The Charismatic Charlie Wade
Chapter 1751-1755

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. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1751 At this moment, Charlie Wade was walking on the streets of Osaka. This time he went out, he still did not let Cameron Isaac and others follow. The reason was that he wanted to take advantage of this time and directly eliminate the remaining three ninjas who were following him. Because Osaka was already the last stop of the business on his trip to Japan, he wanted to quickly get rid of these three followers, and then hurry up to visit Kyoto. He deliberately led the three of Teng Lin Zhengzhe to leave the downtown area, preparing to find a suitable place to start. However, what he didn't expect was that the three people who had been quietly following him two or three hundred meters away suddenly began to turn their heads and walk back. Charlie Wade couldn't help but wondered: “What's the matter? They are not following me anymore, are they aware of something?” “But it shouldn't be. I alone did not show any intention to attack. I have even been completely ignorant of their existence. They have no reason to notice anything abnormal. “Is it because they are in a hurry? Or is it that Takahashi gave up letting them follow me?” Thinking of this, Charlie Wade sighed, turned around, and started following these three people in turn. He didn't want to leave any hidden dangers for himself. After all, these ninjas have been with him for so long. If he let them go like this, the ghost knows if they will come back again? Even, the ghosts knew that after they left Japan, they would follow Aurouss Hilll to make trouble for themselves? Aurouss Hill has his own wife, Claire Wilson Wilson, who is her own weakness, saying nothing can put her in danger! So, today, let these three people keep their lives! Teng Lin Zhengzhe never thought that Charlie Wade would follow them in turn. He always felt that Charlie Wade should not have noticed their existence, so now he took the two juniors and ran all the way to the hotel. It's getting late now. It's impossible to get from Osaka to Tokyo by Shinkansen or airplanes, so the best way is to drive all the way. If you drive fast, you can reach Tokyo in five or six hours. Therefore, they have to go back to the hotel to pick up the car, and then set off quickly to Tokyo. The three people walked in a hurry all the way and arrived at the hotel quickly. At the entrance of the hotel, Teng Lin Zhengzhe said: “Second, you come back to the room with me to pack things, and third, you go to the basement to pick up the car and wait at the entrance of the hotel We will come down and meet you soon!” "Okay!" The old third nodded, and the three men were divided into two groups. The two used the elevator to go upstairs to the room and simply packed the soft and monitoring equipment, and one took the elevator to the underground garage to pick up the car. As soon as Teng Lin Zhengzhe entered the elevator, he hurriedly called to report to Takahashi Zhenzhi. As soon as the phone call, he hurriedly said respectfully: “Mr. Takahashi, we will leave for Tokyo in five minutes, and we are expected to arrive in more than four hours! Please stay at home during these few hours. , Wait for everything to be said after we arrive.” Takahashi said in a panic: “Tenglin, I asked someone to inquire about it. It is said that the other party's methods are very fierce, and even the sarin gas is used. This is a f*cking lunatic! I am afraid of them now. Start with me, how many masters does your Tenglin family have in Tokyo? Quickly let them all come to my house to protect me!” Teng Lin Zhengzhe hurriedly said: “Mr. Takahashi, we don’t have much manpower available in Tokyo now, because the remaining manpower has been sent to Kyoto and is staring at Nanako Ito. Should I tell them to rush back? * Machi Takahashi hesitated for a moment, and then said: “No need! Leave them in Kyoto! As long as they can control Nanako Ito, I still have the capital to mediate with Ito Yuhiko! You can't put eggs in the same cage! ” Teng Lin Zhengzhe immediately said: “Okay, then the three of us will go back first. We must protect your safety!” At the same time, Teng Lin Zhengzhe's third junior brother also got out of the elevator on the second basement floor and rushed all the way to the front of the car. As soon as he unlocked the door to get into the car, he felt a sudden force of force grabbing his neck directly from behind! Immediately afterwards, he saw someone using a shuriken to withstand his throat! Moreover, he knows this shuriken! It is his little brother Tenglin Quintongtian owns! He murmured in panic in his heart: “Could it be that this person is the one who killed the younger brother?!” He was shocked and blurted out: “Big brother for your life! Don't kill me!” Charlie Wade said coldly: “If you want to survive, just do as I say!" The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1752 He hurriedly nodded his head like smashing garlic: “I listen to you, don't be impulsive, this shuriken is smeared with poison, even if it breaks a little, it won't be saved...” At this moment. After Teng Lin Zhengzhe and the second younger brother quickly packed some important items, they