toward the dark corridor, the e which lay the delivery room. The signboard that had fallen off earlier wa: How could such anger and grief be aligned with the general premise of

the show's intended challenge?

If this was what the vengeful spirits wanted Wynter to solve, then she sz wish.

Tobias assessed Wynter thoughtfully

at that moment, wondering how he was going to shield her from whatev: He and Oliver had met a few times, and admittedly, he saw the latter thr colored glasses. After all, Oliver had been in the industry for a while. Tot They said greed brought out the ugliest side of people. This wasn't the f However, he couldn't say the same about Wynter.

“Hey, are you...” Tobias was just about to speak when Wynter headed fc The Quinnell men were known for their height and broad shoulders. It hs As Tobias led the way, he took in his surroundings vigilantly, his eyes sh “I think the circuit's going haywire,” he observed, picking up a flashlight I “How does he know the circuit's going haywire?" a viewer asked in the ¢ Chapter 440 Suspicious Drugs


"Hint from a science kid—

If you check the lights overhead, you'll find that the circuit is indeed act another commented.

“Uh, that's swell and all, but i thought Tobias was an airhead,” someone Before long, the netizens realized how wrong their

perception of Tobias had been. Not only was he well- versed in circuits,

Wynter and Tobias couldn't go into the delivery room until they broke the doors.

There was a piece of sheet music pinned to the wall, and Toblas barely I The padlock fell to the ground, and Wynter and Tobias made their way i There was the usual antiseptic, scalpel, tweezers, gauze, and many oth Still, she paid no mind to any of the tools. Her gaze was fixed on the bot of drugs on the other side of

the table.


noticed this and asked, “What is it? Is something wrong with the drug?”

She hummed in response and picked up one of the bottles. “This is use He froze. “Come again?”

The viewers gasped.

“I thought this was a delivery room! Why would abortion drugs be in ther saying!” a viewer commented belligerently.

“Uh... medical student here. That drug is indeed used for abortions,” an “What the hell? What's going on here?”

“How does she know what that drug is for? Isn't she from a vocational si commented in disbelief.

“Maybe the production crew messed up the medication when they were up for the storyline,” someone guessed.

As the viewers offered the best explanation they could think of, a piercir

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