The Charismatic Charlie Wade
Chapter 1446-1450

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. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1446 Charlie Wade stretched out his right hand to cover half of his face, he really didn’t know how to respond to his stupid old man. At this time, Jacob Wilson pressed the answer button, and said in a casual way: “Hey, Claire Wilson Wilson, I have come back with Charlie Wade.” Just listen to Claire Wilson Wilson's angry voice from the back seat: “Dad! You really disappointed me!” Jacob Wilson let out a terrified cry. The phone fell off his hand and fell into a gap. He didn't care about picking up the phone, and looked back at Claire Wilson Wilson in horror: “Chu...Claire Wilson Wilson????? You...Why are you in the car?” Claire Wilson Wilson asked angrily: “Why can't I be in the car? If I'm not in the car, I don't know that you have cheated!” Jacob Wilson suddenly seemed to be stepped on his tail, and blurted out, “Oh, don't talk nonsense at first, when did I cheat?” Claire Wilson Wilson said: “You and that Matilda are already at the point where you can send such an expensive gift to each other, and you are carrying your mother on your back, dating and having dinner in private. What is this not cheating?” Jacob Wilson hurriedly said, “This is not cheating! Matilda and I are very respectful, and have never crossed boundaries for half a step. Besides, your mother and I are separated and have no feelings. Divorce is a matter of time, even if It's really cheating, that can't be called cheating, that's the beginning of a new relationship!” “" Claire Wilson Wilson's angry little face flushed, and her eyes were tearful and said, "How can you do this! I always think you are a good father and husband. But I did not expect that you have become so excessive now. You have been with mom for more than 20 years. For more than 20 years of ups and downs, even if there is no love, family affection is always there, right? You must at least give mom at least Your respect is right!” Jacob Wilson explained: “I didn't disrespect her. If I disrespect her, I would have reconciled with you Matilda. It is because I respect her that I have to divorce her formally, and then just follow you. Matilda is together!” Claire Wilson Wilson cried and asked, “Why do you have to divorce your mother and be with that Matilda? Do you know that this practice is immoral? Does that Matilda know that being a third party, Is it immoral to get involved in someone else's marriage?!” Jacob Wilson was also anxious, and blurted out: “Your Matilda is not the third party! Your mother is the third party!” Claire Wilson Wilson was stunned: “Dad, what are you talking about?!" Jacob Wilson said coldly: “I'm not talking nonsense! I should have been with your Matilda! Back then, if your mother was not involved in the third party and took me to the guest house to open a room after I was drunk, how could your Matilda leave me? go with?” After that, Jacob Wilson was very excited and continued: “Claire Wilson Wilson, do you know how shame your mother was doing things back then? She and your Matilda are roommates and best friends! And me? I am her best friend's boyfriend! But she actually had sex with me while I was drunk, and even ran to show off with your Matilda, forcing your Matilda to leave the country back then, and then forced me to marry her by getting pregnant with you, she is the third party who has no morals!” When Claire Wilson Wilson heard this, she was completely stunned! She heard from her mother that Dad had a first love back then, but when Mom talked about that first love, she always said that she was a vixen, but she never explained what happened between them. Therefore, I have always thought that my parents are in love together normally, but there was a short wave in the middle. However, after hearing what my dad said today, I realized that it turned out that it was her mother who got involved in the relationship between dad and another women... This completely overturned her understanding of the feelings and love between her parents over the past two decades... The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1447 Just when Claire Wilson Wilson was dumbfounded and didn’t know how to respond for a while. Jacob Wilson, who was in the co-pilot, was so aggrieved that he burst into tears and choked up: “Back then, your mother and I could say that they had no emotional foundation. To speak a conscience, I haven't even talked to her before getting drunk that night. I haven't said a few words. You should be able to see that your Matilda is much better than your mother in all aspects. It is impossible for a normal man to give up your Matilda and choose her. I'm totally forced to be helpless!” With that said, Jacob Wilson looked out the window with a sad look, and said with a bit of pain: “At the beginning, I had planned the life after graduation with your Matilda. We are going to study