took the elevator to the hotel lobby. They didn't even have time to check out, just thinking about getting in the car and returning to Tokyo. However, when they went out, they found that their car was not waiting here. Teng Lin Zhengzhe cursed: “Damn, the third bastard, what are you doing! Give him a call!” The second younger brother immediately took out his mobile phone, called, and cursed: “Lao San, what are you doing? Why haven't you come out!” At the request of Charlie Wade, the third child said: “Second brother, one of the tires is flat. I guess it's punctured. I'm jogging. I'm about to change my spare tire. Why don’t you come down and help me? I" “Damn!” The second junior brother said to Teng Lin Zhengzhe: “Brother, one of the tires may be punctured. I'll change it for him.” Teng Lin Zhengzhe nodded and exhorted: “You two move faster!” underground garage The third child who was held by Charlie Wade's shuriken against his neck, pleaded: “Brother, I have called according to your instructions, can you spare my life..." Charlie Wade smiled slightly: “You did a good job, I will let you suffer less!” After speaking, before he recovered, Charlie Wade slammed his hand on his neck! Hearing a click, the person's neck was broken in an instant, and the whole person lost all consciousness at this moment and turned into a corpse. After that, Charlie Wade did not hesitate, and immediately moved his body to the side of the car, with his back facing the front of the car, as if he was checking the backstage. And Charlie Wade himself, behind the car next door, hid his breath, waiting for the next fish to be caught. At this time, the second child ran over violently. Due to the irritability, the whole person's vigilance was reduced a lot. Seeing that the third child was still squatting on the tires of the car, he was suddenly out of breath. He ran over quickly, slapped the back of the youngest's head, and cursed: “Asshole! You are here to watch? Don't you know how to get the spare tire and jack out first?!” After finishing speaking, I saw the youngest body, swayed by a slap, and fell to the ground. The second child saw his eyes suddenly open and staring at him, and he was immediately frightened! At this moment, he realized that the three of their brothers and sisters had also been targeted! Moreover, it is very likely that the gang who killed the fourth Teng Lin Quintongtian was eyeing them! Thinking of this, he flees with fright. But when he turned around, a man suddenly appeared in front of him! This black shadow stretched out a hand at a very fast speed and pinched his neck tightly! The second younger brother of Teng Lin Zhengzhe couldn't breathe instantly. But at this time, he also saw the man in front of him clearly. Isn't this person the same Chinese who followed his four brothers all the way from Tokyo? ! At this moment, the second child's mind was almost exploded! He exclaimed in astonishment in his heart: “Could it be it the Chinese who killed the fourth and third son?! Could it be that...has he been teasing us all the time?!” When he was extremely frightened, Charlie Wade wiped a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said playfully, “My buddy, what are you doing?” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1753 “I...I...cough cough cough...” The second child who was pinched around his neck immediately turned blue. He wanted to talk, but he couldn't say anything except one word for me. He looked at Charlie Wade with frightened and pleading eyes, hoping that Charlie Wade could leave him a way out. But Charlie Wade said calmly: “People don't offend me, and I don't offend people. You guys started in Tokyo and followed and eavesdropped all the way, with the intention of killing me before I left Japan. Do you think I might let you go?” The face of Teng Lin Zhengzhe's second junior brother was already full of despair. Charlie Wade said calmly: “Okay, let's have a good time.” After speaking, with a gentle force on his hand, he heard a crisp sound from the opponent's neck, and the person completely lost his vitality. Later, Charlie Wade stuffed the bodies of the second and third children into the trunk, as if these two people had never appeared here. After doing all this, Charlie Wade took out his mobile phone and called Cameron Isaac: “Let your men drive the frozen car to the door of the hotel.” Teng Lin Zhengzhe, who was at the entrance of the hotel, waited for nearly ten minutes, and he was anxious before the two of them drove out. Although it is a little troublesome to change tires, it is impossible for two people to get better together for so long, right? He took out his cell phone and called the third child. No one answered the phone. Immediately afterwards, he called his second child again, but the call was still unanswered. No one answered the phone calls of the two of them, which is really abnormal and excessive! There was a strong sense of crisis in Teng Lin Zhengzhe's heart. Thinking of the death of the fourth oldest Teng Lin Quintongtian, he felt a chill in his back! “Could it be that we have been targeted by people now?!” “Will the second and third child have suffered an accident?!” Thinking of this, he subconsciously wanted to turn around and go to the basement to see what