Chapter 214

“I've never breached our agreement.”

Aurelia initially had no intention of keeping the money; she just wanted to maintain a shred of her dignity.

But now, she’s changed her mind.

Why not take it? Money talks, after all.

With money, you can do a lot of things. You can protect those you care for, give your business a boost...

Since Mercury has given her a sure-fire way to win, why not seize it? She's not a fool, is she?

And even if she refuses the money, the big boss won't think highly of her. He might even suspect her of having ulterior motives!

Leopold's eyes held a shadow of gloom. She hadn't violated their agreement, but she had consistently ignored his restrictions. She was slippery.

“Playing coy in front of me won't work. Remember that!”

"Got it.” She grimaced. It was like walking on eggshells around him. She couldn't wait to have the babies, take the money, and skedaddle.

Once the painting was dry, Leopold hung it in the most prominent spot in the living room. He seemed to quite like it.

In Aurelia’s view, what he truly liked was his “finishing strokes".

“From now on, the father must never be absent from any family paintings!” He turned around, looking at her sternly, his tone domineering.

Aurelia was taken aback. Couldn't she, as the mother, have a bit more presence?

It's not like all family activities necessitated the father’s participation!

Pulling a face, she nodded obediently. “Understood.”

Sigh, an egg can't crack a diamond. Better to admit defeat!

Just then, Leopold's phone rang. It was Evelyn. “Leo, let's go to the yacht party at Rose Coast tomorrow together?”

“Sure, I'll pick you up.”

Aurelia pretended not to hear, sitting down on the sofa and picking up the water glass from the coffee table. She had caught a glimpse of the caller ID and knew it was Evelyn. They were definitely going on a date tomorrow.

Her heart sank inexplicably. She quickly took a sip of water to dilute and wash away the emotion she shouldn't be feeling.

After hanging up, Leopold picked up his jacket from the sofa. “I have something to do this afternoon. I'm leaving first.”

“Oh.” She responded softly.

True to form, the man's heart was stolen away by a single phone call from his dear Evelyn. He couldn't wait for their date tomorrow, eager to meet up.

Hearing the door close, she turned to look at the painting on the wall, a bitter smile creeping onto her lips.

In this painting, the most redundant person was her.

Getting up from the sofa, she walked into her room and packed a few clothes. Since Leopold wouldn't be back, she decided to spend the weekend with her family..

Sunday was the recording of the new episode of “Dream for Young".

The moment Avery arrived at the TV station, he saw Bonnie.

They used to be the golden couple of their university. He was a tall, handsome heartthrob, as she was a beautiful and innocent sweetheart. Together, they were the epitome of a fairy tale romance. Unfortunately, their relationship was too fragile, unable to withstand hardship.

Avery's gaze slid past her face, and he walked away without a word.

“Avery!” She ran after him, but his assistant, Leah, quickly stepped in. “I'm sorry, but Avery needs to get ready. He doesn't want any distractions.”

Bonnie bit her lip, watching Avery's retreating figure. Her heart ached unbearably.

She never thought that Avery would recover, let alone get such good resources. He was now on everyone's radar in the entertainment industry. Not only was Avery handsome and talented, he was also inspiring, popular with both men and women, the old and the young!

Just then, Evan's voice rang out behind her. “Avery, that's your ex-girlfriend. You're being pretty cold, aren't you? Don't tell me you've forgotten about your old love now that you have a new flame?”

He raised his voice on purpose, making sure the surrounding paparazzi would hear.

With Avery's rising popularity, Evan was filled with jealousy. He wouldn't miss an opportunity to bring Avery down.

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