in the United States together after graduation. You should I know that it was very popular to go abroad that year, everyone sharpened their heads and drilled out. What we both thought at the time was that if the development in the United States is more appropriate, then we will get married and settle in the United States, and then we will have a high-end talent immigrant. The plan is very clear, it can be said to be bright...” “But, what's the result? As a result, because I drank too much wine at the party, your mother took advantage of it and forced your Matilda away, ruined my life's happiness, and ruined all my life plans! * “Why haven't I been motivated and confused for so many years? I stay at home all day long, and I can't see the appearance of a famous university graduate? Isn't it because your mother ruined my life trajectory at the beginning, let me see I lost the direction and motivation to work hard!" Having said this, Jacob Wilson's emotions could no longer be stretched, and he cried loudly: “This is only in my life. If it is ruined, it can no longer be remedied. What about you? All you see is that your mother seems to be wronged. But have you ever thought about how I have lived over the past twenty years? What's my mood?” Claire Wilson Wilson also cried silently. She really did not expect that her father had been so wronged over the years. Even the life trajectory that was originally set has undergone earth-shaking changes because of the intervention of the mother's third party. Originally, my father and Matilda might go to the United States for further studies, get married, and become social leaders. But later, after my father and mother got married, they became a waste in the eyes of grandma, and an waste who couldn't help. Later, Dad also gave up resistance altogether and led a leisurely life every day. Of course, this was due to his own failure to make progress, but on the whole it was caused by the intervention of a third party from his mother. To be fair, Mom ruined Dad for a lifetime. He turned him from a vigorous college student into a greasy decadent middle-aged man. In the past two decades, my father must have been very wronged, but he had never mentioned these words to her before. Moreover, my mother’s character is so aggressive, and she is the initiator of the whole thing. My dad must not be able to talk to her, so in this family, dad has no one to complain. Then these grievances, he should be alive in his stomach. Twenty years! Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel wronged for her father. So, she sobbed and comforted: “Dad, don't cry, it's my fault. I didn’t figure out what was going on, so I blamed you indiscriminately, sorry...” Jacob Wilson rubbed his eyes and sighed deeply, “Hey... Dad didn't want you to apologize to me, Dad just wanted your understanding.” Claire Wilson Wilson nodded lightly, and sighed: “I won't go too much about your business in the future. 1 just hope you can handle these relationships well.” For Claire Wilson Wilson now, she knows the story and can no longer prevent her father from contacting Matilda. However, she is Elaine Ma's biological daughter after all. Out of respect for her mother and the family of three, she Nor can she clearly support her father to pursue Matilda. Therefore, she feels that the only thing she can do now is to stop worrying about things between her parents Whether it was their grievances back then or the entanglement they are now, they never bothered. Jacob Wilson did not expect his daughter to be able to support him with a clear-cut stand and not to interfere. It was already the best result he could think of. So he was excited and said, “Oh, Claire Wilson Wilson, you can do this. Dad is really too Thank you!” Claire Wilson Wilson sighed softly and said, “Dad, the watch that Matilda gave you, you shouldn't wear it when you are at home, lest Mom sees it and asks what's going on.” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1448 “Understand!” Jacob Wilson nodded excitedly, and continued: “I will never wear this watch at home in the future!” Although Charlie Wade on the side had not spoken, but when he heard this, he was a little relieved for Jacob Wilson. It's really not easy for him to be an old man. In fact, the reason why he has tolerated Elaine Ma for so many years was mainly because of Claire Wilson Wilson. If it weren't for his daughter, he couldn't always bear it, so it can be seen from here that his old husband is not useless, at least his paternal love for Claire Wilson Wilson is still very great. Moreover, even when he was questioned by Claire Wilson Wilson, he never said that the grievances over the past two decades were due to Elaine Ma's suffering, and he was worthy of the four words of father's love. Back to Thompson First, Charlie Wade was about to drive into the community, and suddenly saw Nanako Ito standing at the gate of the community wearing a hood. Although the hood