happened. However, as soon as he took two steps, he stopped immediately. “If the second and third children really encounter unexpected events, then the opponent's strength is definitely not something I can handle...” “It seems that at the moment it can only be a thirty-six plan!” Thinking of this, the flustered Teng Lin Zhengzhe turned and prepared to leave the scene quickly. He wanted to leave this place of right and wrong first, and after making sure that no one was following him, he would find a way to leave Osaka. but..... At the moment he suddenly turned around to leave, he suddenly ran into a man full of arms. At this moment, he was in a panic, and he didn’t have the usual calm and alertness. He didn't even look at the person he had hit. He bowed his head and said I'm sorry, and wanted to leave quickly. But at this moment, he suddenly felt his arm being pulled by the other party, and then he heard a familiar voice asking: “Mr. Teng Lin, where are you going in such a hurry?” The moment Teng Lin Zhengzhe heard Charlie Wade's voice, his whole body trembled violently! He listened to Charlie Wade in a hotel in Nagoya, so he recognized this voice all at once! When he looked up subconsciously, he saw Charlie Wade looking at him with a smile on his face. Teng Lin Zhengzhe asked in horror: “ do you..." The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1754 Charlie Wade smiled and asked, “You want to ask, how can I know your identity?” Teng Lin Zhengzhe stared at Charlie Wade with wide eyes: “ always know?!" Charlie Wade nodded and said with a smile: “Of course I know!" “This is impossible!” "What's impossible? Blame it on your Japanese ninja's strength, it's really a bit powerful.” Teng Lin Zhengzhe was struck by lightning. He blurted out and asked, “Is my junior brother killed by you?!" Charlie Wade nodded generously and said, “Yes, it's me.” After speaking, Charlie Wade added: “Your second and third junior brothers were also killed by me. Their bodies are now lying in your trunk.” “Asshole!” Teng Lin Zhengzhe roared, and immediately, from the cuff of his left hand, a dagger suddenly fell out of his left hand. Immediately afterwards, he concentrated all his power on his left hand, and suddenly stab Charlie Wade with all his strength. Seeing his movements, Charlie Wade smiled slightly, still holding his right arm with one hand, and holding his left wrist with the other hand in a calm manner. Teng Lin Zhengzhe didn't expect that Charlie Wade's strength was surprisingly great, and his left hand was so grasped by him that he couldn't move at all. Charlie Wade saw his face full of shock and smiled and said, “Mr. Teng Lin, don't be so nervous. If you give up resistance, you can suffer a lot less sin when you are on the road later!” Teng Lin Zhengzhe's whole body seemed to be thunderous, and he said in horror: “Sir! I am under orders from Takahashi, he let me follow you, please forgive me...” Charlie Wade smiled and said: “You always have to pay back when you come out. You have to tie your head to your waistband. Who can you blame if you drop it?” Teng Lin Zhengzhe blurted out: “As long as you don't kill me, I am willing to help you kill Takahashi Zhenzhi and avenge you!” “No need.” Charlie Wade said coldly: “The thing I don't like most in my life is you, a domestic slave of the three surnames who sells for glory. You are dead anyway. If you die with a little heart and backbone, I will count you. It's a man.” Teng Lin Zhengzhe choked and said, “Sir, don't you have an old Chinese saying that it is better to die than to live? Even if you are a dog, it is worse than death...” Charlie Wade smiled lightly: “Being my dog, you are not worthy.” Having said that, Charlie Wade squeezed the meridian of his wrist and used a burst of vigor, and followed his meridians to destroy his meridians! Teng Lin Zhengzhe only felt that his legs suddenly softened, and then his whole body had lost support, as if all the strength of his body had been vacuumed at this moment. He was horrified and didn't know what was the reason or what was good, when a refrigerated container truck stopped by the roadside. Cameron Isaac's men ran off the car and said respectfully to Charlie Wade: “Master, what do you want?” Charlie Wade smiled slightly, and supported the weakened Teng Lin Zhengzhe, and said to Cameron Isaac's subordinate: “My friend is drinking too much. You can get him into your car. He still has two friends. I have someone drive it out.” The man nodded immediately, taking over Teng Lin Zhengzhe and preparing to carry him into the passenger compartment of the refrigerated car. Teng Lin Zhengzhe was shocked, and blurted out: “Where are you taking me?!” Charlie Wade smiled and said, “Look, your whole body is already soft and muddy now. This does not fit the characteristics of your Japanese ninjas. Are you Japanese ninjas with forbearance and hard as iron? 1 will put you in the container later. Frozen in the car for a few hours, so you can get back the hardness of the ninja!” "What?! Freezing?!” Teng Lin Zhengzhe begged desperately: “This gentleman, I beg you, I really don't want to die, I don't want to die...” After speaking, he couldn't help looking into the distance, watching the pedestrians on the side of the road shouting: “Help...Help..." However, in the next second, he realized that not only did he lose strength all over his body, but his voice became extremely weak. Although I was hoarse, this sound, I am afraid that people two meters away will not hear any movement... At this moment, Cameron Isaac also ran over. He came to Charlie Wade and hurriedly asked: "Master, what is your business?” Charlie Wade handed him a car key and said: “There is a commercial car in parking lot 094 in the basement, and there are two ninjas in the trunk. You drive the car out, and go to a safe place with the freezer car. Put the people in the trunk, and the guy in the co-pilot, into the freezer, and then send the four ice sculptures to the gate of Takahashi Machi's house in Tokyo for Machi Takahashi to sign for it!” