Chapter 423 Wynter Changed the Hotel's Layout

Ronan had been feeling anxious the entire night.

Despite making a dozen trips up and down the stairwell, he still couldn't The manager

of the housekeeping department rushed around with them as well, yet tf It was so until word spread online that staying at the hotel would result il Only then did he manage to deliver the Evercrest Gem Wynter wanted. Ronan was so worried that he hadn't slept. The first thing he did when h At once, he told her everything he had experienced.

Wynter had exerted herself and was exhausted. In between yawns, she before. Now it’s alright. It has been dealt with.”

It was post

“You knew?" Ronan could understand what Wynter was implying. He de Wynter nodded and said, “Not entirely. Someone else was also respons With the presence of nature's favorite, borrowing their fortune had gone smoothly.

The old man had previously told Wynter that borrowing the world’s fortui Wynter found it quite easy to do. It was, however, somewhat draining. Wynter yawned again. Willing herself to stay awake, she took a sip of cc Ronan was surprised. “You... Does Mr. Quinnell Senior know how impre He thought the families in Kingbourne no longer needed Darrell for fortu “Grandpa can tell a little.” Wynter made no further comment on the subj Ronan looked puzzled. “Underground?”

“Someone is destroying the Quinnell family’s fortune. They set up an alt lots of videos and send them to Grandpa.”

Ronan’s expression shifted at her words.

If they were destroying their fortune, they were not merely targeting the Wynter led Ronan to someplace secluded.

There was also a hotel manager with them.

That manager had worked at the hotel for three or four years, yet he ne It was at a well—

hidden turning point. Moreover, the sewers were further inside, and ther As they walked over, both the manager and Ronan felt cold.

They couldn't figure out where that strange gust of wind came from. Even without Wynter mentioning it, they could tell that the place was ba When the manager noticed a white paper beneath a rock on the ground now.”

He'd only seen such a scene in old films.

The manager never imagined someone would resort to such a method t However, the reason for the

hotel's popularity this time, and their profits turning from negative to pos There was enough evidence to make him believe in fortune predictions. “There's no need. A regular person won't be

able to deal with this.” Wynter's pretty eyes shined. “The layout here nec Though the formation had been broken, resentments would still build uj Furthermore, the layout here created a natural hub for negative energy. with it, it could easily affect the guests staying he

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