Chapter 383

He wasn't one for sweet nothings or grand declarations of love. Instead, he showed his feelings through his actions.

Aurelia wasn't so sure Time, she knew, was the greatest eroder of feelings.

Too many couples failed to overcome the infamous seven-year itch. They had managed to make it through three years, which was an achievement in itself

“I don’t know how much longer our fate will hold us together. We'll just have to leave it to destiny.” Leopold didn't care for her pessimistic attitude, and it seemed she was always preparing to leave him.

“We're bound for a lifetime.”

A hint of melancholy surfaced on Aurelia’s face. Her rivals were numerous, and some of them, like Megan, even haunted them from beyond the grave.

“Are you really going on a business trip the day after tomorrow?” She smoothly changed the topic. His lips curled up into a devilish smile, “Ill be back to keep you company at night.”

She shot him a side glance, pretending to be annoyed, “With you gone, I have the whole bed to myself. It's spacious and comfortable.”

He felt sad about those words, because in his view, she had agreed to live with him so she could visit Arnold in the hospital.

She didn't need him, but he needed her. Without her, he would suffer from insomnia. Only with her in his arms could he sleep peacefully “If you think the bed’s too small, we can get a bigger one.” Aurelia choked and said, “I was just joking.”

With swift motion, Leopold pulled her into his strong arms, “Whether you like it or not, I'll always be by your side. You'll have to get used to it.

His tone was domineering as if there was no room for negotiation.

Aurelia pouted. It wasn't too bad having him by her side. It was just that his vigor was too much. He would have sex with her day and night. She was genuinely concerned that he would exhaust her physically. After all, women could also suffer from fatigue.

Her soft body was pressed against his. He could feel her heart fluttering against his chest, which instantly set him on edge.

"We should go back to our room

His deep eyes were aflame with desire. Aurelia quickly understood his intentions and tried to escape, “I need to take care of Kane.”

Leopold never gave her a chance to run. He swept her up in his arms and carried her towards the garden. To him, she was like a ripe peach, sweet and juicy, irresistible and never enough.

Once in their room, he placed her on the couch. She tried to struggle, but he was on top of her in an instant

Before him, she was a defenseless lamb, utterly at his mercy. She tried to push him away in frustration, “You beast... Before she could finish, he silenced her with a kiss

He rather liked being a beast to her.

By the time dinner came around, she was finally released.

She was so exhausted that her legs were trembling in the wake of their fervent intimacy. To make matters worse, their protection had


“After dinner, I'll go buy some medicine.”

“What kind of medicine?” His hand was still playing idly with her chest, reluctant to let go. The feeling of having her under his control was simply too good.

She pushed his hand away and started to get dressed.

“Obviously, the morning-after pill” She didn't want to get pregnant.

Leopold frowned slightly, “You shouldn't take that. It's too hard on your health.”

Aurelia was speechless, “If I don't take it, we might end up dealing with nine months of consequences. Isn't that even scarier?”

His hand settled on her flat belly and said, “We should still be in the safe period.”

“And how do you know that?” she retorted.

“I remember.” He replied in a serious tone.

He had an edelic memory, so he remembered her cycle perfectly.

apter 384

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