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1755 Five hours later. The sky is getting brighter. In the sky of Tokyo, there was a touch of white fish. A new day has begun. Many people wake up from a deep sleep, but many people never sleep. The night that just passed, the entire Tokyo was almost turned upside down. The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department dispatched all, and even seconded a large number of people from several nearby small cities. Not only did they find an earth-shaking situation in Tokyo, they also closed all the roads leading from Tokyo to the outside and set up cards for every vehicle leaving the city. Strictly searched, just to find the whereabouts of the Banks brother and sister. Overnight, the entire Tokyo was under total martial law! The keen media has already received news that the eldest grandson and eldest granddaughter of China's first family were kidnapped in Tokyo, and dozens of entourages were killed. The explosion of this kind of news is unprecedented! In the past, Tokyo has also encountered terrorist attacks and major criminal cases, but there has never been such a bad nature! You know, the Banks Familyy is the richest and most powerful family in China. They encountered such a serious criminal case in Japan, the nature of which even surpassed Bill Gates’ kidnapping in Tokyo. The Banks Familyy also spent half the night in Tokyo. This time, not only did the Banks Familyy have hundreds of hidden masters, but Zayne also came personally. The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department attached great importance to the arrival of Zayne, and the director personally invited him to the Metropolitan Police Department to inform him of the investigation process of this case. The so-called detection process of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is actually to bring Machi Takahashi and Takehiko Ito to the Metropolitan Police Department for interrogation. Because in their opinion, both of them are suspect. Moreover, the two people feel that it must be the other party's so-called, and they are harming themselves at the same time. Ito Yuhiko felt that Takahashi must have deliberately wanted to use this incident to pour dirty water on the Ito family, so that the Banks Familyy can completely eradicate the Ito family; Maki Takahashi felt that Yuhiko Ito must have felt that he couldn't get the cooperation of the Banks Familyy and deliberately wanted to frame himself, so he left a ninja dart of the Tenglin family on the scene. This clearly shows that it is planting and setting the blame! The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is also at a loss. In their view, although the two men seemed to have certain motives, the Metropolitan Police Department could not find any substantive evidence. The only evidence is the ninja dart left on the scene. This ninja dart really belongs to the Tenglin family, and the Tenglin family is attached to the Takahashi family. This is something everyone in Tokyo's upper class knows, and the Metropolitan Police Department naturally knows it. However, this evidence is somewhat abrupt. Because, no one was injured by the ninja dart at the scene where the ninja dart was found. The murderer was so professional that he killed more than a dozen people without leaving a living mouth. Why did he leave a ninja dart that was useless at all? This is likely to be a blindfold left by the other party. Therefore, the Chief of the Metropolitan Police Department said to Zayne: “Mr. Banks, we have to continue to investigate this matter. After all, it is difficult to explain the problem with a ninja dart alone, and it is very likely that the other party left us behind to confuse us. Smoke bombs!” Zayne said with a black face to the director of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department: “I don't care if it is a smoke bomb! If the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department can find my son and daughter within 24 hours, and ensure their safety, this I can no longer pursue the matter to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, but if it exceeds 24 hours, or if there is any accident to my son or daughter, I will definitely announce the matter to the world! Let the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department completely discredit you!" The head of the Metropolitan Police Department is as big as a fight.

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