covered her face, Charlie Wade could still determine that this woman was Nanako Ito based on her body shape, hairstyle and feeling. Seeing that she was driving closer, Nanako Ito first took a few steps to her side subconsciously, but she probably saw Jacob Wilson and Claire Wilson Wilson in the car, so she stopped again. Charlie Wade knew that his wife and old husband were in the car, and couldn't stop to greet her or ask her what to do with her, so he could only drive in the car first, thinking about making an excuse later, and come out to have a look. The car returned to Thompson First's villa. Before Charlie Wade's car stopped, Jacob Wilson had already put away the watch given by Matilda. After the car stopped, he hurriedly pushed the door and got out of the car to hide the watch in his BMW. Seeing this, Claire Wilson Wilson couldn't help but sighed softly, and said to Charlie Wade in a low voice: “Suddenly I feel that my father is so pitiful...He must have been wronged for so many years, right?” Charlie Wade nodded and said, “Dad, he has been suppressed for twenty-six or seven years, and he might have collapsed long ago when he changed to someone else.” Claire Wilson Wilson asked him: “Did you know these things a long time ago? You don't seem surprised at all to me?” Charlie Wade said: “The last time I accompanied my dad to his alma mater to attend a class reunion, I heard others talk about it.” Claire Wilson Wilson nodded suddenly, and asked him: “Then why don't you tell me...” Charlie Wade said helplessly: “Just after this incident, she disappeared in an accident. At that time, you seemed to have lost your soul, and you just wanted to find your mother. How could I add trouble to you?” Claire Wilson Wilson nodded slightly, and sighed again. Charlie Wade thought of Nanako Ito at the door, and said, “You and Dad will go in first, and I will go out.” Claire Wilson Wilson asked curiously, “Why are you going out so late?” Charlie Wade said, “I'm going to buy some liver-protecting tablets for Dad. Didn't he drink alcohol!” Claire Wilson Wilson said, “Let me go.” Charlie Wade waved his hand: “You go in with your dad. If Mom nags him again, you can help reconcile a little bit!" The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1449 When Charlie Wade came out of the villa, there was no shadow of Nanako Ito at the door. He looked around for a few times, but Nanako Ito was not found. This made Charlie Wade couldn't help wondering, his own feeling just now was not wrong. Although the girl was wearing a mask, he was sure that she was Nanako Ito. Since she came to Thompson First, she must have come to find herself, why did she suddenly disappear? Thinking of this, Charlie Wade couldn't help sighing, but he really couldn't figure out the brain circuit of this Japanese girl. At this time, Nanako Ito was hiding in a milk tea shop, looking at Charlie Wade from a distance. Seeing that Charlie Wade seemed a little stunned, she also felt a strange feeling somewhere in her heart. She did come to Charlie Wade tonight, and the final was about to come. She also knew that it would be difficult for her to win Aurora, and she might even be injured in the game Her master and her family didn't want her to continue participating in the finals. However, she felt that a qualified martial artist could not be as strong as others, but her willpower would never be able to defeat the opponent, so she decided to continue participating in the competition and at the same time be prepared to be injured in the competition. For this reason, her father sent a special plane and a top Japanese medical team. This team will be on the spot in the finals. If Nanako Ito is injured in the game, they will immediately rescue them and ride at the same time. The special plane sent her to Tokyo for treatment within three hours. So, in that case, after he was on the field, he probably wouldn't have the chance to meet Charlie Wade, so Nanako Ito thought, and come over to see him again tonight. However, she did not expect that she was waiting at the door of Thompson First just now. Seeing Charlie Wade driving back, she discovered that there was still a very beautiful woman sitting in the back seat of the car. This made her suddenly realize that that woman It must be Charlie Wade's wife. At that moment, she felt a little lost in her heart, and felt that she shouldn't bother a married man, so she prepared to go back to the hotel. But even though she was about to leave, she still wanted to know if Charlie Wade had seen herself or would come out to see herself, so she ordered a cup of milk tea at this milk tea shop and sat down. In Nanako Ito's heart, the feeling about Charlie Wade was very complicated. Because he abolished her mentor, I blamed him a bit and felt that he was too cruel; Because he is extremely powerful, and I admire him a little bit, I think he is the real martial arts master; Because he scolded himself badly last time, he felt a bit ashamed in front of him, and even his aura and inner strength would be affected by him, so that when she thought of him, her heart would always be soft. It's just that she doesn’t know that this soft feeling is more like a crush and admiration. She received a rigorous aristocratic education since she was a child, and she has excellent psychological quality. But recently, whenever she thinks of Charlie Wade, her heartbeat speeds up hard for her to sustain herself. Even if Charlie Wade is not in front of her, she still feels nervous, and her heart is like a small deer. At this moment, even looking at Charlie Wade from a distance, he still felt his heartbeat speed up. Moreover, when she saw Charlie Wade's expression somewhat regrettable, she felt a burst of joy in her heart. Just as when I was in the ring, seeing Charlie Wade's eyes with a bit of distress, made her very satisfied. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1450 So she hurriedly said to the boss: “Boss, add another cup of milk tea.” The boss said: “Miss, we are about to close, and the clerk is off work. I can’t make milk tea now, sorry.” “Okay.” Nanako Ito nodded helplessly. At this moment, he suddenly saw Charlie Wade walking towards the right side of the gate of Thompson First's first product, so she hurriedly held his milk tea and ran out. Charlie Wade thought that Nanako Ito was gone, so he planned to go to the drugstore to buy a box of liver-protecting tablets for the old man to go back for business. When he came to the door of the pharmacy, he discovered that a huge poster was hung at the door of the pharmacy. Stefanie, who was beautiful, was holding Oracle Nova Dias. There was also a slogan written by her hand: “New Chinese Medicine, New Domestic Products,” I trust Oracle Nova Dias!" Below, there is her personal signature. Charlie Wade stepped into the drugstore and found that several people were consulting the salesperson: “Hey, girl, I want the Oracle Nova Dias endorsed by Stefanie, bring me a box!” “Give me a box too!" “l also want!” The salesperson smiled and asked, “You all bought them back for collection, right?” "How do you know?" one of the men asked in surprise: “Are you also a fan of Stefanie?” “That's right!” The salesperson smiled: “I am a fan of Stefanie. I bought Oracle Nova Dias today. Almost all of them are her fans. After all, this is the first time she endorses an actual product, which is quite collectible. * After speaking, the salesperson said again: “I heard that this medicine is quite effective, and it has a good effect on various discomforts of the spleen and stomach. You can buy it as a stock medicine.” A young man who got a whole box of Oracle Nova Dias said: “I am going to store this box as a whole, but I am not willing to open it and eat it. I will buy it later when I need it. Collect a copy first!" When Charlie Wade saw this, he couldn't help being surprised. I really didnt expect that Stefanie's influence could be so strong that fans would flock to buy the products she endorsed and go back to collect them. Just when he was surprised, a few more people came to buy Oracle Nova Dias, at least one box, and even ten boxes in excess. After finally waiting for the people who bought Nova Dias to leave, Charlie Wade stepped to the counter and said, “Thank you, please bring me a box of liver protection tablets.” The salesperson nodded, took a box of liver-protecting tablets and handed it to him, and said, “Hello, 39.8 Dollar.” Charlie Wade gave a hum, scanned the code to pay, and then came out of the drugstore with the liver-protecting tablets. When he went out, he was looking down at the ingredients in this liver-protecting tablet, and he thought to himself that many men nowadays have a drink at the bar, and alcohol hurts the liver. No matter how much you drink, it will damage your liver. Therefore, liver-protecting drugs should have a large market space in the world. There are many classic prescriptions that have been lost in the "Apocalyptic Book”, including not only the prescriptions for the stomach powder, but also the prescriptions for protecting the liver. After the Nova Dias powder becomes popular, you can launch the Oracle liver protection tablets. As he was thinking about it, he suddenly realized that there was a figure rushing in front of him. He subconsciously mobilized his whole body and prepared himself for a defensive counterattack. But he fixed his eyes and saw that he was standing in front of him wearing a hood. Nanako Ito with eyes like a bright moon. He was a little surprised at once, thinking that the girl was gone, but he didn’t expect her to be here. At this time, Nanako Ito was ashamed and nervous. She looked at Charlie Wade's face up close, and suddenly she didn't know what to say, so her brain became hot, and she passed the milk tea in her hand to him, and said with a smile: “Charlie Wade, please drink milk tea!”

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